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Expanding sharing functions in Dropbox

Creativity | 2011. 3. 29. 00:37 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건 lets you quickly and elegantly present files on the web. Files are automatically organized in an easy-to-scan thumbnail view, with optimized views for different types of media, including images, audio, and audio folders, as well as polished icons for a variety of file types. You can create either public or secure, private shares.



With this 'VIEWS.FM', you can expand your Dropbox sharing functions to the extent that you would like to share.

You can easily share or unshare your files or folders. All you have to is to visit VIEWS.FM site and get it linked to your Dropbox account.


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

'Creativity' 카테고리의 다른 글

Max OS X keyboard shortcuts  (0) 2011.03.30
Apple's WWDC 2011 in June 6~10  (0) 2011.03.29
Camparison between Galaxy Tab 10.1v and iPad2  (0) 2011.03.27
Firefox4 released  (0) 2011.03.27
[Accident Case] 오토바이 변속기어 페달에 끼임  (0) 2011.03.26

Camparison between Galaxy Tab 10.1v and iPad2

Creativity | 2011. 3. 27. 21:43 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

This video shows how different Galaxy Tab 10.1v and iPad2 are from each other by comparing a few main features of them.

galaxy_tab10121.jpg  reviews-of-apple-ipad-2.jpg

This video said that Galaxy Tab 10.1v has some advantages on a better web browsing experience with fully supported flash movies and a horizontal camera view with a nice grip that iPad2 is lacking.


They also said that Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1v has a great widget inferface, comparing with iPad2.


On the other hand, they point out that iPad2 has a better battery life comparing with Galaxy Tab 10.1v and also has a great app store.

but it still has a lack of supporting flash movies.

Take a look at this video and have your own thoughts about Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1v and Apple iPad2.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

'Creativity' 카테고리의 다른 글

Apple's WWDC 2011 in June 6~10  (0) 2011.03.29
Expanding sharing functions in Dropbox  (0) 2011.03.29
Firefox4 released  (0) 2011.03.27
[Accident Case] 오토바이 변속기어 페달에 끼임  (0) 2011.03.26
Pogoplug_your personal cloud  (0) 2011.03.26

Firefox4 released

Creativity | 2011. 3. 27. 02:34 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Recently, Firefox4 has been released to the public on the web.


Firefox4 Download links



These are what has been improved with Firefox4.

Awesome Bar

Awesome Bar screenshot  Get to your favorite sites quickly – even if you don’t remember the URLs. Type your term into the location bar (aka the Awesome Bar) and the autocomplete function will include possible matches from your browsing history, bookmarked sites and open tabs.  The Awesome Bar learns as you use it—over time, it adapts to your preferences and offers better-fitting matches. We’ve tweaked it to give you greater control over the results (including privacy settings) and increased performance so you find what you need even faster.


Tabs on Top 

Tabs are above the Awesome Bar to make it easier to focus on the content of the sites you visit.


Firefox Button (Windows and Linux) 

All your menu items are now found in a single button for easy access.


Bookmark Button 

Manage your bookmarks in a single button. Find your favorite links without getting bogged down!


Simplified Reload/Stop Button 

Your Awesome Bar now features one easy button to stop loading pages or reload pages.


Home Button 

The Home button has been moved to the right side of the search-field.


App Tabs 

Take sites you always keep open—like Web mail—off your tab bar and give them a permanent home in your browser.



As you’re opening a new tab or typing in the Awesome Bar, Firefox will check to see if you already have that site open. If you do, you’ll be directed to the existing tab so you don’t open a duplicate.


Organize your Tabs with Panorama 

Too many tabs? Reclaim your browser from tab clutter! Panorama lets you drag and drop your tabs into manageable groups that you can organize, name and arrange in a fun and visual way. To get started with Panorama, simply select the Tab Groups icon when you customize your Navigation Toolbar or right click any tab to Move to Group.



Click to watch Firefox4 videos

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


[Accident Case] 오토바이 변속기어 페달에 끼임

Creativity | 2011. 3. 26. 01:40 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

오토바이 변속기어 페달에 신발이 끼임 사례


치킨 배달을 하기 위해 오토바이를 타고 가던 중, 변속기어 페달에 신발이 끼어 오토바이를 탄 채로 넘어져 발생한 사고입니다.


사고 예방대책

  • 출발 전 신발끈, 복장 등을 단정히 한 후 운행을 해야 합니다.

    - 자신의 복장을 단정하게 하는 것도 정리정돈의 기본이겠죠?

  • 오토바이 운행 중에는 반드시 헬멧, 보호대 등을 착용한 상태에서 운전을 해야 합니다.

    - 발 보호를 위해 신발은 신는데 머리 보호를 위해 헬멧을 착용하지 않는 건 좀 더 위험한 상황을 초래하게 되겠죠?

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

'Creativity' 카테고리의 다른 글

Camparison between Galaxy Tab 10.1v and iPad2  (0) 2011.03.27
Firefox4 released  (0) 2011.03.27
Pogoplug_your personal cloud  (0) 2011.03.26
Augmented Reality in product marketing  (0) 2011.03.25
I tweaked my MacBook to look like iPad  (0) 2011.03.25

Pogoplug_your personal cloud

Creativity | 2011. 3. 26. 00:36 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Pogoplug is your personal cloud and allows you to make you home computers as cloud computers.

So you no longer need to pay for your cloud services. Once you get pogoplug in your home, you can use it as personal cloud, uploading as many kinds of media as you want and sharing and streaming in real time.


Pogoplug is much more than a standalone consumer electronics device. Each Pogoplug comes with a free online service for remotely accessing and sharing your files through any web browser or mobile device.

To use, simply type in your email address and password. You will immediately see all of the files stored on your Pogoplug enabled devices. You may then share, stream, upload or download to and from your Pogoplug connected hard drives from anywhere in the world - no technical expertise or advanced networking knowledge required.



The service is compatible with Mac, Windows and Linux. A free desktop application for both Mac and PC enables you to view Pogoplug connected files as if they were on a local drive, and also actively copies content you designate from your computer to Pogoplug drives. Applications for Blackberry, iPad, iPhone and Android offer similar capabilities, freeing your mobile devices from the constraints of small flash drives.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Augmented Reality in product marketing

Creativity | 2011. 3. 25. 21:51 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Augmented Reality is just around us. It is now used for business marketing by companies. Axe, launched a new product recently, are promoting it by using Augmented Reality.


Have a look. This is how it works.

To give some power to his last campaign called Provocation, brand Axe, or rather its counterpart across the Channel Lynx has created a digital device in London's Victoria Station. The idea simply resumed advertising east to land virtually angels alongside boys provocative or not.스크린샷_2011-03-25_오전_6.36.44.png
Ground is placed a sticker asking that Axe falls on to look up. Looking up, he discovers a giant screen projecting his image. Seconds later came the angels of heaven land (actually increased) at his side.

The idea is very simple, does little more than something that the advertisement (apart from the fact of living in a virtual scene) but happens to be technically very efficient.
Augmented reality where you have to leave his cell phone, download an application, place the phone on a marker to see a virtual content onto a screen of 3.5 inches.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


I tweaked my MacBook to look like iPad

Creativity | 2011. 3. 25. 03:37 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

I tweaked my MacBook to look like iPad2.

It took me 15 minutes to make my MacBook iPad.

How do you think of this look?

By doing this, you can learn 3 things at the same time.

1. You can learn how to access to root account in your mac. (

2. You can learn how to use fast switch function. (

3. You can learn how to make your mac look like iPad.



This is how you make your MacBook look like iPad.


1) Add Spacers to the Mac OS X Dock – this is done with a Terminal command that must be executed once for each spacer you want to create. The command is:

defaults write persistent-apps -array-add '{"tile-type"="spacer-tile";}'

Enter that into the command line then hit return. Then hit the up arrow and return again for each additional spacer you want to create, ie: do this 5 times for 5 spacers. Then you must kill the Dock for changes to take effect:

killall Dock

The spacers can then be moved around like any other Dock icon, just click and drag them. To get the proper iOS appearance, reduce the number of icons in your Dock to 4 or 6, but remember that the trash can will take up a space on the end as well.

2) Hide the Mac Menu Bar – There are multiple ways to do this, and you can either hide the menu bar or change the coloring or opacity of it. A simple method is to use the free app called “MenuEclipse” which lets you adjust the opacity of visible menu, it’s what I used in the screenshot above.

3) Increase Mac desktop icon size – Use a reverse finger pinch while on the desktop or hit Command+J and bring that slider up to 100+ pixels, depending on your desktops resolution size.

4) Make aliases of apps or folders you want to show on your Mac desktop – Select an app or folder and hit Command+L or hold down Command+Option while dragging the app to the Mac OS X desktop to create an instant alias.

5) Adjust the Aliased Desktop Icons to be on a Wide Grid – the icon grid spacing you’ll want is probably larger than the defaults that OS X allows, so go ahead and line them up manually.

6) Hide Macintosh HD and other drives from your desktop – iOS doesn’t display any drives, so you should set Mac OS X to behave the same way. This is easily done through by clicking on the Mac desktop, then opening Finder preferences and unselecting the checkboxes next to the items you want to hide from the desktop. If you use these, you could also just incorporate them into the iOS desktop styled grid.

7) Use an iOS icon set – I didn’t do this in the screenshot, but you could also take change your Mac icons to a set that resembles the squared appearance of iOS icons. The Flurry set from Iconfactory is a good start and still holds a Mac-ish appearance.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


7 Steps to Make Mac OS X look like iPad iOS

Creativity | 2011. 3. 24. 21:42 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Have iPad envy? Do you prefer the ease of the iOS interface? Maybe you just like the way iOS looks and want your Mac to resemble that user interface. mac-ipad-desktop-sm.jpg

By combining a few tips, we can make the Mac OS X desktop look a lot like iPad’s iOS:

1) Add Spacers to the Mac OS X Dock – this is done with a Terminal command that must be executed once for each spacer you want to create. The command is:

defaults write persistent-apps -array-add '{"tile-type"="spacer-tile";}'

Enter that into the command line then hit return. Then hit the up arrow and return again for each additional spacer you want to create, ie: do this 5 times for 5 spacers. Then you must kill the Dock for changes to take effect:

killall Dock

The spacers can then be moved around like any other Dock icon, just click and drag them. To get the proper iOS appearance, reduce the number of icons in your Dock to 4 or 6, but remember that the trash can will take up a space on the end as well.

2) Hide the Mac Menu Bar – There are multiple ways to do this, and you can either hide the menu bar or change the coloring or opacity of it. A simple method is to use the free app called “MenuEclipse” which lets you adjust the opacity of visible menu, it’s what I used in the screenshot above.

3) Increase Mac desktop icon size – Use a reverse finger pinch while on the desktop or hit Command+J and bring that slider up to 100+ pixels, depending on your desktops resolution size.

4) Make aliases of apps or folders you want to show on your Mac desktop – Select an app or folder and hit Command+L or hold down Command+Option while dragging the app to the Mac OS X desktop to create an instant alias.

5) Adjust the Aliased Desktop Icons to be on a Wide Grid – the icon grid spacing you’ll want is probably larger than the defaults that OS X allows, so go ahead and line them up manually.

6) Hide Macintosh HD and other drives from your desktop – iOS doesn’t display any drives, so you should set Mac OS X to behave the same way. This is easily done through by clicking on the Mac desktop, then opening Finder preferences and unselecting the checkboxes next to the items you want to hide from the desktop. If you use these, you could also just incorporate them into the iOS desktop styled grid.

7) Use an iOS icon set – I didn’t do this in the screenshot, but you could also take change your Mac icons to a set that resembles the squared appearance of iOS icons. The Flurry set from Iconfactory is a good start and still holds a Mac-ish appearance.

And there you have it… your Mac desktop now looks a lot like an iPad.

Retrieved from

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

'Creativity' 카테고리의 다른 글

Augmented Reality in product marketing  (0) 2011.03.25
I tweaked my MacBook to look like iPad  (0) 2011.03.25
Happy Birthday to Mac OSX 10 years old  (0) 2011.03.24
'SpicyNodes' for creative thinking  (0) 2011.03.24
Mac OSX 10.6.7 update  (0) 2011.03.22

Happy Birthday to Mac OSX 10 years old

Creativity | 2011. 3. 24. 19:48 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Believe it or not, Mac OS X is celebrating it’s birthday and turns 10 years old today. First released to the public on March 24, 2001, Mac OS X 10.0 Cheetah was a huge conceptual leap forward for the Mac platform. Unfortunately the first OS X iteration was painfully slow and largely unusable due to performance issues, and these troubles kept most Mac users on Mac OS 9 until 10.1 was released which sped things up dramatically. Things rapidly evolved from there and the rest is obviously history.


This is what the first release of Mac OS X 10 Cheetah looked like, featuring elements that are still familiar today but with a candy striped Aqua interface:


Over the course of 10 years, what started as Mac OS X Cheetah has been refined into Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, which is scheduled for release this summer and looks a bit different:


Happy Birthday to Mac OS X!

Will Mac OS X be around in another 10 years? Probably not by name, but elements of it will surely live long into Apple’s future.

Retrieved from Mac OSX Daily (

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'SpicyNodes' for creative thinking

Creativity | 2011. 3. 24. 10:14 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

This website 'SpicyNodes' is a very cool tool for creative thinking and expanding your ideas.




I created one example to use 'SpicyNodes' in order to explain the overview of my instruction about 'Augmented Reality'

By watching this, audiences will be comfortable that what they can get and when they focus on my instruction.


Please check this out and think of how you can incorporate this for your instruction and learning.

Overview of Augmented Reality by SpicyNodes



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