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'Difference'에 해당되는 글 1

  1. 2011.02.15 Goals (목표) and Objectives (목적)

Goals (목표) and Objectives (목적)

Education | 2011. 2. 15. 01:37 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Goals – are long-term aims that you want to accomplish.

Objectives – are concrete attainments that can be achieved by following

a certain number of steps.

Goals and objectives are often used interchangeably, but the main difference

comes in their level of concreteness.
Objectives are very concrete, whereas goals are less structured.

Remembering the Differences between Goals and Objectives
When you are giving a presentation to a potential or current employer, knowing

the difference between goals and objectives can be crucial to the acceptance

of your proposal. Here is an easy way to remember how they differ:

Goals – has the word “go” in it. Your goals should go forward in a specific

direction. However, goals are more about everything you accomplish on your

journey, rather than getting to that distant point. Goals will often go into undiscovered

territory and you therefore can’t even know where the end will be.

Objectives – has the word “object” in it. Objects are concrete. They are something

that you can hold in your hand. Because of this, your objectives can be clearly outlined

with timelines, budgets, and personnel needs. Every area of each objective should be firm.

Examples of Goals and Objectives

Goals – I want to be a better ball player. I want to learn more about Chinese history.

I want to maximize my professional performance.
Objectives – I want to memorize the periodic table before my next quiz.

I want to increase my sales by 10% this month. I want learn to play “Freebird” on the guitar.

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