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'선물'에 해당되는 글 2

  1. 2010.12.13 Traditions of Christmas gifts
  2. 2010.12.09 Waiting for Christmas

Traditions of Christmas gifts

Life & more | 2010. 12. 13. 16:37 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Today, I heard of the origin of Christmas gifts in the service of First Baptist Church

in Fort Collins. This was the first time for me to hear about it and was impressed.

So, I write about the story of traditions of Christmas gifts from now on.

Where did Christmas gift giving come from? If we go back to the first Christmas story when

God sent Jesus to earth, we recall that Jesus was given three gifts by the three wise men or Magi, which serve as the inspiration for all our Christmas gift giving today.


The Magi presented Jesus with gold, frankincense and myrrh. These gifts were very prophetic for they spoke of our Lord's offices of King, Priest, and Savior.

GOLD: This carries obvious significance. It's precious and worthy across all cultures and times. It's a gift fit for royalty. It says to the Christ child, You will be a King.



FRANKINCENSE: The name for this resin likely comes from incense of Franks since it was

reintroduced to Europe by Frankish Crusaders. Although it is better known as frankincense" to westerners the resin is also known as olibanum, which is derived from the Arabic al-lub ("the milk") a reference to the milky sap tapped from the Boswellia tree. Frankincense has been touted for its medicinal and soothing properties. Herbalists say it is calming, restorative, gently clarifying, and meditative. Frankincense oil is thought to have stimulating, toning, and warming properties.

The ancient world used it for treating depression. We recognize the word incense in its name. Ancient people burned frankincense, believing it to carry their prayers to heaven. Its use as incense illustrates His role as our Priest.


MYRRH: This is perhaps the most mysterious of the Gifts. It is a resin produced by a small, tough, scraggly tree that grows in semi-desert regions of North Africa and the Red Sea. Myrrh is an Arabic word for bitter, and it is considered a wound healer because of its strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Calling it mo yao, the Chinese used it for centuries to treat wounds, bruises and bleeding and to relieve painful swelling.

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The Egyptians made it famous in Biblical times, having acquired myrrh about the fifteenth century B.C. from Africa where cammiphora trees were abundant. It was used in incense, perfumes and holy ointments and also medicinally as recorded in the Ebers Papyrus. But its most notable use to them was that of an embalming material, used in Egyptian mummies. As an embalming ointment it signified that he was born to Die for the world. In fact, Myrrh was one of the burial spices of Jesus (John 19:39).

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

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Waiting for Christmas

Life & more | 2010. 12. 9. 01:52 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

This is how my neighbors are waiting for their Christmas this year

Yesterday, on my way back home from UNC, I took these photos by

walking around Sage Creek Road in Fort Collins.

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I was stunned by how lovely they decorate their houses and gardens

with beautiful lights and other ornaments. Upon seeing them, I couldn't

help taking their pictures. I hope you enjoy it too. 




이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

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