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Capster_Mac Application to show caps lock on/off

Creativity | 2011. 4. 23. 20:42 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

맥킨토시를 사용하시다가 잘못 눌러서 부지불식간에 Caps Lock이 켜져 있는 채로 작업을 한 경험이 있으실 것입니다.


유일하게 Caps Lock이 켜져 있는지 안켜져 있는지 알 수 있는 길은 키보드 자판의 Caps Lock에 초록색 불이 들어왔는지 안들어왔는지 확인하는 방법 밖에는 없는데요. 이제는 그런 고민 (?) 또는 불편한 없이 Mac 스크린에 Caps Lock의 On/Off 여부를 분명하게 보여주는 아주 유용한 애플리케이션이 있어서 소개하고자 합니다.


용량도 작고 설치 방법도 아주 간단합니다. 디자인이라고 할 것 도 없이 조그만 사각형 바가 스크린 오른쪽 위에 나타나면서 Caps Lock의 On/Off 여부를 시각적으로 보여주니 이보다 쉽고 편하게 애플리케이션을 사용할 수는 없을 것 같습니다.

Capster 1.6.5 (Capster Developer Page)

Original Download1

Mirrored Download2


Original Post (English)

CAPS Warn is a menu-bar utility that displays a bright-red icon and sounds an alert whenever caps lock is enabled. But if you’re already using the excellent Growl notification system, a simpler—but just as effective—option is Capster (download link).

Launch Capster—it can run invisibly as a background-only application—and if you press the caps-lock key, intentionally or not, Capster pops up a Growl notification letting you know. Disable caps lock, and you get a Growl confirmation of that, too.

Because it uses Growl, you can customize Capster’s alerts using Growl’s System Preferences pane. For example, you can choose a different Growl display style and onscreen position for your Capster alerts than for other Growl notifications. You can also choose separate notification options (display style, priority, and alert sound) for when you enable caps lock and when you disable it—on my Mac, the caps-lock-on alert uses High priority (which means it pulses red) and an audible alert, while the caps-lock-off alert uses Normal priority and doesn’t make a sound.

Capster’s only other settings let you choose whether or not the utility displays a systemwide menu; and, if not, which keyboard shortcut you need to press to access these settings. If you choose to display the menu, you get several options for its menu-bar icon; whichever one you choose, the menu icon works much like CAPS Warn, changing its appearance whenever caps lock is enabled.

Because it relies on Growl for notifications, Capster doesn’t have some of the unique options of CAPS Warn, such as the capability to warn you whenever you’ve typed more than a set number of capital letters in a row—say, if you typed them using the Shift key instead of caps lock. (These days, CAPS Warn can also notify you when other modifier keys are pressed.) I also found what appears to be a minor bug in Capster: If caps lock is enabled, pressing Shift produces the Caps Lock On alert. But Capster works well, and if you’re already using Growl, Capster is a simple and easy way to get a convenient and popular feature.


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