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Virtual Keyboards for special characters and languages

Creativity | 2011. 10. 29. 02:57 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

This is a great article about virtual keyboards for typing special characters and other languages when using computers. And the applications are on the internet, so you don't need to install anything. All you have to do is to bookmark these websites below.


1. TypeIt


This site provides you with virtual keyboards of foreign languages which use Alphabet characters, not other languages with non-alphabet letters.

2. Litetype


This web application offers you with more options to use other non-alphabetical languages such as KOREAN, JAPANESE, CHINESE, and so on.


Launchpad 아이콘 크기 줄이는 방법

Creativity | 2011. 10. 21. 13:22 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Apple이 최근 OS X Lion 10.7.2 정식으로 내놓으면서 기존 10.7.1과 바뀐 것 중에 눈에 띄는 것이 있다면 단연 Launchpad의 아이콘 크기가 많이 커졌다는 것입니다. 기존에 좀 더 작은 아이콘만 보시다가 갑자기 커진 아이콘 크기에 당황해 하셨을 분들도 계셨을 것 같은데요. 물로 저도 그랬으니까요.



그래서 기존 작은 아이콘들이 더 끌리는 분들에게는 좋은 소식일 것 같은데, OS X 10.7.2에서 커진 아이콘 크기를 기존 10.7.1에서의 작은 아이콘으로 바꿀 수 있는 방법이 있어서 소개드리고자 합니다. 그런데 단 조건이 있습니다. 기존 10.7.1 을 타임머신에 백업해 두신 분들만 가능하다는 것입니다. 죄송합니다만 10.7.1을 백업해 두지 않으셨다면 이 글은 단순히 참고만 해 주시기 바랍니다.


1. Lion 10.7.1에서 선택

백업해 둔 10.7.1에서 Dock.app를 찾아서 바탕화면에 복사를 해 둡니다. Dock.app를 찾는 방법은 아래와 같습니다.
백업해 둔 타임머신으로 가셔서 System-Library-PreferencePanes에 있는 Dock.prefPane를 찾습니다.
그 다음에 오른쪽 클릭을 하셔서 콘텐츠 보기를 선택하신 후 MacOS 폴더 안에 보시면 Dock.app가 있습니다. 그것을 바탕화면으로 복사하시면 됩니다.



2. 복사 해 놓은 Dock.app을 10.7.2의 위치에 복사 (대체)

  • 파인더에서 Command+Shift+G를 동시에 누른 뒤 아래 경로를 붙여 넣음

  • Dock.prefPane 에서 오른쪽 클릭한 후 '콘텐츠 보기' 선택

  • Contents-MacOS 선택
  • 10.7.1에 있던 Dock.app를 붙여넣기 하기 위해서 10.7.2에 있는 파일명을 차후 백업용으로 Dock-backup으로 변경

  • 미리 바탕화면에 복사해 놓은 10.7.1의 Dock.app를 붙여넣기 함 (비밀번호 입력창이 뜰 수도 있음)

  • 터미널을 실행한 뒤 'Killall Dock' 명령어를 입력 후 엔터 (Return)

  • 이제 다시 Launchpad를 실행시켜 보면 아이콘이 작아진 것을 확인 할 수가 있습니다.

차후 다시 큰 아이콘으로 돌아가고자 할 때에는 기존에 백업해 둔 파일명을 Dock.app으로 변경 후 붙여넣으면 됩니다.


참조 :


'' - Web browsing together

Creativity | 2011. 10. 18. 09:36 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건 is a neat way to share your web search sessions with others. Enter into the website that you're browsing then click "create channel" to start sharing your web browsing with others.

PnpU.png will provide the option to share your browsing session with others. The people that join your channel can chat with you and watch your mouse movements on their screens. These are how it works.

1. Create a channel: From the homepage, enter a website and hit 'Create Channel'


2. Invite a friend: Send a Channel Invitation via Facebook, Twitter, or Phone.


3. Enjoy surfing with your friends: You and your friends will see exactly the same including each other's mouse movements.


And this video will tell you more about ''.



Cambrian college with Augmented Reality

Creativity | 2011. 10. 16. 13:37 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

This is an example of the use of Augmented Reality and Mobile Application from higher education settings like a college or a university and is the story of Cambrian College in Canada. Basically, they created a mobile application so that students in Cambrian college use it while they are in the campus of Cambrian college and especially made three augmented reality (AR) games.


Cambrian College was the first Ontario college to launch an app for iPhone back in September 2010. Now, the college is taking the technology to the next level. Cambrian College president Sylvia Barnard introduced the college's new mobile website, iCambrian app, and three augmented reality (AR) games during an official launch Oct. 14.


“By being one of the first, if not the first, college to be launching some of these techniques and reaching out to students we think we're situating ourselves well to be able to attract students from all over the province to come to Cambrian,” Barnard said. By downloading the app, students and faculty staff can access a variety of information including sports events, campus news, tours and Cambrian's YouTube channel.

“If you have an iPod, iPad or iPhone, you can get apps, and it's with you all the time regardless of where you are,”Stephanie Turcotte, president of Students' Administrative Council (SAC) at Cambrian College, said.

“As a student, you can benefit from having the campus maps, log onto student 411, and seeing if your classes have been cancelled. As staff, I use it to check my email.”


During the launch, students provided live demonstrations of three new AR games, which include basketball and hockey shootouts, where users try to get as many goals as possible before the time runs out. Students that are able to “un-jumble” the viewbook puzzle are entered into a draw for a chance to win an iPad. Computer Systems Technology student Shaun Bentzen, is in his third year at Cambrian, has been developing the app for almost two years along with the college's webmaster, Bruno Rocca.

“I looked at the apps that were being developed for colleges and said 'I could probably do that better,'” Bentzen said. Cambrian's new app is available for download on



A see-through tablet for Augmented Reality Learning

Creativity | 2011. 10. 14. 05:20 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

How great this see-through tablet it is! I guess children and students love it, because this can provide students with a lot of fun and joy while learning with it and engage children and learners more into their learning environments and the mixture of reality and virtuality. I can dare to say this influences a lot for school settings. Also, this see-through tablet can be employed in business settings, especially for occupational safety and health field. A safety manager or an employee can use this tablet to inspect or check out their facilities regularly. A lot of thoughts on AR for learning and training are in my mind and I am working on it really hard and want to make this AR involved in training settings for my company and other areas.


Many have questioned any company's ability to compete with the iPad. In this video, produced in collaboration with the Savannah College of Art & Design, Freescale explores what a tablet might think. Following how children can interact with a tablet throughout the day, we see the varied uses from casual to educational games, content creation through painting and content layering through augmented reality.


What is constant throughout the day and varied uses are the key elements of mobility, a simple user interface and all day battery life. These elements that are key to any tablets success & will enable any well designed tablet to be used from waking up its "ecosystem" to adding a new reality to star gazing.




Augmented Reality for Learning and Training just started.

Creativity | 2011. 10. 13. 05:48 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Since the advent and explosion of smart mobile technologies and ubiquitous techniques, Augmented Reality (AR) as a means of 3D visualization supported by mobility and ubiquity has been getting emphasized and coming forward to the world in front of us.


Augmented Reality Web site

These days, Augmented Reality (AR) is more used for the purpose of business such as marketing, sales, and PR by a large number of companies like Siemens, Audi, BMW, Toyota, Nissan, etc, but there are much more chances for AR to be utilized in education and training settings.

So I will today show you another example that AR can be used for educational purposes. And the example focuses on AR books in which learners can see 3D visuals of natural phenomena or creatures created by Palmer Creative Group



And these videos and materials below are explaining more about Augmented Reality (AR) to you.




More posting about Augmented Reality (AR) for learning and training.



자주 쓰는 터미널 명령어 Top 12 (Terminal Commands)

Creativity | 2011. 10. 9. 10:12 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

오랫만에 포스팅 하나 하려고 합니다. 그간 일과 학업으로 바쁜 시간을 보내면서 포스팅 주제에 대해서는 자주 생각하고 초안은 만들어 놨었는데 시간내서 이렇게 포스팅을 올리기가 쉽지가 않네요. 그런데 오늘은 정말 오랫만에 포스팅 하나 하려고 합니다. 큰 맘 먹고요. ㅋㅋ

오늘 포스팅 주제는 다름이 아니옵고 맥에서 자주 사용하는 터미널 명령어 몇개를 정리해 보려고 합니다. 일명 Top 12 Terminal Commands 입니다.


1. 숨겨진 어플리케이션의 독 아이콘 투명하게 하기

defaults write showhidden -bool YES


2. 대시보드 위젯을 데스크톱으로 드래그 하기

defaults write devmode YES


3. 모든 이메일을 텍스트 (Plain Text)로 보기

defaults write PreferPlainText -bool YES

4. 확장된 저장 화면을 기본 기능으로 보기 (Expanded Save Dialogs)

defaults write -g NSNavPanelExpandedStateForSaveMode -bool YES

5. 현재 화면보호기 설정을 데스크톱 배경화면으로 설정하기


6. 로그인 화면에 주요 시스템 정보 표시 하기

defaults write /Library/Preferences/ AdminHostInfo SystemVersion

마지막 부분의 SystemVersion을 다음으로 바꾸면 다른 설정을 볼 수가 있음
SystemBuild, SerialNumber, IPAddress, DSStatus, Time, HostName

7. 로그인 화면에서 계정 제거 하기 (명령어 맨 뒤에 간단한 이름 추가)

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ HiddenUsersList -array-add shortname

8.  스크롤 바 양쪽에 스크롤 화살표 보이게 하기

defaults write "Apple Global Domain" AppleScrollBarVariant DoubleBoth


9. 응용 프로그램 충돌 에러 알림 윈도우 나타나지 않게 하기
에러 알림 윈도우를 다시 보이게 하려면 아래의 명령어에서 'none'을 'prompt'로 바꾸면 됨

defaults write DialogType none

10. 사파리 히스토리 보기 제한 설정 하기 (아이템 숫자와 날짜 제한)

defaults write WebKitHistoryItemLimit 2000
defaults write WebKitHistoryAgeInDaysLimit 30

11. 파인더에서 숨겨진 파일 보기

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool YES

12. 대시보드 비활성 화기

defaults write mcx-disabled -bool YES
Killall Dock

원본 글 참조:


'Speaker Deck' Another great web site for sharing presentation (PDF)

Creativity | 2011. 10. 8. 01:58 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

There are plenty of good services on the web that enable users to publish their slides for the world to see. Speaker Deck is one of those services. Speaker Deck allows you to upload your PDFs and have them displayed as slideshows and divides and formats your PDF for optimal display.

Unlike a lot of other services, Speaker Deck doesn't appear to have a voice-over capability, but if you're just looking to share slides, Speaker Deck's clean and simple interface offers what most people need.

Speaker Deck is the best way to share presentations online. Simply upload your slides as a PDF, and we’ll turn them into a beautiful online experience. View them on, or share them on any website with an embed code.

Speaker Deck Scrubber UI from Jon Hoyt on Vimeo.



Steve Jobs Biography (스티브 잡스 자서전)

Creativity | 2011. 10. 7. 18:00 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

애플의 한 팬으로서 안타깝게도 엊그제 사망한 스티브 잡스 명복을 빌면서 애플이 스티브 잡스 추모 기념으로 제작한 자서전을 공유하고자 합니다. 너무 많은 사람들이 자서전을 다운로드 받기 위해 몰려서 현재는 다운로드 서버가 다운된 상태라고 합니다. 그래서 아래에 링크를 걸어 놓으니 시간 나실 때 한번 씩 보시기 바랍니다. 배울 점이 많은 것 같습니다.


Steve Jobs Biography
View more documents from KOSHA_iglassbox
[slideshare id=9589545&doc=stevejobsbiography-111007034535-phpapp02&type=d]


Educational Twitter Hashtags

Creativity | 2011. 10. 7. 00:55 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

This is a grew article about educational twitter hashtags, so that you can use these hashtags to search for the specific topics of education in Twitter. These educational hashtags are listed alphabet A to Z and they are sorted out with some special topics of education.


Firstly, what is hashtags?
I will explain it for those of you who are not familiar with twitter and hashtags (#).

The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keyword or topic in a Tweet. Any Twitter user can categorize or follow topics with hashtags.Those hashtags (usually) mean something and are a great way to get a tweet to appear in search results or discussion monitoring.


For example, the popular #edchat hashtag is used by thousands of users every Tuesday. It makes it easy (sort of) for people to monitor what’s happening in the conversation rather than having to try and guess what topics you should search for. By having a conversation on Twitter using hashtags, you also make it easy for any other Twitter user to join in.

The Most Popular Hashtags

  • #edchat – Education, worldwide (lots of US teachers). A really useful hashtag if you are interested in tweeting with a wide range of educators worldwide.
  • #schools – Massively wide ranging but used far less than #edchat or #ukedchat
  • #teaching – This hashtag seems to largely be used for jobseeking, FYI
  • #lrnchat – Learning chat
  • #TTTeacher Tuesday where educators suggest others to follow
  • #kinderchathashtag for discussing kindergarten aged children
  • #EdChatIE – The educational hashtag for Ireland for all three levels
  • #ukedchat – UK Education
  • #ClavEdThe educational hashtag for French Speakers – Wednesdays at 12h(EST) 13h(ATL) 18h(Paris)
  • #GlobalEd – Education with a global dimension


  • #edtech – a very wide range of tweets relating to the use of technology in education.
  • #elearning – eLearning topics
  • #mlearning – the use of mobile technologies in education, also #mobilelearning though this is less used
  • #edapp – educational apps
  • #gbl - games based learning
  • #slide2learniDevices and learning
  • #vitalcpd – effective use of technology in the classroom

Subject Specific

Specific Areas / Roles

  • #pgce – this is a widely used hashtag and is a great way to share ideas and support
  • #gtchat – for tweets related to gifted and talented education
  • #esl – English as a second language, this seemed to have more relevant tweets than #EFL
  • #Bullying – especially good for finding bullying resources or help and support if bullying is an issue though it is not confined to school bullying
  • #cpchat – connected principals discussion
  • #ntchat - new teachers, (#nqtchat seems to have lapsed)
  • #spedchat – special educational needs. Live chat every Tuesday night at 8:30 EST for special education related topics
  • #homeschool – everything related to home schooling, seems to be far more widely used than #hsc
  • #playoutdoorsoutdoor play and learning ideas
  • #TLChat – is the hashtag for Teacher Librarians’ discussions/resources
  • #ESDGC – Education for sustainability and global citizenship

The Full List of (Nearly) All Educational Hashtags

  1. #addcym
  2. #ageduchat
  3. #aimlang
  4. #AltEdchat
  5. #apbio
  6. #artsed
  7. #asechat
  8. #atplc
  9. #bettercollege
  10. #blogchat

The full list of educational twitter hashtags are here to use and follow.

For more reading...
