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A see-through tablet for Augmented Reality Learning

Creativity | 2011. 10. 14. 05:20 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

How great this see-through tablet it is! I guess children and students love it, because this can provide students with a lot of fun and joy while learning with it and engage children and learners more into their learning environments and the mixture of reality and virtuality. I can dare to say this influences a lot for school settings. Also, this see-through tablet can be employed in business settings, especially for occupational safety and health field. A safety manager or an employee can use this tablet to inspect or check out their facilities regularly. A lot of thoughts on AR for learning and training are in my mind and I am working on it really hard and want to make this AR involved in training settings for my company and other areas.


Many have questioned any company's ability to compete with the iPad. In this video, produced in collaboration with the Savannah College of Art & Design, Freescale explores what a tablet might think. Following how children can interact with a tablet throughout the day, we see the varied uses from casual to educational games, content creation through painting and content layering through augmented reality.


What is constant throughout the day and varied uses are the key elements of mobility, a simple user interface and all day battery life. These elements that are key to any tablets success & will enable any well designed tablet to be used from waking up its "ecosystem" to adding a new reality to star gazing.


