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Mac OS X의 지난 10년 발자취

Creativity | 2011. 6. 8. 12:17 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건
애플은 최근에 인텔 (Intel)과 마이크로소프트 (Microsoft)를 합산한 시장 가치를 추월하는 등 IT 비즈니스에서 이미 거대한 역할을 하고 있습니다. 그러나 1990년대 말에 애플은 현재와는 상황이 정반대였습니다.
소비자들은 Mac OS 9을 이을 차세대 Mac OS 개발에 어려움을 겪고 있는 애플에 대한 신뢰를 점점 잃어가고 있었습니다.

그런데, WWDC 1998에서 마침내 기다리고 기다리던 Mac OS X가 출시되었습니다. Mac OS X의 출시는 소비자들이 다시 애플에 눈을 돌리게, 애플의 팬으로 다시 돌아오게 만들었습니다.
그렇게 지난 10년간 애플을 다시 PC, Notebook, 그리고 Mobile의 최강자 중의 하나로 만들어 준 Mac OS X의 지난 10년 역사를 되짚어볼까 합니다.

The beginning: Mac OS X 10.0 Cheetah (2001년 3월 24일)

Cheetah는 Mac OS X의 첫 주자였습니다. 특징으로는 OS 9로부터 비주얼적인 측면에서 상당히 업그레이드된 새로운 Aqua UI였습니다. 그러나 Cheetah는 가장 빠른 육상 동물이라는 명성과는 달리 다소 느리다는 평가를 받았습니다. 또한 많은 치명적인 버그도 발견되어 사용자들의 시스템 충돌을 초래하기도 했습니다. 이러한 단점들이 발견됐지만 그래도 Cheetah는 Mac OS X의 미래를 위한 충분한 발판이 될 수 있었던 것 같습니다.

Gradual Improvements: Mac OS X 10.1 Puma (2001년 9월 25일)

다음 버전인 Mac OS X 10.1의 Puma는 Cheetah 발표 이후 1년이 채 지나지 않았는데 출시되었습니다. Cheetah에서 많이 미안했던 것일까요? Puma는 Free Upgrade였습니다. 그러나, Cheetah 역시 여전한 버그와 함께 부족한 부분들이 많이 있었습니다. 그러면서도 the Aqua UI는 크게 바뀌지 않았습니다. 많은 전문가들은 Puma를 보고 아직 완벽하게 개발이 완성되지는 않았지만 Mac OS가 가야하는 방향으로 한걸음씩 가고 있다는 평가를 했었습니다.

More gradual improvements: Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar (2002년 8월 24일)

Mac OS X 10.2인 Jaguar는 앞서 먼저 출시된 Cheetah와 Puma에서 문제로 지적되었던 안전성 (Stability)과 속도 향상 (Speed Improvements)에 초점이 맞춰져서 개발이 되었습니다. 이렇게 함으로써 사용자들이 Mac OS X를 full-time OS로 사용하게 만드는 것이 포인트였습니다. 주요 특징으로는 개선된 파인더, Quartz Extreme, Network Support for Windows PCs 등이 있었습니다.

Metal brushed OS X: Mac OS X 10.3 Panther (2003년 10월 24일)

다음은 Panther (Mac OS X 10.3)였습니다. Panther는 오래된 파워 PC (G3s 등)에서는 구동이 되지 않았습니다. 또한 많은 개선과 픽스 (Fixes)들이 포함되었습니다. Panther에서 주목할 만한 내용들은 Expose, iChat, Safari, 그리고 Brushed-metal Finder가 소개되었습니다.

New beginning: Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger (2005년 4월 29일)

이제 점점 강한 것들로 가는 것 같습니다. 이번에는 호랑이 (Tiger) 였습니다. Tiger는 전 버전이 개발된 후 1년이 넘는 개발 기간 (18개월)을 거친 후 출시된 첫 Mac OS X였습니다. 그만큼 애플도 호랑이 (Tiger)에서는 뭔가 강력한 것을 보여줘야겠다고 생각을 했던 것 같습니다. 그러한 18개월간의 개발 기간을 거침으로써, 호랑이 (Tiger)는 공언된대로 150여가지 이상의 개선 사항이 포함되었습니다. 예를 들면, Spotlight, Dashboard, Automator, Mail 2, Safari RSS, QuickTime 7 등이 18개월간 공들여서 개선 및 개발된 것들입니다.
Tiger는 또한 기존의 PowerPC와 Intel CPU를 장착한 PC에서도 구동이 되도록 개발된 최초의 Mac OS X였습니다.

X in space!: Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard (2007년 10월 26일)

Tiger 다음 주자로 대기하고 있었던 Leopard는 호랑이 (Tiger)이 개발 기간보다 무려 1년이 더 긴 개발 기간인 2년 6개월 동안 정말 심혈을 기울인 개발 끝에 드디어 출시되었습니다. 개발 기간이 길었던 만큼 Leopard는 Tiger에서 개선되었던 사항들보다 2배가 많은 300여가지 이상이 개선되어 사용자들과 만나게 되었습니다. 예를 들면 새롭게 개선된 아쿠아 인터페이스, 타임머신 (Time Machine), 스페이스 (Spaces), 스택 (Stacks), 빨리보기 (Quick Look), 64비트 지원 등이 개선된 주요 특징이었습니다. 또한 Leopard 부터는 기존 파워 PC 기반에서 사용되었던 애플리케이션들이 작동되었던 Classic Emulation Layer 기능을 더이상 지원하지 않게 되었습니다.

New foundation: Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard (2009년 8월 28일)

드디어 현 Mac OS X 버전인 Snow Leopard가 전 버전인 Leopard 이후 거의 2년 동안의 개발 기간을 거친 후 출시되었습니다. Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard는 새로운 사용자 환경의 개선이라기 보다는 Architectural 개선 쪽에 초점이 맞춰져서 개발이 되었습니다. 주요 특징으로는 새로운 버전의 QuickTime, 눈에 크게 띄지는 않았지만 미세한 부분에서 Mac app 개선 등이 있었습니다. 또한 Snow Leopard는 디폴트로 64비트 기반으로 Core app들이 구동되는 첫 Mac OS X였습니다.

Future of OS X: Mac OS X 10.7 Lion (2011년 7월 출시 예정)

이제는 모든 PC 운영체제의 최강자로 우뚝 설 수 있는 더욱 강력한 한방, Mac OS X Lion (10.7)이 오는 7월 출시를 준비 중에 있습니다. 어제 (2011년 6월 6월 10AM PST) 있었던 WWDC 2011에서 Mac OS X Lion 드디어 소개되었습니다. 250여가지의 개선 사항들이 추가로 수정 및 개발되었습니다. 그 중에서 주요한 특징 10가지를 꼽자면 #1. Multitouch Gestures, #2. Full-screen Apps, #3. Mission Control, #4. Mac App Store, #5. Launchpad, #6. Resume, #7. Autosave, #8. Versions, #9. Airdrop, #10. Mail 입니다.
마지막으로 Mac OS X 역사상 최초로, 아니 모든 PC OS 역사상 최초로 오직 Mac App Store를 통해 온라인 다운로드방식으로만 배포되는 최초의 OS가 될 것입니다.

Mac OS X의 지난 10년간 역사를 되짚어보는 이번 포스팅을 준비하면서 필자는 Mac OS X의 위대한 발전에 대해서 다시 한번 감탄하지 않을 수 없었습니다. 이제는 조용히 마음을 가라 앉히고 빨리 7월이 되어 Mac App Store를 통해서 Mac OS X Lion를 다운로드 받는 그 순간을 겸손하게 하지만 열정적으로 기다려야 할 것 같습니다.

More Reading Lists of Mac OS X:
1. Mac OS X 10.0 Cheetah
2. Mac OS X 10.1 Puma
3. Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar
4. Mac OS X 10.3 Panther
5. Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger
6. Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
7. Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
8. Mac OS X 10.7 Lion


iTunes 10.3 for download with iTunes in the Cloud Beta

Creativity | 2011. 6. 7. 22:04 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건
애플이 iTunes 10.3를 배포했습니다. 이번 iTunes 10.3에서는 'iTunes in the Cloud'의 베타 버전이 포함되어 있어서 애플의 이번 가을부터 선보일 iCloud를 미리 경험해 볼 수 있는 것 같습니다.

iTunes 10.3 in the Cloud Beta의 2가지 주요한 특징:
1. 구매한 음원, 앱, 그리고 책 등을 iOS 모바일 기기에 자동 다운로드 (Syncing 필요없음; 필요시 Manual syncing)
2. 구매 기록 (Purchase history) 보기와 과거 구매 항목 다운로드 가능

iTunes 10.3 다운로드 3가지 방법
    iTunes 홈페이지 다운로드
    iTunes 자체 업데이트
    Mac 소프트웨어 업데이트

저도 방금 다운로드 받았습니다. 따끈따끈한 iTunes 10.3 in the Cloud Beta로 간접적이지만 iCloud 맛을 봐야겠습니다.


통계 수치로 보는 WWDC 2011

Creativity | 2011. 6. 7. 09:05 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건
애플이 6월 6일 오전 10시 (PST)에 5,200명의 애플 제품 관련 개발자들이 참여한 가운데 WWDC 2011의 막을 열었습니다. 예년과는 달리 스티브 잡스가 그간 애플이 해 왔었던 놀라운 일들을 직접 언급하지 하고 바로 Mac OS X Lion 설명을 위해서 Craig에게 바통을 넘겼습니다.

오늘 있었던 Keynote에서는 예전의 WWDC와는 스케일이 다르게 애플의 주요 소프트웨어들이 한꺼번에 소개됨으로써 참여한 개발자들과 언론의 관심을 더욱 받았던 것 같습니다. 그래서 여러가지 중요한 통계 데이터들이 발표되었는데 그 통계 수치들을 정리해서 보면 더욱 재미있는 것 같습니다.

    ◦    전 세계적으로 5천 4백만명의 맥 사용자 (54 million Mac users worldwide)
    ◦    다른 PC 마켓 (-1%)과는 달리 맥 (Mac)은 해를 거듭하면서 28% 성장함 (Mac grew 28% while PC market shrank 1%)
    ◦    맥 제품 판매 중 노트북이 73%, 데스크탑이 23% 차지함 (Mac sales are 73% notebooks, 27% desktops.)
    ◦    맥 App Store는 현재 No. 1 PC 소프트웨어 유통 채널임 (Mac App Store is now the #1 PC software channel over Best Buy and Walmart)
    ◦    Pixelmator는 판매 개시 후 첫 20일 만에 1백만 달러 판매를 기록함 (Pixelmator made $1 million in its first 20 days, quadrupling its revenue.)

    ◦    전 세계적으로 2억대 이상의 iOS 모바일 기기가 판매됨 (over 200 million iOS devices sold)
    ◦    iPad는 판매 개시 후 14개월만에 2천 5백만대 판매를 기록함 (25 million iPads in first 14 months)
    ◦    150억 이상의 노래 음원이  iTunes를 통해 판매됨 (15 billion songs sold in the iTunes store)
    ◦    iTunes는 현재 No. 1 음악 유통 시장임 (#1 music retailer in the world)
    ◦    iBookstore는 1억 3천만권 이상의 책이 판매됨 (iBookstore downloads topped 130 million; six publishers on board)
    ◦    425, 000 애플리케이션이 App Store를 통해 판매 되었고 그 중 iPad 앱은 9만개임 (425,000 apps in the App Store; 90,00 are for the iPad)
    ◦    140억 애플리케이션이 App Store를 통해 다운로드 됨 (14 billion apps downloaded from the App Store)
    ◦    애플은 개발자들에게 25억 달러 이상을 수익으로 지불함 (Apple paid out more than US$2.5 billion to devs)
    ◦    2억 2천 5백만개의 iTunes 계정 (225 million iTunes accounts)
    ◦    5천만명의 Game Center 사용자 (50 million Game Center users)
    ◦    아이폰 4는 플리커에서 두번째로 가장 많이 사용되는 카메라임 (iPhone 4 is number two camera, not just smartphone camera, but camera on Flickr)


The Top Ten iOS 5 Features (iOS 5 새로운 기능 Top 10)

Creativity | 2011. 6. 7. 04:31 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

WWDC 2011에서 발표된 iOS 5의 새로운 기능 Top 10입니다. 기존 iOS와는 정말 많이 다르네요. iOS 5는 무려 200개가 넘는 새로운 기능들을 추가했다고 합니다.

#1: Notifications.

Audio, badges, alerts. Massively popular feature. Pushed more than 100 billion notifications to date. It has scaled "beautifully". Customers want better UI. A single place to combine all your notifications -- get to it any time, anywhere by swiping from the menu on the top of the screen. They've also added stocks and weather up there.

#2: Newstand.

It's iBooks with magazines. (We totally called this.) "Most of the major publishers" for magazines and newspapers have signed up for subscriptions. Engadget: "When you purchase them they're automatically downloaded and placed on the Newsstand.

#3: Twitter.

Interestingly, these features so far have almost no impact on developer APIs

#4 Safari.

iOS version of Safari reader, which brings article into one page and lets you email content of an article. Reading List lets you save a story for later.

#5 Reminders.

Reminders allows you to keep multiple lists, dates. Gets rid of "those scraps of paper you keep reminders on". Finally Apple adds a "nagomatica"[tm me] feature.

#6 Camera.

Jobs praises the iPhone onboard camera. There are various sniggering comments from around the blogosphere. We'll spare you the specifics. #6 Lock Screen Camera. Volume-up to take pictures now -- and you won't even get thrown out of App Store. Dan Moren: Built-in editing of photos. Crop, rotate, automatic red-eye reduction. And even one-click enhance from iPhoto.

#7 Mail

Dan Moren: Making it even better in iOS 5, with rich text formatting (bold, italics, underline). Control the indentation with decrease/increase. Drag the address between two fields. Added support for flagging. Indentation control has been added. More support for Enterprise customers.


Finally. No need to have a computer to own and love your iDevice. Chris W: "Incoming PC fanatics claiming they stole that from Microsoft's Windows 8 news" Welcome to the post-PC World. Apple is selling devices to many customers without household computers. New welcome setup image. Setup and activation done on-device. Chris W: "If it isn't optional it's the most deft anti-jailbreak move they could have made" Incremental over-the-air-app updates. Take that TomTom and Navigon, with your 1.5GB app installs.

#9 Game Center.

Your profiles can now use images. Purchase and download games directly in Game Center. Support for turn-based games like Scrabble built-in.

#10 iMessage

Messaging for all iOS customers. Looks like the SMS icon but now with more messaging support. Works over 3G and Wi-Fi. Messages are pushed to all devices. Start a conversation on one device, you can pick it up on another.


WWDC 2011 Keynote on 'Mac OSX Lion' from 10:00 to 10:40

Creativity | 2011. 6. 7. 03:08 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

WWDC 2011의 키노트 스피치에서 애플의 첫 주자로 소개된 Mac OSX Lion 관련 내용입니다. 출처는 TUAW 라이브 블로그 (Http://입니다.

10:39. Dev Preview available today.

10:36.Windows Migration assistant eases your migration *from* windows *to* Lion. FaceTime is built into Lion. Lion will be available only in the Mac App Store. 4GB download, installs in-place. Works on all authorized Macs. $29. July.

10:31.#10 Mail: Looks like brushed metal is the new cool kid on the block. Not sure I'm really fond of the look. Sande: "Interesting - this may convert me back to from Sparrow". Dan Moren: Lion has a brand new conversation view, that shows you the entire thread that you can just scroll through, with attachments, and everything. Ars: "beautiful view" that shows the conversations just as they were sent. As for me, I'm still disappointed that I can't keep using Eudora 6 in Rosetta on Lion.

10:30. #9 Airdrop: Peer-to-peer Wi-Fi based networking. AirDrop is in the sources in the Finder. Get a display of yourself and the people around you running AirDrop at the same time. Allows ad-hoc file sharing. Jason Snell: "Now Phil Schiller and Lion are here to kill sneakernet again. AirDrop is quick, ad hoc file transfer system, without setting up sharing systems and stuff, or going through IM." Recipient authorizes download. Stored to ~/Downloads.

10:30. AAPL -1.25 (-0.36%)

10:28. He demonstrates what happens when he quits -- "absolutely nothing". No prompts to save, no queries. When Pages re-launches, it brings back the entire window set including inspectors, window positioning, etc. Even insertion point and selection are remembered. It's full restoration of your session.

10:23. Autosave leads to... #8 Versions. Version control for your app. Bringing version control for "the rest of us". That's awesome. Sincerely awesome. You can make any version the current one, even copy and paste between them. It's Time Machine for documents, with a similar UI. Craig is demoing windows and palettes in Pages to show editing. He's changing fonts, dragging images around, etc.

10:20. #5 Launchpad. #6 Resume. #7 Autosave. Resume: Launch an app in Lion, it remembers what you were doing and where you were. The name of your document is now a menu now. Click on it and you can revert to last opened to get back to where you were. Dan Moren: You can Lock a file to prevent it from being auto-saved again (like a template). You can duplicate it right in the app.

10:20. New incremental updates mean you won't have to re-download the entire application at a time when you have to update, so updates should be much faster. Jason Snell: Sandboxing is interesting... that's a security approach. Will be interesting to see how secure it is and if it becomes a meme that App Store apps are safer than non-App Store apps.

10:20. AAPL +0.06 (0.02%). The Apple Online Store is still up.

10:17. Next up is #4 Mac App Store. In the last 6 months, it's become the #1 PC software channel for buying software, beating out Best Buy, Walmart, Office Depot -- Schiller. Autodesk Sketchbook Pro has seen 1 million new MAS users on OS X. Feral doubled its revenue since MAS. Pixelmator has quadrupled its revenue.

10:16. The multitouch gestures we're seeing is really amazing stuff -- although not all of us are ready to say RIP to the mouse. Dan Moren: Multiple desktops integrated. Click at the top right to create a new desktop, and you can even drag the windows right to them.

10:15. Jason Snell: "Face detection effects [in iPhoto] are pretty cool. My kids are going to waste dozens of hours on that." Snell adds that Jobs (sadly) looks poorly, commenting that this may be his last keynote.

10:11 #3 is Mission Control: essentially Dashboard, Exposé and Spaces rolled into one. Demoing... Sande: "Most of this is familiar to anyone who has been playing with the Lion Developer Preview but it's still exciting stuff".

10:09 #2 is Full Screen Apps. Apple worked with its system apps to allow them to convert to full screen. Fullscreen demos includes Safari (with reading list), iCal, iPhoto, Preview. Swipe to see your entire Safari browsing history. Demonstrating swiping back and forth between full-screen Safari and iPhoto using gestures. Caolo: "RIP scroll bars" Exit fullscreen, just tap a screen in the top right.

10:07 10 new features. #1 is multitouch gestures including tap-to-zoom, pinching, two-finger swipes with (Engadget) "incredible, physical realism that has never been possible in a PC operating system before." Lion can do momentum based scrolling (""The page feels alive beneath your fingers.""), multitouch taps, pinch to zoom. "Why do we have scroll bars?" The scroll bars disappear, magically appearing only when you scroll. This is quite similar to what happens on iOS already.

10:04 Today's topics are Lion, iOS 5, and "interesting new cloud stuff". Let's start with Lion, Phil Schiller and Craig Federighi will start with Lion demos. Jacqui Cheng: "He's trying to pull a Ballmer". Mac sales are 73% notebooks, 27% desktops. Mac OS X is the heart of the Mac. Built on Unix, with ease of use and simplicity.

10:03. Macworld: Dan Moren: "Over 5200 attendees. Sold out within two hours. This is the biggest place they can get. Sorry for all those that couldn't make it and we wish we could sell more tickets, but we don't know where to have it."

10:01. Steve Jobs takes the stage. He's met with a standing ovation. Engadget: "We've got an awesome morning together, this morning. Thank you for coming so much." Macworld: Dan Moren: Someone shouted "I love you!" TUAW waits with breathless anticipation for what's about to be revealed.

10:00. James Brown. "I feel good". The lights are dimming.


Seven examples of how luxury brands are engaging in Augmented Reality

Creativity | 2011. 6. 6. 21:55 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

This is a grea article about Augmented Reality of luxury brands and is about Tissot, BMW, Hugo Boss etc. (

Augmented reality is proving a major force in the engagement between luxury brands and the Millennials - the generation of tech orientated consumers born in the 1980s.

Earlier this week, Susan Kime, luxury lifestyle journalist for reinforced this theory with encouraging statistics for premium brands which are considering new methods of digital engagement.

• Wealthy Americans under 35 are avid consumers of a wide range of new media on smartphones and tablet computers - 70% own smartphones (40% iPhone, 24% BlackBerry); 23% already have an iPad

• On average Millennials spend 246 minutes emailing compared to 137 minutes speaking on the phone.

• Compared to their older wealthy counterparts, millennials spend far more minutes on average each week texting (121-42), instant messaging (89-30) and video chatting (75-9)."

• Television, radio and print newspaper consumption habits are dying out in favour of online video (78%) than those who regularly read a printed magazine (76%) or newspaper (68%).

Susan relates AR to the above statistics as being a natural progression of current communication methods for brands and consumers:

"Augmented Reality is taking digital marketing strategies to a more sensory, immediate, attuned level - perfect for Millennials and others on either side of the generational divide. AR enables consumers to virtually try on jewelry, watches, clothing and handbags.

"With these stats considered, how have many luxury brands engaged these new media Millennial mindsets?"  

We have sourced seven examples of how a range of luxury brands have cleverly leveraged AR to provide deeper engagement, wow factor or brand butler services to their clientele:

1.  Tissot enabled shoppers to try on their luxury watches virtually via Selfridges and Harrods windows in London, creating a great deal of spectacle and PR for the brand:

2.  Hugo Boss created an AR game offering up discounts as prizes, significantly increasing dwell time and footfall as a result.

3.  Garrard got into the Royal Wedding spirit last month, collaborating with UK Vogue's street lights initiative,inviting everyone to 'try on a tiara' with another shop window installation.

4.  Ray Ban cleverly deployed augmented reality in-store and online with face tracking that allowed consumers to digitally select and try on from a range of Ray Bans.

5.  BMW integrated AR with their advertising campaign that saw the car being used as a virtual paintbrush. Creating this video as a viral, they encouraged the public to print their own symbol and get behind the wheel: 

5.  MyBoucheron allows consumers to try on pieces from the luxury French retailer Boucheron collection from the comfort of their own home.The experience is reported to have generated a 50% increase in web traffic.

6.  Conde Nast created a travel guide app aimed at their affluent readership, which guides them around the world's most chic city destinations. This is a nice example of how AR can be integrated as a brand butler service.


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How to speed up the Internet on iPad

Creativity | 2011. 6. 5. 17:31 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

This is a interesting article on how to maximise your internet experience when using the iPad. It was located over at Worldwide iPad News. There is nothing worse than spending half your lesson time just trying to get all your students actually connected to the net. This is not a magic wand but it is a list of tips for setting up your procedures for the iPad so your students do not waste valuable class time. Check it out to see if it gives you quicker access.

If you like to browse the internet, the chances are that you like to do it in a timely manner. Take a look at these tips and tricks that will make web browsing on your iPad 2 a breeze.

Keeping the Bookmarks Bar visible
An often overlooked feature of the iPad is the Bookmarks Bar, which allows you to surf quickly to your favorite websites. It’s easy to miss because, by default, the bar only appears when you open a new tab and then disappears again when you go to a website. You can make it stay visible by going to Settings on your Home screen, selecting Safari and setting “Always Show Bookmarks Bar” to “ON”. You can add bookmarks to the bar by tapping the “+” sign to the left of the address bar, tapping “Add Bookmark” and then “Add to Bookmarks Bar”.

Placing bookmarks on the Home screen
You can add a bookmark for a website – a webclip – to your iPad Home screen by surfing to the page you want to bookmark in Safari, tapping the “+” sign and selecting “Add to Home Screen”. The webclip, which you can rename, is added to your Home screen and will automatically open to the area of the web page you had displayed when you bookmarked the site. Webclips are backed up by iTunes, but are not synced by either iTunes or MobileMe.

Read the full article:

Related articles, courtesy of Zemanta:


Creating Your Own Augmented Reality with 'Aurasma'

Creativity | 2011. 6. 5. 14:13 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건
What is Aurasma?

Aurasma is a radical piece of technology that represents the future of how we use our mobile devices by bringing the physical and virtual worlds together for the first time.

Available on smartphones, the app was created out of technology that is capable of recognizing images, symbols and objects in the real world and understanding them.

It can then deliver relevant content in real time, including videos, animations, audio or webpages. Using the smartphone's camera, GPS, Bluetooth, WiFi internet and its position, acceleration and direction, the technology combines image recognition and a conceptual understanding of the 3D world to recognize objects and images and seamlessly merge augmented reality actions into the scene.
Without the need for barcodes or tags, the app is able to see its surrounding environment and make it fully interactive.

How to get 'Aurasma'

The app currently works on the iPhone 4 and iPad 2, and will shortly be available on Android devices. You can download Aurasma for free from the App Store.

How to use Aurasma

When you start the Aurasma app, you can start viewing and creating Auras, augmented reality actions,
which enable you to overlay videos, audio or interactions over all sorts of images in the real world.

To see how it works, touch the button on your app and select Super Anywheres to see a gallery of

images that can be viewed and recognized wherever they are found. Find one of those images in the real world or on your computer screen and point your phone to it to see it come alive.

Then you can start creating your own Auras. Select and use the step-by-step instructions to create augmented reality actions that appear when you or your friends hover your smartphone over your selected image.


Auras are augmented reality actions - an Aura could be a photo overlaid on a static image, a movie clip overlaid on a specific geographical location or an animation overlaid on a cereal box.

There are different types of Auras:

· Happenings

Happenings are Auras that are posted in a specific geographical location. From animations over a front drive to treasure hunts around a city for hidden messages, head out onto the road armed with your iPhone 4 to see them come alive. Press   to see what is nearby, or by setting your smartphone to vibrate, you
will be automatically alerted to when there are Happenings in your area.

· Anywheres

Anywheres are Auras that can be recognized in any place independent of geographic location. Create your own Anywheres by pressing , capturing photos, logos, pictures hanging on your wall or other distinctive images that you and your friends will be able to see, share and bring alive on your smartphones.

· Super Anywheres

Super Anywheres are just like Auras except that they were made by the Aurasma team for you to find and try out.


Channels allow users to get together and create interest groups around their Happenings. You can browse channels by selecting . Create and share your own personalized channels and subscribe to other people's channels to view their Happenings. Subscribe to a channel to activate the Auras from that channel and to receive real-time updates of new Auras.


Auras are more fun when they're shared! Select to tell your friends via email, SMS, Facebook or Twitter about Auras and channels that you love. 

Newspapers and Magazines

As you leaf through the daily paper, look out for where Anywheres may have been created. Simply by hovering your smartphone over particular pages, logos or articles, Aurasma can enable videos or related content to be overlaid on top.

For example, a static image of a weather forecast or a photo from a football match can come alive in the form of a video stream.

Aurasma Video Clips


6 features that iOS needs from Windows8

Creativity | 2011. 6. 3. 02:59 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Putting on my bullet proof vest here, dare I say there’s some features shown in the Windows 8 demo video that iOS and even Mac OS X would greatly benefit from?

Regardless of how you feel about Windows, Microsoft, and Apple competition, you have to admit there are some good ideas shown in the first look at Windows 8. Here are six features that I think look promising enough that the iPhone and iPad would benefit from including too:

1) App Activity Overview from a Start Screen

In Windows 8, unlocking the screen brings you to a quick overview of app notifications and their updates. New emails, updates from your social network, upcoming calendar events, your investments, updated weather (I really wish the stagnant iOS weather icon updated the temperature), tweets, and a few other things. Contrast this to unlocking the screen on an iPad or iPhone, where you’re instantly shown all your apps and you have to dive into them to find out what your new emails are, what the weather is, whats on your calendar, etc. Again, this could be resolved in iOS 5, but I think it would be nice to have an overview screen like this.
Windows 8 Start Screen

2) File System Browser on a Touch Screen

Windows 8 lets you use a simplified touch accessible file system to go through all your documents, pictures, music, videos, and other files in one central location. Many people think iOS and iPad benefits from not having access to a file system, but I think it’s actually needed at some level so you can access created documents from other apps. Why can’t I open a document typed up in iA Writer in Pages app? That’s frustrating, access to a file system in iOS would allow this and much more. Here’s what the touch file system looks like in Windows 8:
Windows 8 File System Touch Browser

3) Side-by-side Display of Open Apps

Multitasking is great, but if you want to transcribe information from one app to another, it’s impossible to do this quickly on an iPad or iPhone. This is one of the main productivity boosts you get with dual-displays on a desktop, and iOS would greatly benefit from this feature. Sure, with Mac OS X you can just resize apps to be side-by-side, but it’s not perfect either, which is why apps like Divvy are so popular. The good news? Reviewing the Win 8 demo, John Gruber of DaringFireball seems to suggest this feature could come to iOS.
Windows 8 Split Screen for multiple apps

4) Better Use of the Lock Screen

This is probably going to be addressed in iOS 5 with a revamped notifications and widget system, but until it’s official I am going to complain about the wasted space of iOS lock screens. Microsoft has found a happy medium here, it still serves as a picture frame of sorts, but it also displays the date, time, events, your instant message counts, and email notifications. If you ask me, these things are important to display on a lock screen.
Windows 8 Lock Screen

5) Split QWERTY Keyboard for Touch Typing on Tablets

If you’ve ever held an iPad in vertical orientation and tried to type on the keyboard with your thumbs you know it’s not the easiest thing in the world. Microsoft has found a crafty way to address this by splitting the keyboard into two parts on both sides of the screen, easily accessible to your thumbs. This is a great idea and the iPad would benefit from this as an input option.
Windows 8 Split Touch Keyboard

6) Full Featured Touch Weather App & Updating Weather Widget

This is simple but it’s been a widely criticized complaint about the iOS ecosystem. Why doesn’t the iOS weather icon update the conditions? And why has nobody released a good weather app? The Apple offering for iPhone and iPod touch is good, but it’s too simple, and the iPad is lacking a good weather app completely. I’d change the tiles, but otherwise I like the look of Windows 8′s weather app and an iOS developer should take this idea and run with it:
Windows 8 Weather App

These are the six things that stood out at me from the Windows 8 video that iOS could add or improve on. Remember that iOS 5 will be shown next week at WWDC, so much of this could be addressed then, so stay tuned.

