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  1. 2010.12.11 5 Ways to Raise a Grateful Child

5 Ways to Raise a Grateful Child

Education | 2010. 12. 11. 02:27 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

I read a great article about raising a thankful child, So I will share with you.

This article is by Patty Onderko at

"I was 7 years old when I received a tiny Christmas present -- about the size of an

eraser -- awkwardly wrapped and covered in tape. My sister's boyfriend, Jeff, was

visiting and had considerately brought gifts for his girlfriend's three younger siblings.

Mine, though, was by far the smallest. I remember opening it up to reveal a miniature

ceramic dog -- a cold, hard nothing that fit in the palm of my hand -- and thinking

how unlucky I was. I gave Jeff my best cold shoulder the rest of the day.

And I've felt guilty about it ever since. Partly because, in hindsight, Jeff's gift was

very thoughtful: I'd been obsessed with my dollhouse, and he had managed to find

one accessory my dream home did not yet have -- a pet. Still, I couldn't look past

the size of the gift to be grateful for the amount of care that had gone into choosing it.
In this, experts say, I wasn't an unusual kid: For distractible, still-developing children

(and that's pretty much all of them), gratitude can be hard-won. While many can be

trained to say "please" and "thank you" beginning at about 18 months, true

appreciativeness and generosity take time to seed and blossom.

"There's a difference between encouraging thankfulness in your kids and actually

expecting it," says Claire Lerner, a child-development specialist at Zero to Three,

a nonprofit organization dedicated to the healthy development of kids and families.

"Raising a grateful child is an ongoing process."
Vicki Hoefle, director of Parenting on Track, a parent-education program based in

East Middlebury, VT (and the mother of five teenagers), concurs: "As nice as it is to

think about having a five-year-old who appreciates and shows gratitude for everything,

the truth is, parents can feel successful if they raise a thirty-five-year-old who

embodies that grateful spirit."

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

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