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Gmail motion_using simple gestures

Creativity | 2011. 4. 1. 19:46 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

역시 구글은 세계 최고의 회사가 맞는 것 같습니다. 항상 기존의 생각 (Stereotype)들을 타파하고 새로운 개념들을 도입해서 사람들이 편리하고 재미있게 좀 더 나은 미래를 살 수 있도록 철저하게 기획하고 준비하고 개발하는 모습들이 아릅답니다.


그런 구글 (Google)이 이번에는 기존 이메일 (email)에 대한 고정관념을 날려버리고 동작 (Motion)을 활용하여 이메일을 쓰고, 수정하고 발송하고 열어 볼 수 있는 Motion email을 개발하여 베타 (Beta) 테스트 중입니다. Gmail Motion.



아직은 베타 테스트 중이라서 완벽하진 않겠지만 그래도 한번쯤은 시도해 볼만 한 것 같습니다.

이메일을 쓰고 보내고 열어보고 수정하는 동작들이 좀 어색한 것 같지만 한편으로는 재미있는 것 같습니다.

특히 발송하는 동작 (Motion)이 가장 인상깊은 깊은 것 같습니다. 이메일을 발송하기 위해서 자신의 손에 직접 침을 발라서 봉투에 붙여서 발송하는 모습이 재미있네요.


<To open an email>



<To reply an email>



<To send an email>


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Google's Blogger (Blogspot) dynamic views

Creativity | 2011. 4. 1. 04:59 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

These are how different Google's Blogger (Blogspot) dynamic views look.

I applied to my google blog ( There are 5 different dynamic views of Blogger (Blogspot).

Flipcare, Mosaic, Sidebar, Snapshot, and Timeslide

This is the original view of my blog(



All you have to do is to put some extra address at the end of your google blog address or to click 'View' in the setting of your google blog.     Why not trying yours?

1. Flipcard (



2. Mosaic (



3. Sidebar (



4. Snapshot (



5. Timeslide (


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Multifunctional touch screen Mac is Apple's Next?

Creativity | 2011. 4. 1. 04:28 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

애플이 Mac OS를 기초로 하여 iOS와 iPad를 탄생시켰고 이제는 'Back to the Basic'이라는 콘셉트로 iOS와 iPad에서 배운 것을들 조만간 공식 공개 (Official launching)를 앞둔 Mac OS X 10.7 Lion에 적용하여 밀림의 왕자 사자와 같은 테크놀로지의 최강자로서 most advanced한 운영체제인 Mac OS X 10.7 Lion을 내놓게 됩니다. (June, 2011)

Apple_thumb160.jpg    MacLogo.jpg


Mac OS X Lion에는 여러가지 새로운 기능들이 적용이 됐는데 그 중에 하나가 'Mission Control (미션 콘트롤)'입니다.

이 미션 콘트론은 향후 애플이 나아갈 방향을 보여주는 것 같아서 더욱 관심있게 보게 됩니다.


애플은 곧 정식 공개될 Mac OS X Lion을 개발하면서 아이폰과 아이패드에서 배운 것들은 반영했다고 했는데, 거의 모든 아이폰과 아이패드 기능들이 Mac OS X Lion에 반영이 된 것 같은데 그 중 하나 반영이 안된 것이 있다면 그것은 아마 터치 스크린 (Touch Screen) 기능일 것입니다.

미션 콘트롤을 사용해 보신 분이라면 다들 느낄 수 있는 점인데, 딱 한 가지 부족한게  터치 스크린을 사용하게 되면 정말 더 편리하고 좋을 것 같다는 것입니다.


그래서 이와 관련하여 애플의 향후 Macintosh 개발 방향에 대한 포스팅이 있어서 소개하고자 합니다.

이 글은 애플이 가지고 있는 'Multifunctional Device 300'에 대한 아이디어 개념도입니다. 물론 특허, 저작권은 애플에게 있는 것으로 생각이 됩니다.

글에는 애플이 Spaces 개념을 아이패드에 도입하려고 한다는 내용에 대한 설명이 길게 나와 있는데 이 글을 읽으면서 자꾸 애플의 다음 Macintosh Computer는

터치 스크린을 적용하게 될 것이라는 생각이 강하게 들게 되었습니다. 아마 모르긴 몰라도 2012년 WWDC에서는 (그 전에 있을 애플의 미디어 컨퍼런스가 될 수도 있구요.) Touch screen을 지원하는 MacBook이나 iMac이 나올 것이라는 생각이 듭니다.



관련 글1: Virtual Spaces iPad or Touch Mac

관련 글2: Apple is bringing to 'Spaces' to the iPad


The future of iOS is quietly shaping up behind the scenes at Apple, and we’ll probably get a good look at iOS 5 during WWDC 2011, but until then it’s mostly a guessing game. That is, until someone digs up some patents that show potential features in a currently unreleased product. Case in point, PatentlyApple has discovered a patent that describes Spaces (virtual desktops) in use on a “Multifunction Device” that looks a lot like an iPad. 

iPad… or Touchscreen Mac?

While the patent drawing does look like an iPad, I think it’s just as possible that the multifunction device could be any touchscreen display, even for a currently unreleased touchscreen Mac. I say this because the behavior described in the patent is similar to how Spaces works in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, where you sweep between Spaces by using the trackpad. It’s also reminiscent to the multitouch gestures you can enable for iPad by using developer tools with iOS 4.3. Those gesture similarities could even hint at further merging and sharing of features between future versions of iOS and Mac OS X. 

Last year, multiple patents showed up for things like a MacBook tablet, MacBook Touch, and even an iMac Touch that runs both iOS and Mac OS X.  You can see more details of the patent at PatentlyApple. Remember, not all Apple patents see the light of day as a feature or a product, but they can give us great insight into what Apple is working on.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Google gives Blogger and Blogspot a dynamic views of a blog

Creativity | 2011. 3. 31. 22:27 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Google is rolling out five dramatically new ways to view blog posts on Blogger, in an attempt to change the typical way people consume content on the web.


Starting Thursday, visitors to Blogger-hosted blogs will discover new viewing options if they type “/view” at the end of a blog’s URL (e.g. Unlike traditional blog skins or themes though, these views dramatically alter the entire experience of reading a blog.


As Blogger product manager Anil Sabharawal told Mashable, it’s about modernizing the UI and “really revolutionizing the blog consumption experience.” Sabharawal says that blogs should be utilizing the full power of the modern web, especially HTML5, AJAX and CSS3 technology that has made websites more dynamic in recent years.


To that end, Google has launched five views that harness the power of new web standards:

  • Flipcard: This visual view places square photos side-by-side in neat little rows. Hovering over any photo reveals the name of the post, the date it was published and the number of comments it has. Flipcard has the unique option of reorganizing posts based on recency, date, label or author.
  • Mosaic: Mosaic takes the photos related to each blog post and turns them into a visual experience — a mosaic of photography. Hovering over any photo with the mouse increases the size of the image and displays the title of the post in question. Clicking it will open the post as part of the mosaic.
  • Snapshot: Snapshot turns blog photos into a Polaroid-esque scrapbook with the number of comments and the title of the blog post clearly visible. Hovering over a Polaroid displays a short snippet from the post.
  • Sidebar: Similar in some ways to Gawker‘s redesign, Sidebar creates a left-hand menu bar with all of a blog’s articles as well as their comment counts. Clicking on a title opens the article to the right.
  • Timeslide: This is a three-column layout that displays recent posts. The left column shows photos and short snippets from a blog’s most recent articles, while the middle column displays only summaries of less recent posts. The right-hand column is simply a list of titles of older articles. Timeslide essentially encompasses three different time periods and makes them accessible.


All of these blog views incorporate dynamic features into nearly every aspect of the UI. Search on Timeslide, for example, automatically highlights posts that match a search query, and all five views incorporate infinite scroll.

While Blogger is still one of the world’s largest blog networks, WordPress and Tumblr garner far more attention and have been more active launching new features and experimenting with new innovations. Google hasn’t made Blogger a priority in years, but the service is getting a major overhaul in 2011. These views are the first of many new features the company hopes will make Blogger the center of the blogging universe once again.


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Build 11A419 Now Available

Creativity | 2011. 3. 31. 15:48 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Mac OS X Lion Developer Preview 2 Available to Download: Build 11A419


Apple has released Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Developer Preview 2 (Build 11A419).

The new build comes as 11A419 and presumably contains mostly bug fixes and feature refinements to an otherwise stable developer preview. 


Download Mac OS X Lion Preview 2

Registered developers can access the download either through Software Update in Mac OS X Lion, through the Mac App Store, or as a standalone download through the Mac developer center.  If you skipped the first Developer Preview release and you want to try Developer Preview 2, you can dual boot and install Lion alongside 10.6 without formatting your drive. Note that you’ll want the standalone download if you choose this option. 


Public Release Coming Soon

Apple announced last fall that Mac OS X Lion is scheduled for a summer release date, with WWDC 2011 looking as the most likely time for a launch. Recent rumors suggest it could even be sooner.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Rotate MacBook Screen Orientation

Creativity | 2011. 3. 31. 07:03 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

As people can rotate their screens in Windows with another application, people can rotate displays of Macintosh as well.

But for Macintosh, there is not any software needed to rotate the screen orientation.


<A normal screen shot of MacBook>


<A normal screen shot of Display pane in Preference of MacBook>


All you need is to press two more buttons than usual.

Here is how you can manage to rotate your MacBook display orientation.

  • Launch System Preferences (quit it if it’s already open)
  • Hold down the Command+Option keys and click on “Display”
  • Look for ‘Rotation’ on the right side of the Display window and take your pick

After the display has been rotated, the resolutions adjust from width x height to height x width.

Here’s a screenshot taken with the display on a MacBook Air set at 90° rotation.

You can see one more content, when you hold down the Command+Option and click on "Display". That is 'Rotate (회전)'.


<A rotate screen shot of Display pane in Preference of MacBook>



<A rotate screen shot of MacBook>

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Used Phone Recycling

Creativity | 2011. 3. 31. 00:22 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

This video shows a used phone ATM, called 'ecoATM'. All you have to do is to put your old phones into the ATM.

Then the ATM will do the rest of works, you can choose to donate and can get some cash back.


The ecoATM is an automated self-serve eCycling kiosk that uses patented machine vision, electronic diagnostics, and artificial intelligence to evaluate and buy-back used electronics directly from consumers for cash or store credit. ecoATM kiosks provide a convenient trade-in solution that electronically and visually inspects any consumer electronic device, pays consumers immediately in cash and/or store credit, and automatically administers trade-in / trade-up promotions for retailers and manufacturers.



According to CEA, the average U.S. household owns 26 electronic devices and spends $1,500 annually adding to the collection. Mobile phones account for nearly 150M devices retired annually. Simultaneously, there is a vibrant worldwide secondary market for these devices that ABI Research estimates at over $5B annually.


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

'Creativity' 카테고리의 다른 글

Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Build 11A419 Now Available  (1) 2011.03.31
Rotate MacBook Screen Orientation  (0) 2011.03.31
Augmented Reality Marketing in car industry  (0) 2011.03.30
Max OS X keyboard shortcuts  (0) 2011.03.30
Apple's WWDC 2011 in June 6~10  (0) 2011.03.29

Augmented Reality Marketing in car industry

Creativity | 2011. 3. 30. 09:43 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

What do you think of a motor show? Many cars and racing models in a typical motor show. right?

But can you imagine a motor show without cars? There are hundreds and thousands of people in a motor show, but there is no cars at all.

This kind of situation are happening right now in a motor show, because Augmented Reality can make it possible.



Volkswagen, one of the most famous German motor vehicle companies, and an augmented reality solution company, ARWoks, have collaborated to an invisible motor marketing event in a motor show with Augmented Reality.

volkswagen_1.jpg      Screen_shot_2011-03-29_at_6.31.49_PM.png


To see what is going on this invisible motor event, all you need is a smart phone, or a tablet.

Basically, there is a marker on a stage and all you have to do is to take your camera on your smart phone or tablet.

Then a car image with augmented information will pop up on your screen. Have a look what is happening.


This explains about what kind of company ARWorks is.

'We are a creative development agency preparing Augmented Reality solutions for our clients. Let it be a marker based solution for a hypermarket or package based promotion or a treasure hunt game or simple 3d image design content for an outdoor festival – we are preparing the creative concept, develop the software background and manage the whole event, if necessary. We’re working on international playground – in AR you can be anywhere ☺ – and compete our international competitors with knowledge, creativity and costs.'


Click here to see the video


HD - A láthatatlan Golf/The invisible Golf from AR Works on Vimeo


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

'Creativity' 카테고리의 다른 글

Rotate MacBook Screen Orientation  (0) 2011.03.31
Used Phone Recycling  (0) 2011.03.31
Max OS X keyboard shortcuts  (0) 2011.03.30
Apple's WWDC 2011 in June 6~10  (0) 2011.03.29
Expanding sharing functions in Dropbox  (0) 2011.03.29

Max OS X keyboard shortcuts

Creativity | 2011. 3. 30. 02:18 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

These are Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts to be useful for better jobs in Macintosh computers.


Start up hot-keys (press key while booting)

X = Force Mac OS X startup
C = Start up from a bootable CD
N = Attempt to start up from a compatible network server (NetBoot)
T = Start up in FireWire Target Disk mode
Opt-Cmd-Shift-Delete = Seeks a different startup volume
Shift = Start up in Safe Boot mode
Cmd-V = Start up in Verbose mode
Cmd-S = Start up in Single-User mode

Cmd-Opt-Esc = Force Quit menu
Cmd-Opt-D = Show/hide the dock
Ctrl-Eject = Bring up Shutdown/Sleep/Logout Dialog
Ctrl-Cmd-Eject = Restart immediately


Cmd-C = Copy
Cmd-V = Paste
Cmd-X = Cut
Cmd-A = Select All

Finder Navigation

Cmd-N = New Finder window
Cmd-W = Close Window
Opt-Cmd-W = Close all Windows
Cmd-Down = Open File/Folder
Cmd-Up = Navigate to parent
Cmd-Right = Expand folder (in list view)
Cmd-Left = Collapse Folder (in list view)
Opt-Cmd-Right = Expand folder and its subfolders (in list view)
Opt-Cmd-Up = Open parent folder and close current window
Cmd-Shift-H = Jump to your Home folder
Cmd-Shift-A = Jump to your Applications folder
Cmd-Shift U = Jump to your Utilities folder
Cmd-Shift K = Jump to the Network browser
Cmd-Shift G = Goto Folder…
Cmd-1 = View as Icons
Cmd-2 = View as List
Cmd-3 = View as Columns
Cmd-Space = Open Spotlight (OS X 10.4)
Cmd-Delete = Move file/folder to trash
Cmd-Click window title = Display the file path


Menu Commands

Shift-Cmd-Q = Log out
Shift-Opt-Cmd-Q = Log out immediately
Shift-Cmd-Delete = Empty Trash
Opt-Shift-Cmd-Delete = Empty Trash without dialog
Cmd-H = Hide window
Opt-Cmd-H = Hide Others
Cmd-N = File New window
Shift-Cmd-N = New Folder
Cmd-O = Open
Cmd-S = Save
Shift-Cmd-S = Save as
Cmd-P = Print
Cmd-W = Close Window
Opt-Cmd-W = Close all Windows
Cmd-I = Get Info
Opt-Cmd-I = Show Attributes Inspector
Cmd-D = Duplicate
Cmd-L = Make Alias
Cmd-R = Show original
Cmd-T = Add to Favorites
Cmd-Delete = Move to Trash
Cmd-E = Eject
Cmd-F = Find
Cmd-Z = Undo
Cmd-B = Hide Toolbar
Cmd-J = Show View Opts
Cmd = [ = Go Back
Cmd = ] = Go Forward
Shift-Cmd-C = Go to Computer
Shift-Cmd-H = Go to your Home folder
Shift-Cmd-I = Go to iDisk
Shift-Cmd-A = Go to Applications folder
Shift-Cmd-G = Go to Go-To Folder
Cmd-K = Connect to Server
Cmd-M = Minimize Window
Cmd-? = Open Mac Help
Cmd-Space = Open Spotlight (OS X 10.4)

Screen capture

Cmd-Shift 3 = Capture the screen to a file
Cmd Ctrl Shift 3 = Capture the screen to the clipboard
Cmd-Shift 4 = Select an area to be captured to a file
Cmd Ctrl Shift 4 = Select an area to be captured to the clipboard
Cmd-Shift 4, then press Space = Capture entire window


Universal Access

Opt-Cmd-* (asterisk) = Turn on Zoom
Opt-Cmd-+ (plus) = Zoom in
Opt-Cmd– (minus) = Zoom out
Cmd-Opt-Ctrl-8 = Invert Screen colours

Window Management

Cmd-W = Close window
Cmd-Opt-W = Close all windows
Cmd-M = Minimise window
Cmd-Opt-M = Minimise all windows
Cmd-H = Hide Application
Cmd-~ = Cycle through windows for current application
Ctrl-F4 = Cycle through every open window
Cmd-Tab = Bring up the Application Switcher.
Cmd-Tab = Cycle Forwards
Cmd-~ = Cycle Backwards
Cmd-Shift-Tab = Cycle Backwards
Cmd-Q = Quit application


F9 = Show all open windows on the screen at once
F10 = Show all windows for the current application.
F11 = Shows Desktop
F12 = Activates Dashboard
F12 (hold) = ejects disk


Opt-Cmd-D = Show/Hide Dock
Ctrl-Up = Move up one page
Ctrl-Down = Move down one page
Opt-Drag = Copy to new location
Opt-Cmd-Drag = Make alias in new location
Cmd-Drag = Move to new location without copying
Opt-Cmd-Eject = Sleep
Cmd-click window toolbar button (upper right corner) = Cycle through toolbar views
Ctrl-Cmd-D and mouse over word in Cocoa applications = shows Dictionary description for that word

This slide is also Mac OS X shortcuts, but this is Korean version.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

'Creativity' 카테고리의 다른 글

Used Phone Recycling  (0) 2011.03.31
Augmented Reality Marketing in car industry  (0) 2011.03.30
Apple's WWDC 2011 in June 6~10  (0) 2011.03.29
Expanding sharing functions in Dropbox  (0) 2011.03.29
Camparison between Galaxy Tab 10.1v and iPad2  (0) 2011.03.27

Apple's WWDC 2011 in June 6~10

Creativity | 2011. 3. 29. 01:08 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Apple will hold WWDC 2011 in San Francisco on June 6~10 2011.




There will be many technology tracks such as application frameworks, graphics, media, and games.

There will also be special events like Apple design awards and stump the experts.

But for me it is too much. Just see the image below.



이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

'Creativity' 카테고리의 다른 글

Augmented Reality Marketing in car industry  (0) 2011.03.30
Max OS X keyboard shortcuts  (0) 2011.03.30
Expanding sharing functions in Dropbox  (0) 2011.03.29
Camparison between Galaxy Tab 10.1v and iPad2  (0) 2011.03.27
Firefox4 released  (0) 2011.03.27