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A flyer of 'Why Social Networking?'

Education | 2011. 5. 2. 15:13 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

This is a flyer explaing 'Why Social Networking?'. People have diverse reasons to use social networking services.

This was my idea of the flyer. I made it in iPad 2, which I recently bought.


This one below was done in iPhone 4. I used an app called 'Brushes'.


Finally, I think I got it right. The last version was done with Adobe Illustrator CS5.


This is the documentary movie about 'Why Social Networking?'

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Take a Timed Screen Shot in Mac OS X

Creativity | 2011. 5. 2. 11:55 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

You can take time delayed screenshots in Mac OS X by using the Grab utility or the Terminal. Grab and Terminal are bundled with every Mac in your /Applications/Utilities/ directory, find them there or launch it with Spotlight (Command+Space). We’ll cover Grab first because it’s more user friendly and doesn’t involve the command line.


Timed Screen Shots with Grab

Once you’re in Grab: Pull down the “Capture” menu and select “Timed Screen” or hit Command+Shift+Z to bring up the timed capture alert dialog that you see in the screenshot above. When you’re ready, click on “Start Timer” and you’ll have 10 seconds to stage your screenshot before Grab snaps the entire screen.


You’ll notice Grab won’t be visible in the screenshot, which is nice otherwise the app would be kind of useless.

Time Delayed Screen Shots via Terminal

If you’re inclined to travel the more technical road, you can also take time delayed screen shots from the Terminal using the screencapture command:

screencapture -T 10 osxdaily.jpg

You can adjust the time to anything in seconds, that example is for a 10 second delay. The filename follows, which will be created in your users home directory unless you specify otherwise. You can see some more screencapture options here.

You’ll notice I say screen shot, but those coming to the Mac from Windows often refer to this process as “Print Screen” thanks to the little button on their old PC keyboards. Unless you time the pressing of that button, timed screenshots are a feature of Mac OS X only. Also you might notice in that screenshot that I’m hiding my Mac OS X menu bar, this is achieved through a 3rd party utility called MenuEclipse.


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Mac OS X Lion DP3 released

Creativity | 2011. 4. 30. 10:52 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Mac OS X Lion may be just around the corner. Today (4/29, Fri), Mac OS X Lion Developer Preview 3 has been released.


There are not many features changed to DP3, but something about item (icon) sliding function has been changed.

DP2 (11A430e) -> DP3 (11A444d)

Animated tabs -> Normal tabs like the ones in SnowLeopard


The third developer preview release of Mac OS X Lion reverts an experimental change in how tabbed panes are drawn and animated, dropping a iOS-like slider animation to present the active tab as simply a depressed button.
Apple is retaining Lion's toned down new version of its Aqua design language, which strips much of the bright blue highlighting and bubbly interface controls such as buttons and window navigation arrows, the omission of which tend to make Mac OS X look more cohesively related to iOS.

However, Lion's new sliding pane tabs, which originally appeared to make the control function like a physically raised button that slid into place on a click (as depicted below) have been revised in Lion DP3 to work, but not look, more like the existing controls in Snow Leopard.


The overall look of the new tab controls when they appear in nestled panes is portrayed below, comparing the Speech pane in Snow Leopard with the revised appearance of Lion DP3. The graphics also depict the loss of colored highlighting throughout the interface, and flatter, round radio button controls as opposed to the "candy drop" bubbles introduced by Aqua.


Referenced from

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.
