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This is my grade this semester '2010 Fall'

Education | 2010. 12. 17. 01:24 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

I took 4 subjects with 11 credits this fall semester 2010 and finally got my grades

for this semester this morning. I got 3 'A' (same as A+ in KOREA) and 1 'pass'

for the internship. What a beautiful morning it is !


 These are what I have done this fall for my first master semester.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Designing effective instructions (CDT)

Education | 2010. 12. 15. 05:55 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

I read a book about designing effective instructions by David Merrill.

This is about how you organize and prepare for your presentation or instruction in from of

public. These are the summary of it.


Component Display Theory by David Merrill


David Merrill has developed a system of instructional design that is called component display theory (CDT) (1983, 1994). There are parts of CDT that are beyond the purview of this book and most FLEs. However, Merrill’s discussion of primary presentation forms can provide a very useful guide in the development of short presentations, extended training, and publications—any form of FLE (Family Life Educator).

A common way to begin would be to share a principle with the learners. Merrill calls this an expository generality (EG), which simply means that the teacher tells (called “expository” mode) some general idea, principle, concept, truth, or process (a generality).


In order to help learners understand just what the principle means, the teacher may next choose to provide examples (Eeg or expository instances) that illustrate the major points.

In fact, it seemed clear that the child ran out of interest in the food long before the food ran out. The parent continued to shovel the food into an increasingly unhappy child. That is a good example of nonsensitivity.

Even in such situations, the same general principle presides: When parents are sensitive to their children and their needs, the children are more likely to grow into socially competent people.

Each of the subparts of a principle can be taught in the same way. The principle as stated above has at least three major subparts dealing with the importance of sensitivity, commitment, and relationship.

Merrill’s first principle (2001) states that “learning is facilitated when the learner is engaged in solving a real-world problem” (p. 461).

Merrill’s second principle is that learning is facilitated when existing knowledge is activated as a foundation for new knowledge.

Merrill’s (2000) third principle states that learning is facilitated when new knowledge is demonstrated to the learner. “learning is facilitated when new knowledge is demonstrated to the learner” (Merrill, 2000, p. 2). Many demonstrations over many sessions may be necessary for effective learning.

Merrill’s (2001) fourth principle states that “learning is facilitated when the learner is required to use his or her new knowledge to solve problems” (p. 463). Merrill (2000): “Most learners learn from the errors

they make, especially when they are shown how to recognize the error, how to recover from the error, and how to avoid the error in the future” (p. 8).

Merrill’s (2000) fifth and final point is that “learning is facilitated when new knowledge is integrated into the learner’s world” (p. 2). There is nothing quite like teaching to force us to understand a principle and how it works. Your participants might be invited to give a mini lesson to the class, to teach a group at work or in their faith community.

Merrill (2000) observes that there is no satisfaction quite like moving from student to teacher or mentor.

“The real motivation for learners is learning. When learners are able to demonstrate improvement in skill, they are motivated to perform even better” (p. 8). The combination of integrating the skills into everyday life and sharing them with others cements the lessons.

When instruction—whether oral or written—is designed according to established principles of instructional design, the message is more likely to be effective. In addition, the instruction is more likely to be enjoyable for both the educator and the participant.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

'Education' 카테고리의 다른 글

Top 10 strategies for a successful E-learning  (0) 2010.12.17
This is my grade this semester '2010 Fall'  (0) 2010.12.17
5 Ways to Raise a Grateful Child  (0) 2010.12.11
UNC 'Bringing Education To Life'  (1) 2010.12.10
Google's E-Bookstore  (0) 2010.12.09

5 Ways to Raise a Grateful Child

Education | 2010. 12. 11. 02:27 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

I read a great article about raising a thankful child, So I will share with you.

This article is by Patty Onderko at

"I was 7 years old when I received a tiny Christmas present -- about the size of an

eraser -- awkwardly wrapped and covered in tape. My sister's boyfriend, Jeff, was

visiting and had considerately brought gifts for his girlfriend's three younger siblings.

Mine, though, was by far the smallest. I remember opening it up to reveal a miniature

ceramic dog -- a cold, hard nothing that fit in the palm of my hand -- and thinking

how unlucky I was. I gave Jeff my best cold shoulder the rest of the day.

And I've felt guilty about it ever since. Partly because, in hindsight, Jeff's gift was

very thoughtful: I'd been obsessed with my dollhouse, and he had managed to find

one accessory my dream home did not yet have -- a pet. Still, I couldn't look past

the size of the gift to be grateful for the amount of care that had gone into choosing it.
In this, experts say, I wasn't an unusual kid: For distractible, still-developing children

(and that's pretty much all of them), gratitude can be hard-won. While many can be

trained to say "please" and "thank you" beginning at about 18 months, true

appreciativeness and generosity take time to seed and blossom.

"There's a difference between encouraging thankfulness in your kids and actually

expecting it," says Claire Lerner, a child-development specialist at Zero to Three,

a nonprofit organization dedicated to the healthy development of kids and families.

"Raising a grateful child is an ongoing process."
Vicki Hoefle, director of Parenting on Track, a parent-education program based in

East Middlebury, VT (and the mother of five teenagers), concurs: "As nice as it is to

think about having a five-year-old who appreciates and shows gratitude for everything,

the truth is, parents can feel successful if they raise a thirty-five-year-old who

embodies that grateful spirit."

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

'Education' 카테고리의 다른 글

This is my grade this semester '2010 Fall'  (0) 2010.12.17
Designing effective instructions (CDT)  (0) 2010.12.15
UNC 'Bringing Education To Life'  (1) 2010.12.10
Google's E-Bookstore  (0) 2010.12.09
E-learning 3.0  (0) 2010.12.08

UNC 'Bringing Education To Life'

Education | 2010. 12. 10. 07:45 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

This videos are about University of Northern Colorado, 'Bringing Education To Life'.


UNC launched these 3 PR videos on national broadcatings in USA.

I think the slogan of UNC 'Bringing Education To Life' is great.




It is because they were founded in 1889 as a normal school where students were

educated in order to be teachers in Colorado.


Watch these 3 videos and recommend UNC to your friends or others.


University of Northern Colorado Part 1 in YouTube



University of Northern Colorado Part 2 in YouTube



University of Northern Colorado Part 3 in YouTube


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

'Education' 카테고리의 다른 글

Designing effective instructions (CDT)  (0) 2010.12.15
5 Ways to Raise a Grateful Child  (0) 2010.12.11
Google's E-Bookstore  (0) 2010.12.09
E-learning 3.0  (0) 2010.12.08
StudyBlue_Study Online  (0) 2010.11.30

Google's E-Bookstore

Education | 2010. 12. 9. 01:21 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Now that Google launched their long-waited e-bookstore. We can see

what is going in e-book market with Amazon, Google, and others.

Google has launched its long-awaited e-bookstore, Google E-books, bringing more than 3 million books — many of them free — to any device with a web browser in the U.S.


The initiative, previously known as Google Editions, offers an alternative sales model from the dominant players in the space, such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Apple.


Instead of purchasing e-books through a single online store to read only on compatible software (i.e. books bought from the Kindle Store can only be read on Kindle apps), Google (Google) lets consumers buy books either from its store or any other online vendor that sells books in EPUB and PDF formats, and read them on any device with a web browser.


This allows independent booksellers with loyal customer bases to advertise and sell Google e-books via their own venues and take an (as of yet undisclosed) cut of the revenue, an opportunity previously denied to them. It also allows consumers to choose whom to purchase their books from on Google’s platform, just as consumers can choose between third-party sellers on Amazon. Google E-books is also launching with an affiliates program in place.


It’s a smart move on Google’s end, as the company will have potentially thousands of booksellers and affiliates marketing on behalf of its service.

In addition to a Google Web Reader application, users will be able to read Google e-books on apps for Android (Android), iPhone and iPad devices. Reading content will automatically sync across devices, so if you begin reading in the morning in the iPad, you’ll be able to pick up where you left off on your iPhone or Android device on the subway, and again on your office computer during your lunch break.


Nearly 4,000 publishers will be providing content through Google E-books at launch, including all of the major players: Random House, Macmillan, Simon & Schuster, Hachette, etc.




이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

'Education' 카테고리의 다른 글

5 Ways to Raise a Grateful Child  (0) 2010.12.11
UNC 'Bringing Education To Life'  (1) 2010.12.10
E-learning 3.0  (0) 2010.12.08
StudyBlue_Study Online  (0) 2010.11.30
Milliken Elementary Presentation  (0) 2010.11.20

E-learning 3.0

Education | 2010. 12. 8. 05:37 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

This is an article from Steve Wheeler, who is an educational technology professor

at University of Plymouth in UK. It deals with E-learning 3.0 with 4 categories.

I especially like 3D visualization and interaction, in which Augmented Reality in

education belongs to. Just have a look and grab some ideas.

I'm excited by the future. It's something I have always looked forward to! But what will e-learning look like in a few years time? When Stephen Downes laid down his manifesto for e-Learning 2.0 in 2005, he tapped into the zeitgeist of emerging social technologies and theorised a number of possibilities. Four years on technology is moving ever more rapidly, and a reappraisal of learning within digital spaces is overdue.
In conversation earlier today on Twitter with Sue Waters and Darcy Moore, we discussed what learning would look like in a Web 3.0 world, and how it might differ from current learning. This led me to revisit some thinking I have been doing recently about what for the sake of convenience I will call 'e-Learning 3.0'. I will try to encapsulate some of these thoughts here, attempt some (hopefully not too dangerous) predictions, and hopefully promote some discussion. I believe that e-Learning 3.0 will have at least four key drivers:
  1. Distributed computing


  1. Extended smart mobile technology


  1. Collaborative intelligent filtering


  1. 3D visualisation and interaction
Firstly, in a Web 3.0 world we will not only tap into the semantic web with all it promises, but e-Learning 3.0 will transgress the boundaries of traditional institutions, and there will be an increase in self-organised learning. Why? Because we will gain easier access to the tools and services that enable us to personalise our learning, and these will be aggregated more easily too. Additionally, with new cloud computing and increased reliability of data storage and retrieval, the mashup is a viable replacement for the portal which will lead to less reliance on centralised provision. This in turn may hasten the death of the ailing institutional VLE.

Secondly, many commentators such as
Derek Baird believe that Learning 3.0 is all about mobile technologies. Mobiles will play a big part in the story of e-Learning 3.0. There will need to be ubiquitous access to tools, services and learning resources, including people - peer learning group, subject specialists and expert support. With smart phone devices and better connectivity through constantly improving line-of-sight (satellite and wireless) networking services, there is little to stop learners everywhere from accessing what they need on the move, from virtually anywhere on the planet. Digital divides of the future will not focus on 'have and have not' socio-economic divides, but will more likely be 'will and will not' psychological divides, and 'can and cannot' skills divides.

Thirdly, truly collaborative learning will be possible in all contexts. Through predictive filtering and massively multi-user participative features, e-Learning 3.0 will make collaborating across distance much easier. With the best will in the world, very little collaborative learning occurs through the use of wikis and blogs, whilst social networks generally connect people but often superficially, and can also isolate. In a recent post entitled
Is Twitter the semantic web?, I speculated on Twitter's functionality and suggested that through its primitive filtering tools such as RT, DM, @ and #tagging, we are witnessing some of the early semantic features that enable users to work smarter and more collaboratively. Intelligent agents will take this a lot farther.

Finally, 3D visualisation will become more readily available. Quicker processing speeds and higher screen resolutions will provide opportunities for smoother avatar-driven 3D interaction. Multi-gesture devices which will operate in 3D space will also become more widely available, reminiscent of the opening scenes of the science fiction film Minority Report. Touch surface interfaces are already here (I have one on my laptop) and multi-touch versions too (my iPhone has one) which will ultimately signal the demise of the mouse and keyboard. See David Beers blog for more on these ideas. 3D multi-touch interfaces will make a whole range of tasks easier including file management, fine motor-skill interaction, exploration of virtual spaces and manipulation of virtual objects.


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

'Education' 카테고리의 다른 글

UNC 'Bringing Education To Life'  (1) 2010.12.10
Google's E-Bookstore  (0) 2010.12.09
StudyBlue_Study Online  (0) 2010.11.30
Milliken Elementary Presentation  (0) 2010.11.20
UNC Online Education Website Open  (0) 2010.11.18

StudyBlue_Study Online

Education | 2010. 11. 30. 04:23 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

What is StudyBlue?

StudyBlue is your online home to store lecture notes and make flashcards, with efficiency

tools that help focus your studying where you need it most, making your review sessions

more efficient. With StudyBlue, all of your study materials are accessible whenever and

wherever you choose to study – so study online and on your phone for effective,
productive learning. Free.


Increase your efficiency and effectiveness.

Study only what you need to.
Focus valuable study time on learning concepts you haven’t yet mastered. StudyBlue keeps

track of what you know and don’t know, making your review sessions focused and efficient.


Make flashcards, study anywhere.
Rewriting concepts in your own words is a proven way to learn. StudyBlue flashcards are

fast to make and convenient to study – online, or on your phone.


There is no best place to study.
Study over breakfast or late at night – at the library or in a coffee shop. Do what works for you.

With StudyBlue, all of your study materials are readily accessible whenever (and wherever) you choose to study.



Productivity in education.

Inspiration for StudyBlue came from listening to students like you who long to apply the same

technologies to studying that you use every day to find information and communicate – your
laptop and, more and more, your smartphone.

You finally have online environment to access and study course materials anywhere, anytime –

along with web-based tools and services to help gain control and mastery of classwork.

Right here, and for free.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

'Education' 카테고리의 다른 글

Google's E-Bookstore  (0) 2010.12.09
E-learning 3.0  (0) 2010.12.08
Milliken Elementary Presentation  (0) 2010.11.20
UNC Online Education Website Open  (0) 2010.11.18
LEAP Summit @ UNC  (0) 2010.11.16

Milliken Elementary Presentation

Education | 2010. 11. 20. 14:46 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

I had the second presentation about KOREA in front of students and teachers 

at Milliken Elementary School in Milliken.

This time I mad a bit of changes on my presentation and I thought this one

was better than last one which was held 2 weeks ago at Letford Elementary School.








I brought some korean things such money, seaweed, and some candies and gave them

as a present. They, especially students, liked it. I think I did better on time managing,

being familiar with my presentation content, and confidence with presenting without

being nervous.








이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

'Education' 카테고리의 다른 글

E-learning 3.0  (0) 2010.12.08
StudyBlue_Study Online  (0) 2010.11.30
UNC Online Education Website Open  (0) 2010.11.18
LEAP Summit @ UNC  (0) 2010.11.16
The power of E-learning  (0) 2010.11.12

UNC Online Education Website Open

Education | 2010. 11. 18. 08:18 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

UNC Online, a new website offered through the University of Northern Colorado

Office of Extended Studies, will serve as the new portal to online education.



The site,, consolidates in a central location information

on UNC’s online courses and programs and provides resources for current and

future students. An audio and visual online course demonstration provides

an overview of how the courses work.

This fall, in line with national trends, more than 20 percent of UNC undergraduate

and graduate students enrolled in one of 235 online courses offered at UNC.

In addition to its Greeley campus, UNC offers programs online and at its three

established centers at Centerra in Loveland, Lowry in Denver and in Colorado

Springs — along with other revolving sites around Colorado.

There are multiple undergraduate and graduate online programs combined.

Within the past year, five graduate programs have been added and more online

programs are planned to be offered by summer. Some programs are entirely

online and some require occasional workshop or labs on campus.

“UNC continues to focus on increasing access to education for adult learners

who otherwise would not be able to fulfill their educational goals," said Patricia

Book, assistant vice president of Continuing Education and Academic Outreach.

"UNC Online exemplifies our commitment to making college education convenient

through flexible and accelerated formats to meet the needs of working adults.”

For more information, visit

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

'Education' 카테고리의 다른 글

StudyBlue_Study Online  (0) 2010.11.30
Milliken Elementary Presentation  (0) 2010.11.20
LEAP Summit @ UNC  (0) 2010.11.16
The power of E-learning  (0) 2010.11.12
CBI porject I presentation  (0) 2010.11.11

LEAP Summit @ UNC

Education | 2010. 11. 16. 07:34 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

LEAP Summit at UNC (University of Northern Colorado)

There is LEAP Summit at UNC and Embassy Suite in Loveland.

LEAP Summit is a workshop for UNC students to motivate their leadership in their field.

LEAP is the abbreviation of Leaders' Engaging in Action through Passion.

It has 4 sectors during the workshop, LEAP Summit.

These includes Business, Education, Art, Environment.








Keynote speakers

Juana Bordas
Mestiza Leadership International, 2678 Clermont Street Denver, Colorado
Juana was the first president and CEO of the National Hispana Leadership Institute and founder of Mi Casa Women's Center in Denver, Colorado. For her contributions to women, she was initiated into the Colorado Women's Hall of Fame and received the Wise Woman Award from the National Center for Women's Policy Studies. Juana was named the 2009 Unique Woman of Colorado by the Denver Post and the Colorado Woman’s Foundation. Her book Salsa, Soul, and Spirit: Leadership for a Multicultural Age won the 2008 International Latino Book Award for best leadership/business book and puts forth a socially responsible model that resonates with America's growing diversity.

Travis D. Boyce, Ph.D
Assistant Professor of Africana Studies and Social Sciences
Dr. Travis Boyce is an Assistant Professor of Africana Studies and Social Sciences. He is the coordinator for the Africana Studies Secondary Teaching Education majors and is serving as the Faculty in Residence for Wiebking Hall. A native of Greenville, South Carolina, Dr. Boyce earned a bachelors of Arts degree in history from Claflin University (Orangeburg, SC) in 2002, a masters of arts degree in history from Ohio University in 2004, and a Ph.D in cultural studies from Ohio University in 2009. He is a specialist in African American educational history, African American contemporary history and African American leadership. His research includes the history of African American college presidents and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) during the era of the Civil Rights Movement and the Cold War.


Global Leadership Simulation Orbis Institute
Stephanie Webb, Director of Development
Stephanie graduated from the University of Colorado, Denver with degrees in Communication and English. She has been involved with Orbis Institute since 2007, when she participated in World Camp China as a teacher in Zhengzhou. After the program, Stephanie interned with Orbis. Stephanie has expressed her passion for the international community through travel to Australia, Europe, and Asia, and she also co-founded the non-profit Global Awareness Project in 2005. Stephanie has had the opportunity to be involved with various leadership development programs such as CU Denver’s Cancellor’s Scholars and Leaders and as an El Pomar Scholar. Stephanie Protsman - Director of Programs Stephanie graduated from the University of Colorado, Boulder with degrees in Communication, Italian, and a specialization in Leadership Studies. Stephanie’s teaching experience began with the Orbis Institute in 2006, when she participated in the first annual World Camp China program as a teacher in various cities throughout the Hunan Provence. Stephanie returned to World Camp China in 2007 as a Team Leader and teacher, and she has been involved with the Orbis Institute ever since. She continued to develop her passion for teaching while working as a Class Advisor for the Presidents Leadership Class at CU. Stephanie’s devotion to international education was amplified through her many travels that include extensive stays in seven countries, spanning four different continents.




Embassy Suite in Loveland

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'Education' 카테고리의 다른 글

Milliken Elementary Presentation  (0) 2010.11.20
UNC Online Education Website Open  (0) 2010.11.18
The power of E-learning  (0) 2010.11.12
CBI porject I presentation  (0) 2010.11.11
Reusable Learning Project  (0) 2010.11.11