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Tinypaste_Keep your thought, memo, note, and text in real time

Creativity | 2011. 5. 13. 21:30 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

The tinypaste is the original next generation tool for sharing text.









Some technologies take things down a notch. For instance TinyPaste, a service obviously built with Twitter in mind that lets you link to ramblings in excess of the regular 140 character limit.

Just like TinyURL and other URL shortening services, TinyPaste produces a short address that you can enter into microblogging and IM services with caps on message lengths. But instead of directing users to a regular webpage, a TinyPaste’s URL sends its clickers to a simple page displaying the poster’s message.

Who would use this? Perhaps those who don’t maintain blogs but who still want to expound on their thoughts from time to time. It’s common practice for bloggers to adopt Twitter as a marketing tool that drives traffic back to their sites. This could start a reverse trend of sorts, one that introduces tweeters to the art of blogging. Or maybe I’m just extracting too much.

In any case, TinyPaste also comes with a Firefox extension for when you want to pass along a clip of text you found on the web. The service and plugin come from the same guys who brought you ControlC.

Similar Service Sites are:


General features of designing learning software

Education | 2011. 1. 1. 14:38 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

This is general features that instructors should take into account

when they develop learning software such as text, video, or web.




Use a short title page

Provide clear and concise directions

Allow user identification


Learner control

Use the mouse

Use keyboard also for more expert users

Use buttons for local controls

Use menus for global controls

Provide controls that are obvious and easy to use

Use cursor changes, rollovers, and confirmation with controls

Provide consistent position, appearance, and function in controls

Design controls in accordance with your users and your content

Make controls and directions for them visible only when available

Presentation of information

Be consistent

Use presentation modes appropriately (e.g., text, sound, video)

Text should be lean, clear, well formatted, and at an appropriate reading level

Use graphics and video for important information

Video should be short and controllable

Use speech to catch attention, give directions, and facilitate dual coding

Maintain good color contrasts, such as between foreground and background

Providing help

Procedural help should always be available

Provide context-sensitive help

Use rollovers as a form of constant help

Always provide a help button when help is available

Provide help in a manual for starting the program

Ending a program

Distinguish temporary versus permanent termination

Always allow temporary termination

Provide safety nets when the learner requests termination

Give credits and a final message at the end

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