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How to show currently active apps in Mac OS X Dock

Creativity | 2011. 4. 29. 00:11 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Here’s a great trick if you prefer a minimalist Mac OS X desktop and Dock: set the Dock to only display currently active apps. Launch the Terminal and enter the following command:


defaults write static-only -bool TRUE

Now you have to kill the Dock for changes to take effect:

killall Dock

If you use the Dock as an app launcher, this probably won’t be that useful for you. I almost always use Spotlight to launch apps and have my Dock automatically hide, so I’m going to try this out for a while and see how well it works in my day to day workflow.

If you want to revert back to the default Dock behavior, use this command:

defaults write static-only -bool FALSE

Don’t forget to kill the Dock again for the changes to take effect.

killall Dock

Note: if you try out this tip and don’t like it, you won’t lose your previous Dock icons or arrangement, just use the FALSE command and everything will be back to normal.

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