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How to SSH in iPhone for Windows & Mac

Creativity | 2011. 4. 9. 01:03 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

This posting lets your SSH in your iPhone or iPad. See this post for Windows users.
For Mac users, see this post:

What is SSH?

SSH stands for Secure SHell.

It is just a protocol that allows you to access your iPhone or  iPod Touch from your desktop PC or MAC and execute commands on it (thus allowing you to copy any kind of data to and from the iPhone or  iPod Touch without iTunes). It’s also used for a lot of customization things if you know what you’re doing.

You can use a program like Cyberduck on MAC or WinSCP on Windows and you can browse your iPhone or iPod Touch  like any other hard drive and explore it’s content (which can be very interesting).

In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to SSH into iPhone using WinSCP.

How to SSH into iPhone using WinSCP

Step 1

Go to Cydia from your Springboard


Step 2

Go to Sections tab at the bottom of the screen.


Step 3

Under the Sections list, choose Networking.

See more at


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How to change Root PW for iPhone secure

Creativity | 2011. 4. 9. 00:29 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

I think this posting is a must-do thing for iPhone users, especially for jailbreakers.

As reported earlier that a hacker successfully breaks into jailbroken iPhones with SSH installed/enabled.

What the hacker did is he scanned all those Jailbroken iPhones with SSH enabled and Default root password. Using that password he then sent a message to the hacked iPhones.

If you have jailbreak your iPhone and want to secure yourself from such infiltration, only thing you need to do is that enable SSH only when needed and make sure you change the root password used to SSH into iPhone.

Change Root Password of Your iPhone

In this iPhone guide you will learn how to change root password of your jailbroken iPhone or iTouch. Install the MobileTerminal. If you don’t have MobileTerminal installed in your iPhone then:





Now tap the confirm button at the top-right.
Once you’re done with the installation, press the big Return to Cydia button.


Now press the Home button to close the Cydia and open the MobileTerminal from your iPhone SpringBoard.


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Apple will take both hybrid e-paper and LCD for the next

Creativity | 2011. 4. 8. 07:57 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Patently Apple에 따르면 애플은 차기 내놓을 아이폰5와 아이패드3에는 현재의 LCD Display에 추가로 Hybrid e-paper (e-ink) 기능을 추가하여 사용자 경험 (User Experience)을 확장하고자 한다고 합니다.


LCD는 다 아시는 그 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display; 액정 디스플레이)입니다. 그런데 Hybrid e-paper 이라는 좀 생소한 말이 나왔는데요. e-book에서 활용하는 종이 질감이 나게 해주는 그런 전자 종이를 말하는 것입니다. 아마존의 킨들 (Kindle)이 대표적인 것이지요.


그래서 애플의 생각은 일반 영화 감상 등의 그래픽 기능이 필요할 때는 LCD 디스플레이를 사용할 수 있게 한다는 것이고 e-book, 신문 기사 등의 글을 읽을 때는 Hybrid e-paper 디스플레이를 사용하게 하여 정말 책을 읽는 것과 같은 느낌을 사용자들이 받을 수 있게 하겠다는 것입니다.


PatentlyApple 관련 기사 보기:

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Top 10 Cydia Repositories of 2011

Creativity | 2011. 4. 5. 00:45 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Here is a list of top 10 Cydia sources for year 2011. With these repos, you can find, download and install almost any free, premium or cracked Cydia app on your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. By adding these sources to Cydia, you can access hundreds or even thousands of HD themes, games, ringtones and tweaks for free. I haven't included standard Cydia repos like BigBoss, ModMyi, iSpazio and Telesphoreo Tangelo repo as these sources are pre-added to Cydia by default whenever you jailbreak your iDevice.

SiNfuL iPhone Repo:


If you are looking for cracked apps, you should go for this repo. SiNfuL iPhone repo contains cracks of all famous Cydia apps including iFile, BiteSMS, MyWi and Multifl0w etc. Other than cracked Cydia apps, you can find tons of tweaks and mod apps.


SiNfuL iPhone Repo Address:
Famous Apps: AndroidLock, FaceBreak, Infinidock, Install0us, iRealSMS, MyWi, Multifl0w, YourTube, AppIconReOrder, Attachment Saver, AutoSilent, BiteSMS, Chronus, Full Preview, HapticPro, iBlacklist, iBlueNova, iFile and all famous emulators including GameBoy and NES emulator. Repo: is the best repo for people who can't afford to buy apps from App Store. Most of people add this repo to Cydia because it has got Installous which allows you to download premium App Store apps and try them out before you may make a final purchase. Repo Address:
Famous Apps: AppSync for iOS 4.0+, Installous 4 and Crackulous

xSellize Repo:


xSellize is the best Cydia repo for those who love to play emulator games. It contains a bunch of ROM packs for Game Boy Advance, Nintendo 64 and NES emulator. In each ROM pack, you can get around 50 to 60 games which you can play on these emulators. Other than game ROMs and emulators, it has got some awesome HD themes and Bluetooth tweaks for all iPhone and iPod Touch users.


xSellize Repo Address:
Famous Apps: CategoriesSB, CLASSified HD, Crimson HD, Cycorder, Cyntact, Element Mod, Elite PRO HD, ROMs and emulators etc

Insanelyi Repo:


The Insanelyi repo contains many Retina Display ready packages for your iPhone 4 and iPod Touch 4G. Other than that, you can find great tweaks and modding apps for iDevices running iOS 4.0 or above. The Insanelyi repo has got a small proportion of cracked apps as well but overall it is a nice Cydia repo for those who love to theme their iPhones and iPod Touches.

Insanelyi Repo Address:
Famous Apps: Adelis HD, AndroidLock XT, AnyRing, App Switcher (Brightness, volume and rotator), AppSync for 3.1/3.2/4.0/4.1/4.2, AttachmentSaver, Auto3G and Barrel etc



iHacksRepo is probably the best Cydia source for iPhone 4 and iPod Touch 4G users. It has almost all essential tweaks and mods which you will find in xSellize and SiNfuL iPhone repo. It has got an awesome collection of game ROMs, emulators, HD themes and other must have mods which you can try on any iDevice jailbroken on iOS 4.0 or above.


iHacksRepo Address:
Famous Apps: FolderEnhancer, FoldersInFolders, FreeSync, FullScreen for Safari, Gingerbread HD, GPower Pro, Graviboard, GridTab for Safari, Infiniboard, Infinidock, Inifinifolders, Instant Mirror, Auto3G, Frash, FaceBreak, iClassic, iFile and YourTube HD etc

HackYouriPhone Repo:


HackYouriPhone repo is basically an Italian Cydia source which is full of great themes, animated lockscreens and tweaks which you can try on your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. There are plenty of lockscreen mods and HD themes available in this source for iPhone 4 and iPod Touch 4G users.


HackYouriPhone Address:
Famous Apps: AndroidLock, App Switcher Brightness, AppSync, Auto Shutdown, Auto Silent, Backgrounder, Black'UPS Darkness HD, 3G Unrestrictor, CallClear, CallLock, CameraButtons, iFake, iSHSHit and LockInfo plugins.

BiteYourApple Repo:


BiteYourApple repo is another great Cydia source with tons of great themes, ringtones and mods for all iDevices. If you want to add, go for this source because it contains all packages of source as well as tons of other interesting Cydia apps.


BiteYourApple Address:
Famous Apps: Wifi Sync, Folder Enhancer, Frash Toggle, zToggle, Full Screen for Safari, Gridlock, Home Page in Safari, GroupSMS, Insomnia Pro and Inspell app etc

iPhoneCake Repo:


Just like is used to install Installous app, iPhoneCake repo is used to install AppCake app. Installous and AppCake, both works in a same way but what's cool about AppCake app is that it not only allows you to download and try premium App Store apps but also allows you to access and download cracked Cydia apps at the same time. iPhoneCake repo has its own official website which allows you to search and download all kinds of free and premium App Store apps directly to your computer. Once downloaded, you can install the downloaded apps (.IPA) via iTunes.


iPhoneCake Repo Address:
Famous Apps: Asphalt 5, FIFA '11,Street Fighter IV, Angry Birds, Safari Download Manager, GTA: Chinatown Wars, iSteamy, The Settlers, TVUPlayer, NFS Shift and many more.



You will hardly find any theme, wallpaper or soundboard on this repo but you can find almost all tweaks and mod apps you can think of. There is no cracked app in this repo, so you will either find completely free or paid apps. Overall its a great source for those who are interested in tweaking their iPhone and iPod Touch with some cool Cydia hacks.


YourCydiaRepo Address:
Famous Apps: PwnTunes, MobileTerminal, SBRotator, biteSMS, Infiniboard, Infinidock, iSilent and many more.

P0dulo Repo:


Not many of you must have heard the name of this repo but believe me, this is the repo where you can find anything. At P0dulo repo, you will find tons of themes, ringtones, tweaks and a lot of games.


P0dulo Address:
Famous Apps: Infinidock, Infiniboard


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


How to Jailbreak iOS 4.3.1 with Redsn0w 0.9.6rc9

Creativity | 2011. 4. 4. 18:21 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Redsn0w 0.9.6rc9 is the first untethered iOS 4.3.1 jailbreak that is available for both Mac OS X and Windows. Redsn0w is one of the easier jailbreak tools to use, just follow the instructions and you will be jailbroken in a few minutes.


This guide will perform an untethered jailbreak with iOS 4.3.1 on iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 GSM, iPod Touch 4G, iPod touch 3G, iPad, and Apple TV 2. Note that iPad 2 and iPhone 4 CDMA are not supported by this version of redsn0w. If you rely on ultrasn0w for an iPhone unlock, do not use this version of redsn0w.


How to Jailbreak iOS 4.3.1 using Redsn0w 0.9.6rc9


  1. Download iOS 4.3.1 IPSW and install it on your iOS device if you haven’t done so already
  2. Download Redsn0w 0.9.6rc9 (Windows & Mac OS X versions available)
  3. Launch Redsn0w and click on “Browse”
  4. Locate the iOS 4.3.1 IPSW file you downloaded in the first step and click “Open”
  5. Select “Next”
  6. Select the checkbox next to “Install Cydia” and click “Next”
  7. Make sure your iOS device is turned off and plugged into your computer and then click on “Next”
  8. Follow the on screen instructions to put your iOS device into DFU Mode: Hold down the Power button for 1 second, then continue to hold power while holding the Home button for 10 seconds, then release the power button but continue to hold the Home button for another 15 seconds.
  9. Once you are successfully in DFU mode, redsn0w will perform the jailbreak for you so let it do the work. Your iOS device will then restart automatically and you will be jailbroken


If you need to undo the jailbreak for any reason, it’s very simple, just restore your iOS device from within iTunes.


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


iPhone5 루머 총정리 (Complete synthesis of all the rumors about iPhone5)

Creativity | 2011. 4. 3. 20:48 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

iPhone5 (아이폰5)에 대해서 알고 싶은 모든 것

New design, brushed metal back, sliding keyboard, larger screen, contactless payments

위의 특징들이 여태까지 아이폰5 (iPhone5)에 대해서 많이 돌고 있는 루머들입니다.



아이폰5 (iPhone5) 주목할 만한 특징들 (The complete features of iPhone5 rumor roundup)


1. Better Camera: 8백만 화소 (8Mpx) 카메라

2. Without Home Button: Touch sensitive controls or button on one of edges

3. Bigger Screen: Between 4 or 5 inches

4. Better Resolution


5. Design: Same design as iPhone4 but Brushed metal back or New design with a reduced thickness, metallic back, and rounded off edges.


6. White Models: White models of iPhone5 will be available

7. Keyboard: Physical sliding keyboard

8. 64GB Models: Beyond 32GB, 64GB Models will be available

9. 1080 Full HD Videos

10. Low-cost models

11. No more internal storage


12. 3D Display: the screen of iPhone5 could handle the 3D display.

13. Better Battery

14. CDMA Model: iPhone5 will be equipped with CDMA chip.

15. R-UIM MicroCards Compatibility.

16. Two SIM card tray: iPhone5 could be equipped with 2 SIM card slots.

17. NFC technology


18. A5 Processor: Dual-Core A5 Processor

19. More RAM: iPhone5 could be with more RAM, 1GB RAM.

20. HDMI Output: HDMI output with 1080p HD support

21. 4G/LTE: iPhone5 could be compatible with 4G/LTE (Long Term Evolution) network

22. Voice Control: Enhanced voice control

23. Cloud Computing: A better cloud version of iTunes or better Mobile Me


23. iOS 5: iPhone5 presentation with iOS 5 launch

24. June or September: iPhone5 will be unveiled 2011 WWDC (June) or September 2011.


Original image download 1:

Original image download 2:


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Multifunctional touch screen Mac is Apple's Next?

Creativity | 2011. 4. 1. 04:28 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

애플이 Mac OS를 기초로 하여 iOS와 iPad를 탄생시켰고 이제는 'Back to the Basic'이라는 콘셉트로 iOS와 iPad에서 배운 것을들 조만간 공식 공개 (Official launching)를 앞둔 Mac OS X 10.7 Lion에 적용하여 밀림의 왕자 사자와 같은 테크놀로지의 최강자로서 most advanced한 운영체제인 Mac OS X 10.7 Lion을 내놓게 됩니다. (June, 2011)

Apple_thumb160.jpg    MacLogo.jpg


Mac OS X Lion에는 여러가지 새로운 기능들이 적용이 됐는데 그 중에 하나가 'Mission Control (미션 콘트롤)'입니다.

이 미션 콘트론은 향후 애플이 나아갈 방향을 보여주는 것 같아서 더욱 관심있게 보게 됩니다.


애플은 곧 정식 공개될 Mac OS X Lion을 개발하면서 아이폰과 아이패드에서 배운 것들은 반영했다고 했는데, 거의 모든 아이폰과 아이패드 기능들이 Mac OS X Lion에 반영이 된 것 같은데 그 중 하나 반영이 안된 것이 있다면 그것은 아마 터치 스크린 (Touch Screen) 기능일 것입니다.

미션 콘트롤을 사용해 보신 분이라면 다들 느낄 수 있는 점인데, 딱 한 가지 부족한게  터치 스크린을 사용하게 되면 정말 더 편리하고 좋을 것 같다는 것입니다.


그래서 이와 관련하여 애플의 향후 Macintosh 개발 방향에 대한 포스팅이 있어서 소개하고자 합니다.

이 글은 애플이 가지고 있는 'Multifunctional Device 300'에 대한 아이디어 개념도입니다. 물론 특허, 저작권은 애플에게 있는 것으로 생각이 됩니다.

글에는 애플이 Spaces 개념을 아이패드에 도입하려고 한다는 내용에 대한 설명이 길게 나와 있는데 이 글을 읽으면서 자꾸 애플의 다음 Macintosh Computer는

터치 스크린을 적용하게 될 것이라는 생각이 강하게 들게 되었습니다. 아마 모르긴 몰라도 2012년 WWDC에서는 (그 전에 있을 애플의 미디어 컨퍼런스가 될 수도 있구요.) Touch screen을 지원하는 MacBook이나 iMac이 나올 것이라는 생각이 듭니다.



관련 글1: Virtual Spaces iPad or Touch Mac

관련 글2: Apple is bringing to 'Spaces' to the iPad


The future of iOS is quietly shaping up behind the scenes at Apple, and we’ll probably get a good look at iOS 5 during WWDC 2011, but until then it’s mostly a guessing game. That is, until someone digs up some patents that show potential features in a currently unreleased product. Case in point, PatentlyApple has discovered a patent that describes Spaces (virtual desktops) in use on a “Multifunction Device” that looks a lot like an iPad. 

iPad… or Touchscreen Mac?

While the patent drawing does look like an iPad, I think it’s just as possible that the multifunction device could be any touchscreen display, even for a currently unreleased touchscreen Mac. I say this because the behavior described in the patent is similar to how Spaces works in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, where you sweep between Spaces by using the trackpad. It’s also reminiscent to the multitouch gestures you can enable for iPad by using developer tools with iOS 4.3. Those gesture similarities could even hint at further merging and sharing of features between future versions of iOS and Mac OS X. 

Last year, multiple patents showed up for things like a MacBook tablet, MacBook Touch, and even an iMac Touch that runs both iOS and Mac OS X.  You can see more details of the patent at PatentlyApple. Remember, not all Apple patents see the light of day as a feature or a product, but they can give us great insight into what Apple is working on.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


I tweaked my MacBook to look like iPad

Creativity | 2011. 3. 25. 03:37 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

I tweaked my MacBook to look like iPad2.

It took me 15 minutes to make my MacBook iPad.

How do you think of this look?

By doing this, you can learn 3 things at the same time.

1. You can learn how to access to root account in your mac. (

2. You can learn how to use fast switch function. (

3. You can learn how to make your mac look like iPad.



This is how you make your MacBook look like iPad.


1) Add Spacers to the Mac OS X Dock – this is done with a Terminal command that must be executed once for each spacer you want to create. The command is:

defaults write persistent-apps -array-add '{"tile-type"="spacer-tile";}'

Enter that into the command line then hit return. Then hit the up arrow and return again for each additional spacer you want to create, ie: do this 5 times for 5 spacers. Then you must kill the Dock for changes to take effect:

killall Dock

The spacers can then be moved around like any other Dock icon, just click and drag them. To get the proper iOS appearance, reduce the number of icons in your Dock to 4 or 6, but remember that the trash can will take up a space on the end as well.

2) Hide the Mac Menu Bar – There are multiple ways to do this, and you can either hide the menu bar or change the coloring or opacity of it. A simple method is to use the free app called “MenuEclipse” which lets you adjust the opacity of visible menu, it’s what I used in the screenshot above.

3) Increase Mac desktop icon size – Use a reverse finger pinch while on the desktop or hit Command+J and bring that slider up to 100+ pixels, depending on your desktops resolution size.

4) Make aliases of apps or folders you want to show on your Mac desktop – Select an app or folder and hit Command+L or hold down Command+Option while dragging the app to the Mac OS X desktop to create an instant alias.

5) Adjust the Aliased Desktop Icons to be on a Wide Grid – the icon grid spacing you’ll want is probably larger than the defaults that OS X allows, so go ahead and line them up manually.

6) Hide Macintosh HD and other drives from your desktop – iOS doesn’t display any drives, so you should set Mac OS X to behave the same way. This is easily done through by clicking on the Mac desktop, then opening Finder preferences and unselecting the checkboxes next to the items you want to hide from the desktop. If you use these, you could also just incorporate them into the iOS desktop styled grid.

7) Use an iOS icon set – I didn’t do this in the screenshot, but you could also take change your Mac icons to a set that resembles the squared appearance of iOS icons. The Flurry set from Iconfactory is a good start and still holds a Mac-ish appearance.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


7 Steps to Make Mac OS X look like iPad iOS

Creativity | 2011. 3. 24. 21:42 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Have iPad envy? Do you prefer the ease of the iOS interface? Maybe you just like the way iOS looks and want your Mac to resemble that user interface. mac-ipad-desktop-sm.jpg

By combining a few tips, we can make the Mac OS X desktop look a lot like iPad’s iOS:

1) Add Spacers to the Mac OS X Dock – this is done with a Terminal command that must be executed once for each spacer you want to create. The command is:

defaults write persistent-apps -array-add '{"tile-type"="spacer-tile";}'

Enter that into the command line then hit return. Then hit the up arrow and return again for each additional spacer you want to create, ie: do this 5 times for 5 spacers. Then you must kill the Dock for changes to take effect:

killall Dock

The spacers can then be moved around like any other Dock icon, just click and drag them. To get the proper iOS appearance, reduce the number of icons in your Dock to 4 or 6, but remember that the trash can will take up a space on the end as well.

2) Hide the Mac Menu Bar – There are multiple ways to do this, and you can either hide the menu bar or change the coloring or opacity of it. A simple method is to use the free app called “MenuEclipse” which lets you adjust the opacity of visible menu, it’s what I used in the screenshot above.

3) Increase Mac desktop icon size – Use a reverse finger pinch while on the desktop or hit Command+J and bring that slider up to 100+ pixels, depending on your desktops resolution size.

4) Make aliases of apps or folders you want to show on your Mac desktop – Select an app or folder and hit Command+L or hold down Command+Option while dragging the app to the Mac OS X desktop to create an instant alias.

5) Adjust the Aliased Desktop Icons to be on a Wide Grid – the icon grid spacing you’ll want is probably larger than the defaults that OS X allows, so go ahead and line them up manually.

6) Hide Macintosh HD and other drives from your desktop – iOS doesn’t display any drives, so you should set Mac OS X to behave the same way. This is easily done through by clicking on the Mac desktop, then opening Finder preferences and unselecting the checkboxes next to the items you want to hide from the desktop. If you use these, you could also just incorporate them into the iOS desktop styled grid.

7) Use an iOS icon set – I didn’t do this in the screenshot, but you could also take change your Mac icons to a set that resembles the squared appearance of iOS icons. The Flurry set from Iconfactory is a good start and still holds a Mac-ish appearance.

And there you have it… your Mac desktop now looks a lot like an iPad.

Retrieved from

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

'Creativity' 카테고리의 다른 글

Augmented Reality in product marketing  (0) 2011.03.25
I tweaked my MacBook to look like iPad  (0) 2011.03.25
Happy Birthday to Mac OSX 10 years old  (0) 2011.03.24
'SpicyNodes' for creative thinking  (0) 2011.03.24
Mac OSX 10.6.7 update  (0) 2011.03.22

The results of Global Mobile Awards 2011

Creativity | 2011. 2. 17. 01:11 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

App of the Year on the Apple Platform

Rovio/Clickgamer/Chillingo - Angry Birds

Angry BirdsCitation:
“This is the 50 million plus-selling app that catapulted the benchmark for mobile gaming higher than ever, it is innovative too in terms of in-application monetisation.”

App of the Year on the BlackBerry® App World Platform

aResearch In Motion - BlackBerry Messenger

Blackberry MessengerCitation:
“The benchmark for real-time, mobile instant messaging application that offers deep integration with the phone’s address book and media gallery.”

App of the Year on the Android Platform

Google - Google Maps

“This has been one of the most frequently updated applications on the market, and the latest iteration has made it simply one of the best mobile apps out there today”.

App of the Year on the Nokia Platform

Herocraft & InnerActive - Zum Zum

Herocraft & InerActiveCitation:
“Boasting captivating game-play, attractive graphics and simple rules. Ranked the number one game in Ovi Store in 2010, generating over six million game plays per month at its height”

Best Mobile App

Rovio / Clickgamer/Chillingo - Angry Birds

Judges' comments:
Angry BirdsThis is an application that is simple, intuitive, incredibly addictive, and perfect for “snacking” consumption. It has underlined the importance of the applications market, and helped raise the credibility of small independent developers outside the mainstream.

Best Mobile Advertising & Marketing Campaign

Mobilera - Outeractive - Unilever Cornetto Multiplayer Interactive Wall  Projection Mapping Game

Judges' comments:
Mobilera An innovative demonstration of brand promotion - with good customer interaction - accomplished on feature phones, giving it a broad reach. The element of fun adds value and catalyses interest.

Best Mobile Enterprise Product or Solution

Antenna - Antenna Mobility Platform (AMP)

Judges' comments:
AntennaBringing consumer type apps to work for enterprise users and their customers is an important new area of development. This forward thinking capability really enhances the effectiveness of enterprise users and their transactions with customers and suppliers.

Best Mobile Money Product or Solution

Airtel Africa, MasterCard Worldwide and Standard Chartered Bank - Airtel Card

Judges' comments:
Airtel CardProvides a developed-world service to the developing world with great use of existing and readily accessible technologies (such as MasterCard’s network) to open up commerce and banking to the unbanked and underbanked.

Best use of Mobile for Social & Economic Development

Ericsson and Flexenclosure - Ericsson Community Power

Judges' comments:
Ericsson and FlexenclosureGreat use of a transformative technology, to give back to communities and improve their lives at no cost to them, whilst safeguarding the mobile operator’s infrastructure.

Best Mobile Money for the Unbanked Service

Vodafone Group, Safaricom, Vodacom, Vodafone Essar Limited and Roshan Ltd - M-PESA

Judges' comments:
Vodafone Group, Safaricom, Vodacom, Vodafone Essar Limited and Roshan LtdThe success story continues. This solution is enhanced further with the addition of new features and territories. It is winning ground in a way seldom seen in the mobile industry and is a true and sustained success story.

Best Product, Initiative or Service for Underserved Segments

BBC World Service Trust - BBC Janala

Judges' comments:
BBC JanalaA mobile education programme (teaching English) integrated with content online, on TV and in print, focused on those living on less than $2 a day. Lessons are downloadable, or provided on demand (at a quarter of the standard charge). A truly great product.

Best M-Health Innovation

Mobisante Inc - MobiUS

Judges' comments:
Mobisante IncA highly innovative product, which has the potential to make a very real difference in healthcare to many disadvantaged groups. $1 a scan – amazing ability for this solution to reduce the cost of ultrasounds. This product has taken the best of mobile and made it into a life saving device.

Best Mobile Learning Innovation

Urban Planet Mobile and PT Telkomsel - Urban English, Mobile English Learning Initiative

Judges' comments:
Urban Planet MobileA simple, genial yet exciting innovation; based on sound business models to reach the underserved markets.

Best Mobile Innovation for Utilities

EDMI and Sierra Wireless - EDMI EWM100 Advanced GSM/GPRS Modem

Judges' comments:
EDMI and Sierra WirelessA fantastic product concentrating on solving the issues presented to utilities in gathering meter data using wireless technology.

Highly Commended
Logica for Logica Charge Point interactive Management System (CiMS)
This type of solution is essential to the development and customer acceptance of the electric vehicle. A truly innovative solution. This product could well set the agenda for how electric vehicles interact with the electric grid.

Best Mobile Innovation for Automotive & Transport

Nissan Motor, AT&T, NTT DOCOMO, and Telenor Connexion for - ICT Electric Vehicles

Judges' comments:
Nissan Motor, AT&T, NTT DOCOMO, and Telenor ConnexionA truly innovative solution using smartphones for remote control and diagnostics for electric vehicles, allowing drivers to monitor and reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The ability for drivers to compare performance characteristics with other drivers is highly relevant, adding a social dimension to the solution. It sets the standard for others to follow.

Best Embedded Mobile Device (Non-Handsets)

AT&T and VITALITY, Inc - AT&T-connected Vitality GlowCaps

Judges' comments:
AT&T and VITALITY, IncThis is a clever and interesting product that solves a genuine problem – one that can affect anyone, anywhere. Well thought through, the GlowCaps proposition presents a new business model offering global potential for the m-health market.

Green Mobile Award for Best Green Product/Service or Performance

Bharti Infratel - GreenTowers P7 Project

Judges' comments:
Bharti InfratelA great effort, one of the largest green power initiatives for mobile towers anywhere, helping prove the viability of green energy technologies on a large commercial scale.

Best Mobile Device

Apple - iPhone 4

Judges' comments:
iPhoneGreat screen, sharp design, fantastic materials, and phenomenal ecosystem for app developers. In a tight race, the iPhone 4 built on the success of its predecessors to set the pace for smart phones.

Device Manufacturer of the Year


Judges' comments:
HTC This company has built its market presence from nowhere, with fresh branding and marketing and a strong portfolio of devices across many platforms. In particular, it has proven an exceptionally popular and enduring phone manufacturer. With great communication and good customer service, this is a well-deserved award.
Highly Commended
The HTC Desire set the bar for Android phones across much of the world in 2010. Packed with great features, this is an enduring product that has performed consistently well.

Best Mobile Broadband Technology

Ruckus Wireless - Ruckus Mobile Wi-Fi Gateway System

Judges' comments:
Ruckus WirelessA very timely and interesting solution. By focusing and constantly steering transmissions over the best (fastest and cleanest) signal path, the Ruckus Mobile Internet Smart Wi-Fi system is an innovative and truly converged WiFi/mobile system

Best Mobile Technology for Emerging Markets

Orange - Orange solar base station programme

Judges' comments:
OrangeA simple and practical solar power technology which has achieved widespread commercial deployment.

Best Technology Breakthrough

Seven Networks - SEVEN Open Channel

Judges' comments:
SEVEN Open channelA truly urgent and much needed solution that addresses key and critical issues for today's exponentially growing mobile broadband networks.

Best Customer Care & CRM

Airtel Africa and Tango Telecom - Tango Telecom’s ‘Dynamic Pricing Service

Judges' comments:
Airtel TangoIn any region of the world this solution would be a clever one that monetises under-utilised network capacity, manages QoS and delights customers. However, what excited the judges was that solution gives access to mobile services and can deliver life-changing benefits to Africans.

This example clearly shows how Africa is fast shrugging off its reputation as *just* a developing, high-growth telecoms market concerned with supplying basic services, and is rapidly transforming into a market where there is a great deal of innovation and some very clever solutions to both local and global mobile challenges.

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