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'Classroom'에 해당되는 글 2

  1. 2011.05.06 The world is your classroom
  2. 2010.11.23 Classroom Risk Assessment

The world is your classroom

Education | 2011. 5. 6. 23:32 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

This article is from Dr. Steve Wheeler's Blog.

I want to inspire you to reach farther. Most teachers are limited to their classroom, or to the environment within which they and their students can interact. Some may be fortunate enough to escape from the classroom to lead outdoor education trips, or work within a forest school, spending class time exploring and learning from their surroundings. Some teachers are even lucky enough to conduct a comparative studies trip in a foreign country. Most teachers though, usually find themselves trapped within the four walls of the classroom or lecture hall for much of their working week. And yet with the new social media tools, we can all be worldwide educators. All we need is something important to say, and a tool such as this blog as a vehicle to say it with.  It never ceased to amaze me how many students contact me to say how much they enjoy reading this blog. Some have told me how much it has inspired them to learn more, explore, take risks, and reach further.

world education.jpg

This kind of positive affrirmation is very important to me and to other edubloggers. Personally, it's one of the main reasons I continue to blog and invest my time in it. Knowing that what I'm writing, and the richness of the subsequent dialogue are having a such positive impact on someone, is one of the main reasons I blog so regularly.  This morning I happened to stumble upon an interesting Twitter stream hashtag - #qaz11 - which I quickly realised was being generated by a group of students in the care of my old friend Jose Luis Garcia (well worth following him on Twitter: @JL3001, over at the University of Cantabria in Spain. Although the tweets were in Spanish, I was able to translate them using Tweetdeck, and I followed for a little while. The students were discussing the merits of the 10 Teaching with Twitter activities I posted on this blog. It was interesting to see them analyse and evaluate the potential of each of the activities within their own professional context as trainee teachers. Without me actually being there, my thoughts were having an impact on the students' learning - my ideas were helping them to frame their thinking, promote discussion and engage critically with the topic.  The same is happening all over the world, every hour, every day as teachers begin to share their ideas and advice, best practice and top tips across a global platform - the blog. We have become a new breed of teacher Quite literally, we are worldwide educators, with students in every country of the world, who read our blogs, think, argue, learn and then go off to try out some ideas. We don't always see them, and we may never meet them, but they are there, and they are learning.   So don't limit yourself to seeing the four walls of your classroom as the full extent of your world. Reach further - and become a worldwide educator. You have the technology.  Multi-media brought the world into your classroom. Social media will take your classroom into the world.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Classroom Risk Assessment

Safety | 2010. 11. 23. 02:22 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

This tool allows classroom staff in any school to do a risk assessment

quickly and easily. It does not apply to communal areas, eg corridors,

to specialist classrooms such as laboratories or to activities such as sport or excursions.

Classroom risk assessment

For some activities, you may need a more in-depth assessment depending on what you and your pupils are doing, eg ceramics, moulding or casting.

The tool enables you to produce a tailored assessment by selecting the relevant issues and thinking about how you control them. It complements your lesson plan.

It is easy and helpful to use. This should take you around 20 minutes and at the end, you will be able to save a copy for future reference or get a copy as a pdf.

Please note that for this consultation phase, you will not be able to amend the assessment online at a later date.

Begin classroom risk assessment

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.
