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Creating Infographics Online vs.

Creativity | 2012. 5. 12. 01:28 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

These two info graphics tools are for creating info graphics online for free and little need knowledge about designing or color schemes, but only need drag and drop some pre-made design items.

1. is a great tool for creating info graphics and provides a canvas on which you can build your own infographic by dragging and dropping pre-made design elements. You can use a blank canvas or build upon one of's themes. If doesn't have enough pre-made elements for you, you can upload your own graphics to include in your infographic. Your completed infographic can be exported and saved as PNG, JPG, PDG, and SVG files. Watch the video below for an overview of

[vimeo 37781587]

2. offers you the chance of having the infographic professionally branded.
Features are To create your own infographic from a variety of pre-made templates, To sign in and grant access using either your Twitter account or Facebook account, and To share your finished infographic on social networks or download it to your computer.



Mac OS X Dock을 탐색 실행하는 키보드 단축키 모음

Creativity | 2012. 5. 10. 12:24 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

오랫만에 포스팅을 하게 됩니다. 오늘은 Mac OS X Dock을 탐색하면서 바로 앱들을 실행할 수 있는 키보드 단축키를 소개하고자 합니다.

Navigate the Dock in Mac OS X with the Keyboard

기본적으로 사용 전에는 Function + F3를 한번 눌러주셔야 Dock 키보드 탐색 기능이 활성화가 됩니다. 그 다음에는 아래의 단축키들을 이용해서 Dock 탐색과 실행 기능을 사용할 수가 있습니다.
  • Ctl (+Fn+F3 (Function+F3 on older Macs):  Dock 키보드 탐색 기능 활성화
  • Left & Right 방향키: Dock 내에서 앱들간 이동
  • Up Arrow: Dock의 세부 아이템 메뉴 보기 (오른쪽 클릭과 동일한 기능)
  • Return key: 현재 선택된 앱 실행
  • Use keyboard letters: Dock에 있는 앱의 첫 글자로 이동, 탐색
  • Hold Option key: Dock에 있는 해당 앱을 강제 종료
  • Command+Return: 파인더에서 Dock 보기
  • Command+Option+Return: 현재 선택된 앱을 제외한 모든 Dock의 앱 숨기기
가끔은 이러한 아날로그적인 느낌으로 키보드를 사용해서 Dock을 탐색하고 앱들을 실행해 보는 것도 재미있을 것 같다는 생각을 하며 포스팅을 마칩니다.

원본 글 참조: Navigate the Dock in Mac OS X with These 8 Keyboard Shortcuts


Create Videos Online with WeVideo in Google Drive

Creativity | 2012. 5. 5. 03:23 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Creating Videos Online with Chrome and WeVideo in Google Drive

From now on, you can create videos online with Google Chrome and WeVideo in Google Drive.
Now WeVideo Google Drive app in Google Chrome and Google Drive allow you to save all of your video projects in your Google Drive account. You can learn more about it in the video below.



The keywords of the future online education

Creativity | 2012. 5. 3. 11:23 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

The keywords of the future online education.

These are the keywords of the future online education.

1. Plante-scaled
2. Technology-enabled
3. Access for all
4. Connected learning
5. Shared platform
6. Enriching campuses



Augmented Reality (AR) interactive shop window of Ray Ban

Creativity | 2012. 5. 1. 00:23 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Augmented Reality (AR) interactive shop window of Ray Ban

How easily and interactively people experience glasses of Ray Ban!

Augmented reality application. You can try glasses digitaly on a shop window! If you like it you can upload it to facebook as well (via YouTube by amadeatechnologies )


Educational Augmented Reality (AR) by PBS Kids

Creativity | 2012. 4. 28. 16:24 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

AR that virtual can experience might be happy for an educational teaching material for children using the technology of AR. The teaching material that can be learnt as though it were a game is suitable for the game generation. 

The concept of augmented reality has begun to appear in both computer and mobile apps. The 2011 Horizon Report by New Media Consortium and EDUCASE recently defined this technology nicely, claiming “Augmented reality refers to the layering of information over a view or representation of the normal world, offering users the ability to access place-based information in ways that are compellingly intuitive.” While this technology is exciting in many arenas, it has particular application in the field of education.

Download and Read "2011 Horizon Report" :

PBS Kids has been an early adopter of augmented reality. On November 14, 2011 PBS Kids announced the launch of its first educational augmented reality app for iPhone and iPod Touch. The press release explained, “Lunch Rush opens a new world of learning by teaching kids ages six to eight math skills, like addition and subtraction, while blending the virtual and real world into a truly engaging experience.”

Augmented reality brings a significant potential to supplement information delivered via computers, mobile devices, video and even the printed book.”


The launch of such an app presents a number of exciting opportunities to the field of education. According to the aforementioned 2011 Horizon Report, “Augmented reality brings a significant potential to supplement information delivered via computers, mobile devices, video and even the printed book.”The Lunch Rush app realizes some of this potential in a fun world inhabited by Ruff Ruffman, the star of the hit PBS Kids show “Fetch!”The Lunch Rush app realizes some of this potential in a fun world inhabited by Ruff Ruffman, the star of the hit PBS Kids show “Fetch!”


Coming up on World Tech Update this week Intel announces new Core processors, Apple continues to beat Android, Nintendo misses targets on 3DS sales, Google Drive debuts, augmented reality apps help kids learn, two rowers plan to cross the Atlantic with a little help from technology and an MIT robot weaves a web.

PBS Kids AR:

PBS Kids is not alone in recognizing the educational potential of this technology. For instance, technology journalist Audrey Watters maintains the site Hack Education, which features links to some compelling augmented reality apps. One app named LookBackMaps uses a mobile’s GPS to link to historic photos of the user’s geolocation so they can see what the area looked like in the past.
Augmented reality is a development about to burst onto the main stream of computing. Its uses in practical applications are limited only by the imaginations of clever developers. Continued development such as that accomplished by PBS Kids bodes well for the expansion of augmented reality in higher education and learning in the coming years.



Visualizing Geology with Augmented Reality (AR)

Creativity | 2012. 4. 26. 12:27 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Visualizing Geology with Augmented Reality (AR)

This is the concept for using augmented reality and tablet computers to visualize data for geologists. Made for a course called Experts in Teamwork, the VR-village, at Norwegian University of Science and Technology , spring 2012 by YouTube 




Recent AR (Augmented Reality) Cases

Creativity | 2012. 4. 24. 04:10 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

These are recent AR (Augmented Reality) Cases I have looked up, including AR Books, education instances, advertising, etc.

1. AR Comic Books

Augmented Reality 3D Experience inspired by comic book "La Douce", designed and produced by Dassault Systemes. Courtesy of François Schuiten and Casterman.



2. AR Solar System 2.0

This Solar System images on the ground are imagetargets to track the planets in augmented reality on android and ios devices (using the qualcomm vuforia extension).


3. AR Game for finding virtual cookies

In the city center of Amsterdam, people were playing games using their iPhones among the shopping pedestrians. All this to hunt for virtual chocolates. The winners of this life intruding game won a trip to New York City.  The game was made as a promotion for a new Magnum ice cream.  As we were invited to check things out, we give you a glimpse of all the chocolate hunting people in the shopping streets (Negen Straatjes) in Amsterdam.


4. AR Hand Tracking

Augmented reality hand tracking developed by Peristva.Tracks hand instead of markers.This app works only for desktop windows based.



The Future of Augmented Reality by futurevTechnology

Creativity | 2012. 4. 22. 00:58 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

The Future of Augmented Reality by futurevTechnology
There might be a possibility of becoming it like this enough though it might be a previous by-and-by a little more.


If you are interested in learning more about how augmented reality and digital marketing can help your organisation or campaign you should review our free series of augmented reality guides. These guides are focus on the techniques and practicalities associated with the technology and will give you an insight on how augmented reality can be used effectively.
This video is via YouTube by .


"WorkFlowy" Organize Ideas, Concepts, and Tasks

Creativity | 2012. 4. 18. 14:28 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

WorkFlowy is a simple task management service, which can make you less stressed and more productive. Watch this 24 second video to see how it works.


WorkFlowy works in an intuitive outline format. It works just like I would have it function if I was writing a list of things to do in a notebook. Click "+" to add an item and use the tab key to indent an item. To set a due date for yourself just type a hashtag like #today or #tomorrow to prioritize your tasks. When you complete a task just click on it and strike it out.

WorkFlowy has a series of tutorial videos to help you discover all of the little tricks it offers, but even if you don't watch them you can use WorkFlowy efficiently. The video below shows the fundamental of WorkFlowy in  24 seconds.


The beauty of WorkFlowy is this: it lets you break things down into ever smaller pieces. This makes it perfect for organizing complex projects, brainstorming and a lot more. Try breaking down some of your projects, and you'll start to see the potential.

