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4 free online timer (Stop watch and Timer)

Education | 2011. 9. 15. 12:18 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

This posting is about 4 free online timer for teaching and learning and may be really useful for test takers and teachers.


In the school at which I teach we have eighty minute class periods. Eighty minutes is a long time for anyone, let alone teenagers, to stay in one room and on task. Therefore, I break up the time with varied activities and "break times" during the eighty minutes. One tool that can help to get the students and me to not stretch the "break times" is to use a countdown timer.

Online Stopwatch is a free website that gives you the choice of a stopwatch function or a countdown function. You can set the countdown timer for any length of time and an alarm sounds when time is up.

Read more with a full posting


Online Journal Articles are Free in JSTOR

Education | 2011. 9. 9. 04:40 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Online Journal Articles are Free in JSTOR (JournalSTORage). There are hundreds and thousands of articles in JSTOR.

So a graduate student like me will really love it. Stop by JSTOR, Search it, and Get articles you need for your study right now.


This is a part of the original article about free access to JSTOR from Audrey Watters Blog.

A win for open access: JSTOR, an online database of academic journals, announced this morning that it was making all its early journal content freely available. This includes all JSTOR articles published prior to 1923 in the U.S. and prior to 1870 elsewhere in the world. JSTOR’s database includes articles from all academic disciples, and what’s been made freely available today represents about 6% of the organization’s content.

“We encourage broad use of the Early Journal Content, including the ability to reuse it for non-commercial purposes,” says JSTOR in its announcement. “We ask that you acknowledge JSTOR as the source of the content and provide a link back to our site. Please also be considerate of other users and do not use robots or other devices to systematically download these works as this may be disruptive to our systems.”


'Education' 카테고리의 다른 글

What is a literature review?  (0) 2011.09.16
4 free online timer (Stop watch and Timer)  (0) 2011.09.15
Online Free Documentary Website (Documentary Heaven)  (0) 2011.09.07
Selecting Research a Problem  (0) 2011.09.04
What is Educational Research?  (0) 2011.09.01

Online Free Documentary Website (Documentary Heaven)

Education | 2011. 9. 7. 05:06 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Documentary Heaven is a free site that has organized more than 1600 documentary films found across the Internet.


Through Documentary Heaven can find documentaries covering all kinds of topics in science, history, politics, business, and many more categories. The videos are sourced from a variety of services including, but not limited to, YouTube.


I'm sure that you could find the videos on Documentary Heaven by searching the web yourself, but Documentary Heaven makes it easier to find good content. One word of caution though, Documentary Heaven does have some videos in the "lifestyle" category that might not be appropriate for K-12 use so you might not want to have students search the site on their own.


Selecting Research a Problem

Education | 2011. 9. 4. 14:18 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건
Systematic research begins with a research problem. Your first step in the research process is therefore to select a problem for investigation.
A good research question:
  • Is of importance

  • Has not been answered

  • Is of interest to the researcher

  • Falls within the scope of expertise of the researcher

Researchers must "justify the gap", what is lacking that necessitates the research in question.

1. Select a problem

Common sources of research questions:
  • Experience

  • Theory

  • Relevant Literature

  • Outside Sources

From Experience / Observation:

  • Ideas or needs seen \at work"

  • Patterns of behavior apparently observed \at work"

  • Requirement by superior

  • Example: See 5th-grade students respond well to group-oriented Mathematics exercises

From Theory:

  • Theories may require empirical support

  • Theories may need to be challenged

  • Theories can be extended

  • Example: \Facilitation Theory" of Carl Rogers may be applied specially to dierent age groups of learners

From Relevant Literature:
  • Replication of published article, with \updates"

  • Extension suggested at the end of an article

  • A gap identified

  • Example: Your specialty may not be represented in a closely related study

From Outside Sources:

  • Current social / political issues

  • Discussion with another researcher

  • Completely unrelated literature

  • Example: Reading about social habits of mammals may lead to an idea of how to promote focus in 8th graders

2. Evaluate the problem
  • The Research Question should make a significant novel contribution

  • The solution should lead to future research

  • The Research Question should be of interest to and within the

  • skill range of the researcher

  • The question and solution should be ethical

  • The question must be \researchable"

IRB (Institutional Review Board) Website:

"Researchable" means:
  • Can be addressed using data

  • Avoid constructs that are dicult to measure

  • Avoid philosophical questions

  • Avoid matters of opinion
3. State the problem
  • Case 1: Quantitative Investigations

    • Declarative Statement

    • General Question

    • Special Question
  • Case 2: Qualitative Investigations

    • Statement of General Purpose

    • General Question: "Focus of Inquiry"

Whereas the quantitative researcher always states the problem before collecting data, the qualitative researcher amy formulate problems after beginning to collect data. In qualitative research, the statement may be somewhat general in the beginning, but it will become more focused as the study proceeds.
4. Identify population and variables
  • The population is the collection of subjects about whom conclusions will be made.

  • A good research question will make clear the population of interest and the variables to be measured.

  • Example: What is the eect of parental homework involvement on Mathematics test performance of females between the ages of 9 and 12?


What is Educational Research?

Education | 2011. 9. 1. 17:04 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건
What is research?
  • Research is problem solving by coming up with problems and following rules.
  • Problems are ideas that make questions that lead to solutions.
    • Not every idea becomes a problem.


3 kinds of knowledge
  • Knowledge that is known to be known
  • Knowledge that is known to be unknown
  • Knowledge that is unknown to be unknown
5 sources of knowledge
  • Experience: knowledge from what people actually do or act
  • Authority: knowledge from people who have power or dignity
  • Deduction: General premises to specific conclusion
    • mostly from experience or authority
    • no new knowledge/know what we know by premises
  • Induction: Outcome prediction (Observation) to conclusion
    • based on sampling
  • Scientific Inquiry: Combining induction, deduction, and hypothesis
    • start with observation from literature
    • hypothesizing
    • deduction


5 steps of Scientific Inquiry (Approach)
  • Identification of the problem: the realization of a problem exists
  • Statement of the problem: the clarification of the problem
  • Formulation of hypotheses: the investigator formulates hypotheses about possible solutions of the problem
  • Prediction of consequences: the prediction of the consequences of each hypothesis
  • Testing of hypotheses: the gathering of objective data to evaluate the adequacy of each hypothesis formulated
2 kinds of research
  • Quantitative research: Numerical outcome, Quantify the result
    • Experimental: To determine the effect of the systematic manipulation of  independent variables on dependent variables
    • Non-experimental
      • Descriptive survey: Describe variables as they exist
      • Ex post facto research: Compare groups differences on the pre-existing independent variables to determine any relationship to the dependent variables
      • Correlational research: Compare relationship between 2 or more variables
  • Qualitative research: Narrative data, Describe things (Description)
Other aspects of science
  • Assumptions by scientists
    • the events they investigate are lawful or ordered-no event is capricious
    • reliable knowledge can ultimately derive only from direct and objective observation
  • Attitudes of scientists
    • scientists are essentially doubters, who maintain a highly skeptical attitude toward the data of science
    • scientists are objective and impartial
    • scientists deal with facts, not values
    • scientists are not satisfied with isolated facts but seek to integrate and systematize their findings
  • Formulation of scientific theory
    • scientific approach is the construction of theory
  • Purposes of theories
    • to organize empirical findings and explain phenomena
    • to predict phenomena
    • to stimulate new research
  • Criteria for theories
    • a theory should be able to explain the observed facts relating to a particular problem
    • a theory should be consistent with observed facts and with the already established body of knowledge
    • a theory should provide means for its verification
    • a theory should stimulate new discoveries and indicate further areas in need of investigation
  • Theories serve to summarize existing knowledge, to explain observed events and relationships, and to predict the occurrence of unobserved events and relationships.
Limitations of the scientific approach in the social sciences
  • Complexity of subject matter
    • natural scientists deal with physical and biological phenomena, on the other hand, social scientists cope with the human subject
  • Difficulties in observation
    • observation in the social sciences is often less objective because it more frequently involves interpretation of the part of the observers
    • motives, values, and attitudes are not open to inspection
  • Difficulties in replication
    • social phenomena are singular events and can't be totally repeated for purposes of observations
  • Interaction of observer and subjects
    • investigators are human beings, and their presence as observers in a situation may change the behavior of their human subjects
    • the use of hidden video cameras and audio cassettes may help minimize this interaction in some cases
  • Difficulties in control
    • the range of possibilities for controlled experiments on human subjects is much more limited than in the natural sciences
  • Problems of measurement
    • the tools for measurement in the social sciences are much less perfect and precise than the tools of the natural sciences
Educational Research (starting from J. M. Rice, a pioneer in educational research, in 1897)
  • Educational research is the application of the scientific approach to the study of educational problems.
  • Educational research is the way in which people acquire dependable and useful information about the educative process.
  • The ultimate goal of educational research is to discover general principles or interpretations of behavior that people can use to explain, predict, and control events in educational situations.


Interactive Technology Conference SALT 2011

Education | 2011. 8. 20. 23:02 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Mobile Augmented Reality in Training and Performance 라는 주제로 8월 17일부터 19일까지 미국 버지니아에서 열린 Interactive Technology Conference SALT 2011에 참석하여 발표를 했습니다. 이번 발표가 두번째인 관계로 첫번째 보다는 좀 덜 떨렸지만 그래도 떨리기는 마찬가지였던 것 같습니다. 전체적으로는 저번보다 나아졌던 것 같습니다. ㅋㅋㅋ 나만의 생각일 수도 있지만요. 개요는 이렇습니다.


이번 학회 (Society for Applied Learning Technology)에는 총 86명의 발표자들이 참석을 했습니다. 발표자들의 이력 등을 죽 보니 그 중에 동양인은 저 혼자였습니다. 어찌나 외롭고 쫄았던지 비영어권 사람이 저 혼자였다는 말이죠. 참 어이없었지만 나름 자신감도 있었습니다. 그래도 안되는 건 안되는 것이지만요. ㅋㅋ


발표 주제에 대한 요약은 다음과 같았습니다.



혹시 제가 발표했던 자료가 필요하신 분은 댓글이나 메일 주세요. 보내드리도록 하겠습니다.

[slideshare id=8886610&doc=saltconference2011-110817143257-phpapp01&type=d]


Popular and Useful Posts about Educational Technology

Education | 2011. 8. 3. 06:44 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

'' Fast, Easy, and Short Note Taking Tool

Education | 2011. 6. 28. 07:18 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건 is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others by providing the shorten url to a friend. is a new service that offers a simple platform for taking and sharing notes. To use just go to the site and start typing your notes. When you want to share your notes just click "short" to have a shortened url created for sharing on Twitter, Facebook, or wherever else you like. It really couldn't be any simpler to use. And while not available yet, they do have plans for enabling file attachments and enabling a printer friendly option.

Applications for Education could be a nice tool for students to use to quickly record and share ideas with each other. If the file attachment option becomes a reality it could make it easy to share documents with each other too.

3 Key Features
Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take notes quickly and browse your archive.
Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share shorten link!
Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex:


Things we can do with information that we could not do before

Education | 2011. 6. 3. 02:41 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건
This is a great article about things we can do with information that we could not do before.
It was written by George Siemens, educational strategist in Canada.

"What can we do now with information that we could not do in the past? I’ve abused Kauffman’s concept of the adjacent possible
by applying it to the new opportunities, untapped potential, and levels
of complexity, that arise with the development of something new. In
this case, the “something new” is the ways in which new tools allow us
to mess around with information. I’ve compiled a list of nine attributes
or new possibilities that new technologies, especially the internet,
enable. What am I missing? What can we do with information that I’ve


40 ways to use QR codes for education

Education | 2011. 6. 2. 22:39 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건
This is how you use QR codes for educational purposes in your teaching environments.
There are 40 ways to use QR codes in this slide and this slides let you think of your own ways to utilize QR codes for your education.

[slideshare id=8185201&doc=40interestingwaystouseqrcodesinthecla-110602082218-phpapp02]
