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The Top Ten iOS 5 Features (iOS 5 새로운 기능 Top 10)

Creativity | 2011. 6. 7. 04:31 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

WWDC 2011에서 발표된 iOS 5의 새로운 기능 Top 10입니다. 기존 iOS와는 정말 많이 다르네요. iOS 5는 무려 200개가 넘는 새로운 기능들을 추가했다고 합니다.

#1: Notifications.

Audio, badges, alerts. Massively popular feature. Pushed more than 100 billion notifications to date. It has scaled "beautifully". Customers want better UI. A single place to combine all your notifications -- get to it any time, anywhere by swiping from the menu on the top of the screen. They've also added stocks and weather up there.

#2: Newstand.

It's iBooks with magazines. (We totally called this.) "Most of the major publishers" for magazines and newspapers have signed up for subscriptions. Engadget: "When you purchase them they're automatically downloaded and placed on the Newsstand.

#3: Twitter.

Interestingly, these features so far have almost no impact on developer APIs

#4 Safari.

iOS version of Safari reader, which brings article into one page and lets you email content of an article. Reading List lets you save a story for later.

#5 Reminders.

Reminders allows you to keep multiple lists, dates. Gets rid of "those scraps of paper you keep reminders on". Finally Apple adds a "nagomatica"[tm me] feature.

#6 Camera.

Jobs praises the iPhone onboard camera. There are various sniggering comments from around the blogosphere. We'll spare you the specifics. #6 Lock Screen Camera. Volume-up to take pictures now -- and you won't even get thrown out of App Store. Dan Moren: Built-in editing of photos. Crop, rotate, automatic red-eye reduction. And even one-click enhance from iPhoto.

#7 Mail

Dan Moren: Making it even better in iOS 5, with rich text formatting (bold, italics, underline). Control the indentation with decrease/increase. Drag the address between two fields. Added support for flagging. Indentation control has been added. More support for Enterprise customers.


Finally. No need to have a computer to own and love your iDevice. Chris W: "Incoming PC fanatics claiming they stole that from Microsoft's Windows 8 news" Welcome to the post-PC World. Apple is selling devices to many customers without household computers. New welcome setup image. Setup and activation done on-device. Chris W: "If it isn't optional it's the most deft anti-jailbreak move they could have made" Incremental over-the-air-app updates. Take that TomTom and Navigon, with your 1.5GB app installs.

#9 Game Center.

Your profiles can now use images. Purchase and download games directly in Game Center. Support for turn-based games like Scrabble built-in.

#10 iMessage

Messaging for all iOS customers. Looks like the SMS icon but now with more messaging support. Works over 3G and Wi-Fi. Messages are pushed to all devices. Start a conversation on one device, you can pick it up on another.
