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Dashboard 배경화면 바꾸는 방법 (OS X Lion)

Creativity | 2011. 7. 28. 07:22 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

맥 OS X Lion은 전 버전인 Snowleopard에서 250여 가지의 많은 진화와 발전을 통해서 탄생한 OS X의 최신 버전입니다. 이러한 업그레이드 사항들 중에 Dashboard에도 많은 변화가 있었습니다. 첫번째는 Dashboard 자체가 하나의 Space로 되어 있는 것이고, 레고 (Lego) 모양의 백그라운드로 바뀐 것입니다. 또 이런 Dashborad 배경화면은 간단한 파일 변환 및 교체 만으로 자신만의 개성 있는 Dashboard 배경화면으로 바꿀 수가 있습니다. 오늘은 이런 Dashboard 배경화면 바꾸는 방법에 대해서 이야기하고자 합니다.

기존 Dashboard 배경화면은 레고 모양으로 아래와 같이 되어 있습니다. 이것을 Eagle이 있는 배경화면으로 바꿔보도록 하겠습니다.
Step 1. Dashboard 배경화면으로 바꾸고자 하는 이미지 파일을 찾아서 PNG 파일로 변환한 후 파일명을 'pirelli.png'로 변환한다. (Preview에서 내보내기로 변환 가능)
Step 2. Finder에서 'Go To Finder' (Command+Shift+G) 기능을 실행한 후 아래의 경로를 입력한다.

Step 3. Resources 폴더에서 기존의 원본 'pirelli.png'의 이름을 'pirelli_backup.png'으로 변환한다. (추후에 원상복할 경우를 대비함)

Step 4. 바탕화면에 있는 'pirelli.png' 파일을 Resources 폴더에 붙여넣기 한다. (비밀번호 입력이 필요할 수 있음)
Step 5. 복사가 완료된 것을 확인한 후 터미널을 열고 'killall Dock' 명령어를 입력하여 Dock을 리셋해 줍니다. 리셋한 후에 Dashboard를 가 보면 배경화면이 바뀌어 있는 것을 확인하실 수 있습니다.
Dashboard 배경화면 변경 후 다시 원상복구를 할 경우에는 해당 폴더로 가셔서 변경한 파일명 'pirellibackup.png' 다시 원본 파일명 'pirelli.png'으로 바꿔주시면 됩니다. 또한 미션 컨트롤 (Mission Control)에서 보이는 Dashboard 배경화면 이미지를 변경하기 위해서는 해당 폴더 (/System/Library/CoreServices/에서 'minipirelli.png' 파일을 찾아서 대치해 주시면 됩니다.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


New Wallpapers from Mac OSX Lion DP 3

Creativity | 2011. 5. 14. 12:49 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Mac OS X Lion Dev Preview 3 was just released to developers and along with it came a new bunch of beautiful high-res wallpapers at 3200×2000 resolution.

Download all new wallpapers for Mac OS X Lion DP3

Here’s a few to see, but you’ll need to use the above download link to get them:

You can also get the past Fuji Mountain wallpapers (1) (2) and the Space wallpaper which seems to no longer exist in Lion. While you’re at it, check out my recent 15 awesome high-res wallpaper post, there’s some nice ones in there too.


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25 Tips Every Mac User Should Know

Creativity | 2011. 5. 13. 12:38 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

We spend far too much time tinkering with OS X, and over the years we've picked up countless quick tips that make spending 12 or 14 hours a day in Apple's OS a bit more bearable.

Have a look through our favorite tricks for the latest Mac OS X release, version 10.6 (aka "Snow Leopard"). From handy keyboard shortcuts to under-the-radar features, all of these tricks are accessible without downloading any additional software.

Tap to Click

When you're clicking thousands of times a day, that extra couple of millimeters required to click the trackpad button adds up. Turn on "Tap to Click" by going to System Preferences > Trackpad on your Apple laptop.

Power-Up Your App Switching

Most people know that hitting Command-Tab cycles through your currently running apps, but a two finger swipe or spin of the scroll wheel lets you quickly select the app you want with just a flick of your finger. While Command-Tabbing to move between apps, you can quit or hide an app while the cursor is over it by tapping Q or H.

Define Words Within Apps

In most apps, you can highlight any word and hold down Command-Control-D to get a pop-up definition from OS X's built-in dictionary. (Some third-party apps don't support this feature.)

Stealthily Hide Apps

Boss coming over while you're finishing up a game of Angry Birds? Tap Command-H to instantly hide the app you're currently using. Command-option-H hides all apps running in the background. You can also tap Command-Option-M to minimize all the windows in an app to the Dock. The completely desperate can tap Command-Option-Shift-Q to immediately log out.

Find Out Where You've Saved A File

In document-based applications like TextEdit and Preview, command-clicking (or right-clicking) the icon at the top of the window reveals exactly where the file is saved. It's handy for when you're not sure where you've saved something and don't want to search via Spotlight.

Dig Deep

If you're buried deep in your photo archives and need to quickly move back out, Command-up (or Command-[) on they directional keypad will pull you back a directory. Similarly, tapping Command-Down (Command-]) takes you deeper into the system.

Pull Up Your App Folder

Command-Option-A, tapped from anywhere in the Finder, whisks you to the Applications folder. Similarly, Command-Option-D opens up a new Finder window showing off your Desktop.

Open Files From The Dialogue Box

When you're in the open dialogue box in most apps, you sometimes want to actually interact with the file back in the finder. Usually, this involves hiding all the windows, navigating to the correct folder in the Finder, and generally too much clicking. Instead, while in the Open dialogue, just hit Command-R, and a Finder window will open with that file selected.



Apple's air-expelling keyboard system

Creativity | 2011. 5. 13. 01:05 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

A new patent application published by the US Patent and Trademark Office gives us another thought-provoking insight into Apple’s thinking behind sci-fi keyboard designs. Granted, only a fraction of their patents see the light of day. Moreover, those that don’t often file is vague, too broad conceptual ideas. Nevertheless, this one’s interesting on several levels.  Apple wants you to feel the keys before you hit them. The document entitled “Input Devices and Methods of Operation” proposes the use of air vents on keys (you read that right) coupled with a bunch of proximity sensors like the one inside your iPhone that prevents spray input from your face.


In some systems, feedback is provided before actual contact with the key expelling air from the input device proximate the key when user selection is imminent. In other examples, the tactile sensation results from automatic movement of the key in response to detected user selection of the key.

Another embodiment calls for a pneumatic system designed to pull the key away from you by “advancing the selected key in a direction of actuation in response to detecting user selection”. What do you make of this?


The described concept is pretty much useless in virtual keyboards where glass prevents air expelling. However, such a design could come in handy for really tiny keyboards where the individual keys are too close together, meaning one is unable to distinguish between the individual keys just by touching them with one’s finger. How small a keyboard, you ask? Really small – think iPhone small. Any suggestions? Meet us in comments. Apple credited this keyboard concept to engineers Aleksandar Pance, Michael Sinclair and Brett Bilbrey.
Source:   &

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Mailbox_Gmail in Mac OS X menu bar

Creativity | 2011. 5. 11. 16:49 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Looking for a way to access your Gmail acount from your Mac’s menu bar? Zentertain’s Mailbox is a lightweight app that does just that, adding an envelope icon to your menu bar that, when clicked, pops open a window containing your Gmail inbox. You can read emails, reply to conversations and compose new emails from within that window, all without having to open up your browser.


The first time you click the icon, you’ll be asked for your login details before being taken to your inbox. Eagle-eyed users of the mobile-optimized version of Gmail for the iPhone will probably be very familiar with the version of the web app that pops up; it looks like Mailbox is effectively just a browser window, and the app is tricking Google into thinking that it is serving the site to a mobile device. That’s not necessarily a bad thing: the iPhone-optimized version of Gmail is nicely-designed, provides access to Gmail’s more advanced features (Priority Inbox, Google Buzz, labels, stars, etc.) and works well on smaller displays — like the window that Mailbox uses to display your inbox on your desktop.


As a very simple, lightweight app that provides speedy desktop access to your Gmail account via your menu bar, it works pretty well. However, if you’re a Google Apps for Domains Gmail user, you’re out of luck: unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to work properly with those accounts. Additionally, there are a couple of extra (albeit probably technically hard to implement) features that would turn it from merely being a convenient way to access the Gmail website into a much more useful application. Robust offline access would be really handy, and make the app more of an equivalent to full-featured desktop email clients like Outlook and Apple Mail. Some kind of notifications system for new and unread emails would also be useful — perhaps having a count of unread emails next to the app’s icon in the menu bar, and also having the option of Growl notifications for new emails.

Mailbox can be downloaded from the App Store. It’s free, and requires Mac OS X 10.6 or later

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

'Creativity' 카테고리의 다른 글

How to use FaceTime in the dark  (0) 2011.05.12
A new kind of computer 'Chromebook'  (0) 2011.05.12
The Website Creator for Mac 'Sandvox'  (0) 2011.05.11
iPad 2 info graphics_new facts about iPad 2  (0) 2011.05.10
iPad 2 makeuseof guide  (0) 2011.05.10

The Website Creator for Mac 'Sandvox'

Creativity | 2011. 5. 11. 16:25 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

What's New in Sandvox 2

Sandvox 2 has more than five dozen new features and major improvements. This represents a huge leap forward for anyone using a Mac to easily create powerful websites. All of the new features and improvements in Sandvox 2 are designed to give the modern website builder more flexibility than ever.


Under the hood, this new version introduces a completely new architecture and new editing engine, which allows you to mix and match “objects” on a web page in a much more naturally expressive and creative way. For example, photography and video can now both reside on the same page, along with text, custom HTML and whatever else you can dream up.

Sandvox 2 has also leapt into the realm of social media! Now with multiple points of Facebook and Twitter integration, you can keep visitors apprised of your status and drive more traffic to your website by making it easy for them to “tweet” about or “like” specific pages on your site.


Websites you build with Sandvox 2 are now more “modern” than ever before. Any page can pop up a photo gallery on a layer just above it to present a lightboxed slideshow. Hierarchical drop-down menus are automatically built by Sandvox 2 to help visitors navigate your site. Audio and video are playable in a way that’s accessible to just about every computer and browser out there — including iPad and iPhone.

And this is just for starters! New designs and design chooser, an all-new inspector, directly resizable images, drag-and-drop placement of objects on a page, and more!

And need we mention that this is on top of the amazing features that have been part of Sandvox all along: Live editing of your actual website, with no preview mode. Tons of designs to choose from. Everything you need to get your website built, no add-ons required. Easy blogging and podcasting. Build sites that are optimized for getting attention from search engines. And publish to just about any web host under the sun.

Click here to download

Features of Sandvox 2

Pick a look.Choose from our extensive gallery of designs. Or go with another designer’s creation. Change your mind, change your theme. Learn more.


Mix and Match.
It’s the rule for a better website. Mix it up with text, video, photos, blogs, 
forms, sitemaps, Facebook, Twitter, or just about any kind of web object. Learn more.


Customize. Expand.Use a chunk of HTML PHP, or JavaScript. Paste an embed link or other snippet. Just because you don't have to use HTML doesn't mean you can't. Learn more.


FTP, SFTP, MobileMe, WebDAV... the choice of how, where, and when to publish is yours. Built-in archiving plus automatic RSS features make sharing your blogs and podcasts a breeze.


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'Creativity' 카테고리의 다른 글

A new kind of computer 'Chromebook'  (0) 2011.05.12
Mailbox_Gmail in Mac OS X menu bar  (0) 2011.05.11
iPad 2 info graphics_new facts about iPad 2  (0) 2011.05.10
iPad 2 makeuseof guide  (0) 2011.05.10
Apple is the world's most valuable brand  (1) 2011.05.09

Apple is the world's most valuable brand

Creativity | 2011. 5. 9. 21:40 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Apple is the world’s most valuable brand in the post-recession world, says the latest 2011 Top 100 ranking of global brands by BrandZ, a Millward Brown subsidiary of advertising company WPP. The iPhone maker, which last year ranked third, knocked Google, the world’s most valuable brand in 2010. Apple emerged ahead other top brands from a variety of industries such as computers, automotive, telcos, banks and clothing, to name a few. The organization estimated Apple’s brand value at north of $153 billion, which shouldn’t be confused with Apple’s market capitalization that currently stands at cool $324 billion. Google’s brand value dropped two percent to an estimated $111.5 billion, enough to rank second.
Apple earned an 84 percent increase in brand value with successful iterations of existing products like the iPhone, creation of the tablet category with iPad, and anticipation of a broadened strategy making the brand a trifecta of cloud computing, software, and innovative, well-designed devices.
The BrandZ rankings were first published five years. Apple’s brand value in the BrandZ rankings increased 859 percent from just $16 billion in 2006, thanks to the successful business with iOS devices that helped Apple become the world’s most profitable handset maker and the biggest mobile devices company by revenue. Facebook ($19.1 billion), Amazon ($37.6 billion) and the Chinese search engine Baidu ($22.6 billion) also stand out as year-over-year performers. It’s interesting that Amazon is now the leading retal brand, having beaten Walmart with a 37 percent rise in brand value.  Dell fell off the list this year and Nokia lost 28 percent of its brand value, ending at the #81 slot with an estimated brand value of $10.7 billion. Car maker Toyota rebounded to the #1 rank in cars. Total value of the hundred brands on the BrandZ Top 100 list is an estimated $2.4 trillion.

Mac OS X Lion to be distributed via Mac App Store

Creativity | 2011. 5. 5. 05:02 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

The upcoming release of Mac OS X 10.7 Lion will be distributed primarily as a download through the Mac App Store. This information comes from AppleInsider, who says the following:


The Mac App Store… will become the de facto method for obtaining the Lion upgrade, people familiar with the matter have revealed. Users will be able to upgrade instantly without the need for physical media by purchasing Lion through the Mac App Store.



Distribution of Lion through the Mac App Store for all users is not too surprising considering it’s the primary method for developers to download and install the Developer Preview releases. This is not to say that a corresponding DVD installer will not be released alongside the digital distribution. Last month, a placeholder for a Lion installation DVD showed up on German Amazon, and there continues to be a possibility that Lion will also appear on USB installer keys for MacBook Air and Mac Mini Server users.


Mac OS X Lion is expected to make a significant appearance at WWDC 2011 in early June.


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Access Folders from Finder Windows with a Custom Toolbar

Creativity | 2011. 5. 4. 21:41 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

This is a neat trick I accidentally discovered: you can drag folders into any Mac OS X Finder window toolbar and it will stick allowing for easy access.


Additionally, if you drag some of your core ~/ directories into the toolbar they’ll stay in place with custom icons like you can see in the screenshot above: music note for your ~/Music, a camera for ~/Pictures, and a movie reel for ~/Movies.

If you don’t want folders in the Finder window toolbar anymore, just drag them off while holding the Command key.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


How to uninstall applications easily and quickly in Mac OS X Lion

Creativity | 2011. 5. 3. 11:57 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Uninstalling apps from Mac OS X is set to get even easier in Lion, thanks to usability cues taken from iOS. Using Launchpad, you’ll be able to just click and hold on an icon to cause the familiar icon jiggle and “X” to appear, click the X and the app will delete.


One quirk though, as MacRumors notes, is that this only works on apps installed through the Mac App Store. Other third party apps currently can’t be deleted through LaunchPad, which creates a strange user experience inconsistency, but this may change by the time Lion is released to the public this summer.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.
