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Must-Have iOS app_PhotoForge2, Foodish,Zootool and More

Creativity | 2011. 5. 22. 07:32 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건
This week’s roundup of must-have iOS applications begins with the second edition of PhotoForge – the popular photo manipulation tool for iOS. Completely rebuilt from the ground up, PhotoForge2 promises to be a breakthrough for image editing on the go, with unparalleled tools and amazing effects to transform your photos into masterpieces.

Foodish is a new application that claims to make dining and drinking twice as much fun (is that even possible?), by providing a quick and easy way for you to keep a record of your diet, but in a way that’s fun and enjoyable rather that dull and tedious like traditional diet tracking applications. It makes it simple for you to see how healthy or how dreadfully unhealthy (like mine) your diet is.

Zootool is a great little tool that makes bookmarking, organizing and sharing your favorite images, videos, documents and links from all over the web incredibly effortless.

Find out more about the application above and check out the rest of this week’s must-haves – including Audibly and eBay Motors – below!

This Week’s Must-Have iOS Apps: PhotoForge2, Foodish, Zootool & More!

Screen shot 2011 05 20 at 11 43 47

This week’s roundup of must-have iOS applications begins with the second edition of PhotoForge – the popular photo manipulation tool for iOS. Completely rebuilt from the ground up, PhotoForge2 promises to be a breakthrough for image editing on the go, with unparalleled tools and amazing effects to transform your photos into masterpieces.

Foodish is a new application that claims to make dining and drinking twice as much fun (is that even possible?), by providing a quick and easy way for you to keep a record of your diet, but in a way that’s fun and enjoyable rather that dull and tedious like traditional diet tracking applications. It makes it simple for you to see how healthy or how dreadfully unhealthy (like mine) your diet is.

Zootool is a great little tool that makes bookmarking, organizing and sharing your favorite images, videos, documents and links from all over the web incredibly effortless.

Find out more about the application above and check out the rest of this week’s must-haves – including Audibly and eBay Motors – below!

PhotoForge2 – ($2.99) iPhone – Photography

This Week’s Must-Have iOS Apps: PhotoForge2, Foodish, Zootool & More!

Screen shot 2011 05 20 at 11 43 47

This week’s roundup of must-have iOS applications begins with the second edition of PhotoForge – the popular photo manipulation tool for iOS. Completely rebuilt from the ground up, PhotoForge2 promises to be a breakthrough for image editing on the go, with unparalleled tools and amazing effects to transform your photos into masterpieces.

Foodish is a new application that claims to make dining and drinking twice as much fun (is that even possible?), by providing a quick and easy way for you to keep a record of your diet, but in a way that’s fun and enjoyable rather that dull and tedious like traditional diet tracking applications. It makes it simple for you to see how healthy or how dreadfully unhealthy (like mine) your diet is.

Zootool is a great little tool that makes bookmarking, organizing and sharing your favorite images, videos, documents and links from all over the web incredibly effortless.

Find out more about the application above and check out the rest of this week’s must-haves – including Audibly and eBay Motors – below!

PhotoForge2 – ($2.99) iPhone – Photography

Screen shot 2011 05 20 at 09 39 09

PhotoForge2 is the “definitive photo manipulation software for iOS.” It enables you to edit full resolution photographs just as you would on your desktop, with true layers support, tools like curves and levels, and amazing filters and effects so easy to apply that even beginners with no experience of image editing can turn their photos into wonderful works of art. Unlike the majority of photo editing applications for iOS, that only show tiny previews of your photos, PhotoForge2 allows you to zoom in and edit your image each pixel at a time. Some of its powerful manipulation tools include a channel mixer, un-sharp mask, sharpen, white balance, shadows & highlights, brightness & contrast, exposure adjustment, and noise reduction. This application really packs too many features to list here, so check it out in the App Store!

Foodish – ($1.99) iPhone – Lifestyle

Foodish takes the pain out of tracking your diet by making it easy and enjoyable. Using its elegant and highly-polished user interface, you can record each meal and drink you consume every day and get a valuable overview of how healthy or unhealthy your diet is. You can take pictures of everything you eat and drink and give it a ‘healthy rating’, then at the end of the day – or week – you can quickly see how well you’ve done. If you eat something worth sharing, you can tell your friends all about it via Twitter & Facebook from within the app. “Foodish is the elegant and modern way to track a diet for all those who don’t want to mess with scales and calories or just want to eat more healthily.”

Zootool – ($1.99) iPhone – Social Networking

Zootool for the iPhone is a useful application that makes it simple to bookmark and organize images, videos, documents or links from all over the web using the bookmarklet for mobile Safari, or your device’s clipboard. You can add tags to your bookmarks and organize them into groups; search, edit and share them; view the bookmarks of other Zootool users and follow them to be inspired by their collections. Check out the most popular images, videos and documents on the service; and comment on bookmarks to discuss findings with other users.

Audibly – (Free) iPhone – Entertainment

Audibly delivers over 2,900 audiobooks to your iPhone, all of which you can enjoy at no charge. It features a huge library of public domain content that allows you to access some of the world’s greatest books for free. Listen to letters from leaders, the collected works of geniuses, the finest Victorian novels, the plays of Shakespeare, the philosophy of Seneca and Marcus Aurelius, the autobiographies of Benjamin Franklin and Teddy Roosevelt and a whole lot more. Download one chapter at a time to maintain storage space on your device and use the ‘download all’ feature to download the whole audiobook for listening offline. Multitasking support means you can listen in the background while you use other applications on your device. What more could you ask for from a free app?

eBay Motors – (Free) iPhone – Lifestyle

For motoring enthusiasts it has never been easier to access eBay Motors in the palm of your hand than with the new application for the iPhone. The ultimate automotive marketplace is now an iOS app – allowing you to browse and shop for vehicles, parts and accessories. View free vehicle history reports from Experian AutoCheck, fullscreen photos of every vehicle, classifies ad listings, contact sellers, store information about your vehicles, and view all of your eBay activity – all in an application optimized to deliver a fantastic eBay Motors mobile experience.


Use Stampr To Add Timestamps To iPhone Photos [Cydia Tweak]

Creativity | 2011. 5. 17. 22:55 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Stampr is a new free Cydia tweak which allows you to put timestamps on your photos inside Camera app. Only you have to take a picture with native Camera app, then you will get two photos taken, one is original and free of any stamps, and the other with timestamp.


Stampr is available for free via Cydia store at BigBoss repo, but you have to jailbreak your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad, below, you can find jailbreak guides for most recent iOS versions.


These are jailbreak for iPhone with the specific iOS versions.

iOS 4.3.3 - Click Here for Redsn0w or Click Here for PwnageTool or Click Here for Sn0wbreeze.
iOS 4.3.2 - Click Here for Redsn0w or Click Here for PwnageTool or Click Here for Sn0wbreeze.
iOS 4.3.1 - Click Here for Redsn0w or Click Here for PwnageTool or Click Here for Sn0wbreeze.


Related articles, courtesy of Zemanta:

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


ipswDownload_How to easily find and download iOS firmware

Creativity | 2011. 4. 28. 01:11 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

ipswDownloader is a great new tool that makes the process of finding and downloading iOS firmware releases incredibly simple. Developed by Vitaly Parovishnik, and available for both Mac and Windows, the app supports every iOS device there is – including AppleTV – and features iOS firmware from version 1.0.1.


What’s great about ipswDownloader is that once you’ve selected your device and the firmware version you want to download, it provides additional details on the release that jailbreakers in particular will find incredibly valuable; such as the baseband version, whether the firmware can be jailbroken and unlocked, and the size of the download.


ipswDownloader is completely free to download and use. The full list of supported devices can be found after the break.

Apple TV 2G, iPad 1G, iPad 2G Wi-Fi, iPad 2G GSM, iPad 2G CDMA, iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3G S, iPhone 4G, iPhone 4G CDMA, iPod Touch 1G, iPod Touch 2G, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G


ipswDownloader for Mac OS X 64bit

ipswDownloader for Mac OS X 32bit

ipswDownloader for Windows

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


How to prevent iOS 4.x from tracking your location

Creativity | 2011. 4. 22. 22:01 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

최근에 아이폰 사용자들 사이에서 가장 이슈가 되고 있는 것이 iOS4.x의 아이폰 트래킹 (iPhone tracking)인 것 같습니다.

특정 기간을 설정하면 아이폰 사용자의 행적을 지도 상에서 그래픽으로 볼 수가 있는 것인데요. 사생활 보호 측면에서 애플에서도 고민을 하고 있는 것 같습니다.


그런데, 보안 관련 한 전문가가 위와 같은 아이폰 위치 추적을 방지하는 애플리케이션을 시디아 (Cydia)에 올렸습니다.

그래서 그것을 다운로드 받아서 설치하시면 아이폰 위치 추적을 방지할 수 있습니다.


사용 방법은 간단합니다. 일단 시디아 (Cydia)를 사용하기 위해서는 가장 먼저 탈옥 (Jailbreak)가 돼 있어야 합니다.

그 다음에는 시디아를 실행하셔서 검색 탭에 가셔서 'Untrackerd'로 검색하시면 되겠습니다. 설치는 그냥 인스톨 눌러주시면 됩니다.


다음은 원본 내용입니다.

iPhone and iPad on iOS 4.x.x secretly tracks you location (all your moves). Security researchers made new discovery that Apple’s iOS for iPhone, iPad tracks device’s longitude and latitude. That location information is then stored on your computer’s hard drive once it’s synchronized with the device and can later be accessed by anyone with right computer skills/softwares.

In the light of this secretly location tracking discovery, Ryan Petrich has released a Cydia tweak “Untrackerd” to prevent iOS from tracking your location and saving it to consolidated.db.

  • Continuously clean up location’s history data in the background.
  • This package installs a daemon (process that can run in the background) to clean the consolidated.db file.
  • No new icons are added to your homescreen. There are no options to configure.

Your device must be jailbroken to install untrackerd. You can jailbreak your device using the guides linked below:

How to:Jailbreak iOS 4.3.2
How to:Jailbreak iOS 4.3.1
How to:Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1

  1. Now open Cydia from your homescreen;
  2. Go to Search tab and search for Untrackerd;
  3. and install it.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


TinyUmbrella 4.3.2 Released with iOS 4.3.2 Support

Creativity | 2011. 4. 19. 04:31 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

TinyUmbrella 4.3.2 has been released, the latest version allows you to save your existing iOS 4.3.1 and iOS 4.3.2 SHSH blobs from iOS 4.3.2 or iOS 4.2.7 for CDMA devices.

TinyUmbrella 4.3.2 download

SHSH blobs are important to save for jailbreaking and iPhone unlocking because having them stored allows you to revert to previous firmware versions.
Download TinyUmbrella for iOS 4.3.2
Versions are available for both Mac OS X and Windows
Download Now (Mac)
Download Now (Windows
If you’re not interested in carrier unlocks and jailbreaking, TinyUmbrella has little use to you.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


How to use the reverse scrolling of Mac OS X Lion in Snow Leopart

Creativity | 2011. 4. 15. 00:13 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Reverse scrolling is one of those features that came along in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion that surprised a lot of people, on a computer it doesn’t feel quite as normal as it does on a touchscreen iPad or iPhone, but once you get used to it, it’s good.


If you dual boot between 10.7 and 10.6 and you’re used to the Lion inverse scrolling, or you just prefer the way the iPad and iPhone scroll through documents and webpages, this app is what you’re looking for.


You can get Scroll Reverser free from the developer.

Click here to download Scroll Reverser 1.2


This app made the rounds a little while ago and I didn’t see a lot of use for it, but the more I use Lion the more I come back to Snow Leopard and find the scrolling differences strange to get used to. With this app, no more problems.


If you’re confused here let me explain: Mac OS X 10.7 Lion defaults to the way iOS scrolls through documents, this is the opposite behavior to Mac OS X 10.6 and before. If you hate the idea, don’t worry. Scrolling isn’t permanently inverted and the behavior can be changed through the Trackpad/Mouse System Preferences.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


How to change a default web browser of iPhone

Creativity | 2011. 4. 12. 01:25 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

If you’d prefer to use a web browser other than Safari as the default on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, you can do so with a simple utility called BrowserChanger. The tweak lets you set any of the alternate web browsers as the iOS default, allowing any link to launch directly in something like SkyFire rather than copying and pasting the URL manually.


Now before everyone gets too excited, notice that BrowserChanger requires a jailbreak to install. Jailbreaks are easy to perform and just as easy to undo, but it does add an additional layer of complexity for the average user.

BrowserChanger is a free download from Cydia, search for it in the ModMyi repository. You’ll find there are also options to apply the default browser change to Google Maps and YouTube.


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Apple will take both hybrid e-paper and LCD for the next

Creativity | 2011. 4. 8. 07:57 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Patently Apple에 따르면 애플은 차기 내놓을 아이폰5와 아이패드3에는 현재의 LCD Display에 추가로 Hybrid e-paper (e-ink) 기능을 추가하여 사용자 경험 (User Experience)을 확장하고자 한다고 합니다.


LCD는 다 아시는 그 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display; 액정 디스플레이)입니다. 그런데 Hybrid e-paper 이라는 좀 생소한 말이 나왔는데요. e-book에서 활용하는 종이 질감이 나게 해주는 그런 전자 종이를 말하는 것입니다. 아마존의 킨들 (Kindle)이 대표적인 것이지요.


그래서 애플의 생각은 일반 영화 감상 등의 그래픽 기능이 필요할 때는 LCD 디스플레이를 사용할 수 있게 한다는 것이고 e-book, 신문 기사 등의 글을 읽을 때는 Hybrid e-paper 디스플레이를 사용하게 하여 정말 책을 읽는 것과 같은 느낌을 사용자들이 받을 수 있게 하겠다는 것입니다.


PatentlyApple 관련 기사 보기:

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Top 10 Cydia Repositories of 2011

Creativity | 2011. 4. 5. 00:45 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Here is a list of top 10 Cydia sources for year 2011. With these repos, you can find, download and install almost any free, premium or cracked Cydia app on your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. By adding these sources to Cydia, you can access hundreds or even thousands of HD themes, games, ringtones and tweaks for free. I haven't included standard Cydia repos like BigBoss, ModMyi, iSpazio and Telesphoreo Tangelo repo as these sources are pre-added to Cydia by default whenever you jailbreak your iDevice.

SiNfuL iPhone Repo:


If you are looking for cracked apps, you should go for this repo. SiNfuL iPhone repo contains cracks of all famous Cydia apps including iFile, BiteSMS, MyWi and Multifl0w etc. Other than cracked Cydia apps, you can find tons of tweaks and mod apps.


SiNfuL iPhone Repo Address:
Famous Apps: AndroidLock, FaceBreak, Infinidock, Install0us, iRealSMS, MyWi, Multifl0w, YourTube, AppIconReOrder, Attachment Saver, AutoSilent, BiteSMS, Chronus, Full Preview, HapticPro, iBlacklist, iBlueNova, iFile and all famous emulators including GameBoy and NES emulator. Repo: is the best repo for people who can't afford to buy apps from App Store. Most of people add this repo to Cydia because it has got Installous which allows you to download premium App Store apps and try them out before you may make a final purchase. Repo Address:
Famous Apps: AppSync for iOS 4.0+, Installous 4 and Crackulous

xSellize Repo:


xSellize is the best Cydia repo for those who love to play emulator games. It contains a bunch of ROM packs for Game Boy Advance, Nintendo 64 and NES emulator. In each ROM pack, you can get around 50 to 60 games which you can play on these emulators. Other than game ROMs and emulators, it has got some awesome HD themes and Bluetooth tweaks for all iPhone and iPod Touch users.


xSellize Repo Address:
Famous Apps: CategoriesSB, CLASSified HD, Crimson HD, Cycorder, Cyntact, Element Mod, Elite PRO HD, ROMs and emulators etc

Insanelyi Repo:


The Insanelyi repo contains many Retina Display ready packages for your iPhone 4 and iPod Touch 4G. Other than that, you can find great tweaks and modding apps for iDevices running iOS 4.0 or above. The Insanelyi repo has got a small proportion of cracked apps as well but overall it is a nice Cydia repo for those who love to theme their iPhones and iPod Touches.

Insanelyi Repo Address:
Famous Apps: Adelis HD, AndroidLock XT, AnyRing, App Switcher (Brightness, volume and rotator), AppSync for 3.1/3.2/4.0/4.1/4.2, AttachmentSaver, Auto3G and Barrel etc



iHacksRepo is probably the best Cydia source for iPhone 4 and iPod Touch 4G users. It has almost all essential tweaks and mods which you will find in xSellize and SiNfuL iPhone repo. It has got an awesome collection of game ROMs, emulators, HD themes and other must have mods which you can try on any iDevice jailbroken on iOS 4.0 or above.


iHacksRepo Address:
Famous Apps: FolderEnhancer, FoldersInFolders, FreeSync, FullScreen for Safari, Gingerbread HD, GPower Pro, Graviboard, GridTab for Safari, Infiniboard, Infinidock, Inifinifolders, Instant Mirror, Auto3G, Frash, FaceBreak, iClassic, iFile and YourTube HD etc

HackYouriPhone Repo:


HackYouriPhone repo is basically an Italian Cydia source which is full of great themes, animated lockscreens and tweaks which you can try on your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. There are plenty of lockscreen mods and HD themes available in this source for iPhone 4 and iPod Touch 4G users.


HackYouriPhone Address:
Famous Apps: AndroidLock, App Switcher Brightness, AppSync, Auto Shutdown, Auto Silent, Backgrounder, Black'UPS Darkness HD, 3G Unrestrictor, CallClear, CallLock, CameraButtons, iFake, iSHSHit and LockInfo plugins.

BiteYourApple Repo:


BiteYourApple repo is another great Cydia source with tons of great themes, ringtones and mods for all iDevices. If you want to add, go for this source because it contains all packages of source as well as tons of other interesting Cydia apps.


BiteYourApple Address:
Famous Apps: Wifi Sync, Folder Enhancer, Frash Toggle, zToggle, Full Screen for Safari, Gridlock, Home Page in Safari, GroupSMS, Insomnia Pro and Inspell app etc

iPhoneCake Repo:


Just like is used to install Installous app, iPhoneCake repo is used to install AppCake app. Installous and AppCake, both works in a same way but what's cool about AppCake app is that it not only allows you to download and try premium App Store apps but also allows you to access and download cracked Cydia apps at the same time. iPhoneCake repo has its own official website which allows you to search and download all kinds of free and premium App Store apps directly to your computer. Once downloaded, you can install the downloaded apps (.IPA) via iTunes.


iPhoneCake Repo Address:
Famous Apps: Asphalt 5, FIFA '11,Street Fighter IV, Angry Birds, Safari Download Manager, GTA: Chinatown Wars, iSteamy, The Settlers, TVUPlayer, NFS Shift and many more.



You will hardly find any theme, wallpaper or soundboard on this repo but you can find almost all tweaks and mod apps you can think of. There is no cracked app in this repo, so you will either find completely free or paid apps. Overall its a great source for those who are interested in tweaking their iPhone and iPod Touch with some cool Cydia hacks.


YourCydiaRepo Address:
Famous Apps: PwnTunes, MobileTerminal, SBRotator, biteSMS, Infiniboard, Infinidock, iSilent and many more.

P0dulo Repo:


Not many of you must have heard the name of this repo but believe me, this is the repo where you can find anything. At P0dulo repo, you will find tons of themes, ringtones, tweaks and a lot of games.


P0dulo Address:
Famous Apps: Infinidock, Infiniboard


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


How to Jailbreak iOS 4.3.1 with Redsn0w 0.9.6rc9

Creativity | 2011. 4. 4. 18:21 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Redsn0w 0.9.6rc9 is the first untethered iOS 4.3.1 jailbreak that is available for both Mac OS X and Windows. Redsn0w is one of the easier jailbreak tools to use, just follow the instructions and you will be jailbroken in a few minutes.


This guide will perform an untethered jailbreak with iOS 4.3.1 on iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 GSM, iPod Touch 4G, iPod touch 3G, iPad, and Apple TV 2. Note that iPad 2 and iPhone 4 CDMA are not supported by this version of redsn0w. If you rely on ultrasn0w for an iPhone unlock, do not use this version of redsn0w.


How to Jailbreak iOS 4.3.1 using Redsn0w 0.9.6rc9


  1. Download iOS 4.3.1 IPSW and install it on your iOS device if you haven’t done so already
  2. Download Redsn0w 0.9.6rc9 (Windows & Mac OS X versions available)
  3. Launch Redsn0w and click on “Browse”
  4. Locate the iOS 4.3.1 IPSW file you downloaded in the first step and click “Open”
  5. Select “Next”
  6. Select the checkbox next to “Install Cydia” and click “Next”
  7. Make sure your iOS device is turned off and plugged into your computer and then click on “Next”
  8. Follow the on screen instructions to put your iOS device into DFU Mode: Hold down the Power button for 1 second, then continue to hold power while holding the Home button for 10 seconds, then release the power button but continue to hold the Home button for another 15 seconds.
  9. Once you are successfully in DFU mode, redsn0w will perform the jailbreak for you so let it do the work. Your iOS device will then restart automatically and you will be jailbroken


If you need to undo the jailbreak for any reason, it’s very simple, just restore your iOS device from within iTunes.


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