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How to make colorful QR codes

Creativity | 2011. 4. 19. 17:57 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

The Paperlinks QR code reader is fast, free and powerful!
With Paperlinks, scanning QR (“Quick Response”) codes is easy and fun. Your editable history will include items you’ve already scanned. And best of all, you can create your own QR codes at, then have people scan your Paperlink code for an in-app (rather than web browser) experience. Paperlinks codes can be scanned by other readers. However, with the Paperlinks reader, people can scan your code, then: save dates to their calendar; add contact info into their address book; view maps and directions, all with the smoothness only a native app can deliver.

• Instant Scan – no touching, tapping or clicking. Unlike other QR reader apps, you just open Paperlinks and scan!
• Fast – go from app to content in a split second.
• History – Tabbed access to a complete list of all previous scans. Easily delete entries with a simple finger swipe.
• Full Paperlinks integration with QR codes generated through

The QR code

A thing of beauty or an eyesore? The magical barcodes that can be scanned by a smartphone to launch an offline-to-online experience are often criticized for their black and white checkerbox appearance. Those who doubt that QR codes will go mainstream are quick to point out that the look of QR codes will deter marketers and advertisers from using them.

Fortunately, QR codes are malleable and can be redesigned in truly extraordinary ways, while still maintaining their scanability. The truth is, QR codes no longer have to be checkerbox in appearance. We’ve entered a new phase of “designer codes” that can be integrated into marketing campaigns in an attractive way that isn’t an eyesore.

QR codes have so much potential from a design perspective, so let’s take a look at a few tricks and techniques you should keep in mind when designing a code to enhance your brand and appeal to your audience.


1. Add a color palette

The easiest way to add branding power to your code is to add color to it. Your QR code does not have to be standard black and white in order to be scanned. You can embed multiple colors and apply a color gradient without affecting scanability. The only rule of thumb is that the code color should generally be dark and placed against a light-colored background. Make sure the contrast is sufficient, or the code will be difficult to scan.

A “reversed out” code, where the background is dark and the boxes are light colored, is generally not recommended. Only a small handful of QR code readers can treat such codes as a film negative and properly interpret the data.

2. Soften hard edges with round corners

One of the QR code’s greatest aesthetic flaws is its numerous hard edges. You can dramatically lessen the severity of this look by strategically rounding some corners. It is not necessary to round all of the corners, but softening up the edges will definitely make the code appear more friendly and approachable.


3. Incorporate dimensionality with 3D impact

One high impact way to brand your QR code is to obstruct some of the boxes with imagery, such as a logo. By placing an image in front of the code, you imbue the code with a sense of depth. An ordinary barcode suddenly becomes a form of artwork, and you can really make a statement with the way you melt boxes together or choose to obstruct aspects of the code.

Fun ideas include adding a logo to the center of the code, but you could also add interesting elements to the corners or the sides for an even less standard look. Adding images or characters between the boxes is another playful way to dress the code with personality and style.

4. Use QR code with 30% error correction

If you decide to add in a logo to create a 3D feel for your QR code, you need to decide which part of the coding to obstruct with your logo. The key to creating these eye-popping designer codes is to take advantage of the fact that up to 30% of a QR code’s data can be missing or obstructed, and still be scanned. QR codes can be generated with 0%, 10%, 20% or 30% error correction rates built in. Building in the 30% error correction rate adds more noise (extra boxes) within the code, but those extra boxes within the code can then be removed to make way for a logo or other interesting imagery.


If you use a QR code with 0% error correction, the code will look more streamlined, but opportunities to brand the code by adding in a logo are very limited. Removing or obstructing a single box within a 0% error QR code could render it unscannable.

5. Apply a trial-and-error process

Technically, it is possible to mathematically compute which boxes in a QR code are the buffers that can be removed, but such computations are generally unnecessary. By applying a simple process of trial-and-error, anyone can begin applying their design techniques to a code and then test for scannability.


Be sure to test your code’s scannability with multiple QR readers, ideally three or four. Some readers may be able to overcome some stylistic elements of your designer code, whereas others will not. Deploying your code without testing for scannability is designer malpractice and can cause serious heartache with clients. It is true that even with reasonable precautions, designer codes may still be difficult to scan, so you must always weigh the costs of scanning difficulty against the benefits of designing a code that is eye-catching. If a designer code takes more than a few seconds to scan, it probably needs to be redesigned.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


5 best video sharing sites

Creativity | 2011. 4. 17. 23:04 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

These are the 5 best video sharing sites., YouTube, Vimeo, Viddler, Dailymotion.

1. YouTube

YouTube has reached a level of ubiquity in the video-sharing market that for millions of internet users, YouTube is not only how they were introduced to video sharing—it's also the only video sharing site they're even aware of. Videos uploaded to YouTube have to be smaller than 2GB, and they must be 10 minutes or shorter in length if you're using a basic account.


YouTube places no restriction on the number of videos you can upload as long as they follow the 2GB/10min rule. You can't edit your videos once you've uploaded them to YouTube, but you can annotate them with additional information and links. YouTube lets you embed and customize the player, again, for free.

2. is a video-sharing service aimed at people producing web shows. The site isn't designed for or marketed to people uploading single videos or viral-video content. The site is strongly oriented towards users producing continuous videos and includes revenue sharing to help independent producers make money—50% of the ad revenue from your content is shared with you.


Both the basic and the professional account are limited to file sizes of 1GB, but one of the benefits of the professional account is that you get priority conversion and additional conversion time per episode, which allows you to use higher quality video. The professional service is really only necessary if you're consistently uploading large amounts of long videos and want priority conversion, so the free service should cover the needs of nearly everyone besides people producing full out web-based television series.

3. Vimeo

Vimeo is a video sharing service with a heavy emphasis on community and creativity. You can't host commercial content on Vimeo; instead, all uploaded content must be original and non-commercial. Vimeo accounts come in two flavors. The basic account is free and includes 500MB per week of uploaded video, including one HD video per week. You get three albums, one group, and one channel with basic accounts.


Basic accounts also let you embed and share your work as well as set basic privacy restrictions. Upgrading to the Plus account kicks your upload cap to 5GB, removes the restriction on HD movies, lets you embed HD movies, and gives you unlimited album, group, and channel creation. A Plus account also expands your privacy control and allows you to customize the embedded player.

4. Viddler

If you're put off by the length restrictions of some video-sharing sites, Viddler has no limit on length. As long as your file is 500MB or less in size, you can make it as long as you like. (500MB holds a lot of web-cam quality video.)


In addition to the 500MB limit, you're restricted to 2GB of storage and bandwidth per month. If you sign up for a partnership account, instead of a personal account, your videos are overlaid with advertisements but the storage and bandwidth restrictions are removed. Both the personal and the partnership accounts are free.

5. Dailymotion

Dailymotion offers two different accounts for content sharers. The basic account allows you to upload videos up to 1GB in size. If you're sharing original content, you can sign up for a Motionmaker account.


Motionmaker accounts are intended for the distribution of Creative Commons videos and allow you to upload HD content. Original content by Motionmakers is more aggressively promoted on the front page and through search results.


The technical information on the various video-sharing sites is usually buried in help files and not particularly clear in most instances. If you're basing your selection on a very specific aspect of the service like whether or not you can upload .mov files without converting them or whether or not the site supports 256kb audio, we'd highly recommend checking out this extensive set of charts on Wikipedia to see if the site meets your needs.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Are You Addicted to Social Networking Sites?

Creativity | 2011. 3. 15. 06:42 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Social networking sites like My Space, Facebook and Twitter can be great

resources for staying in touch with friends, but they should never become

a substitute for physical interaction with others.


Unfortunately for many people, checking in on social networking sites takes up

a lot of their spare time and sometimes can even become a bit of an addiction.


To help you determine if you use social networking sites appropriately we have

put together the questionnaire below. Answer "yes" or "no" to each question and

then total your answers to determine if you are addicted to social networking sites.




1. Are you a member of multiple social networking sites?

2. Do you visit your social networking sites with no goal or specific purpose in mind?
3. Are you usually surprised by how much time you spend on a social networking site?
4. Have you ever said no to an activity with your family or friends because of social networking sites?
5. Have you ever ignored a responsibility like homework or chores because of social networking sites?
6. Do you ever stay up late or get up early to spend more time on social networking sites?
7. Have you ever hidden your time on social networking sites from family or friends?
8. Have you ever used social networking sites when a parent or teacher has told you not to?
9. Do you prefer to interact with people on social networking sites rather than face to face?
10. Has anyone ever commented on how much time you spend on social networking sites?
11. Do you have more friends on your social networking sites than you do in your real life?

12. Do you become frustrated or angry when a social networking site goes down or is unavailable?



Type 1

If you answered "yes" to between one and four questions then you are most likely

not addicted to social networking sites. You probably use social networking sites

to extend your relationships with family and friends but recognise that keeping up

with these sites are less important than strengthening the relationships that exist

outside of the Internet.


Type 2

If you answered "yes" to between five and eight questions then you may be addicted

to social networking sites. For the next week try to write down every time you visit

a social networking site and how long you spend on it.



Type 3

If you answered "yes" to nine or more questions then you are likely to be addicted

to social networking sites. Your use of these sites is most likely getting in the way

of your real life and you may even be using them as a substitute for getting out and

making friends, or nurturing the friendships that you already have.

Try to wean yourself off of social networking sites by spending less time on them

each day, and more time on activities away from the computer.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


안전왕 김탁호_오토바이 배달 안전

Safety | 2011. 1. 8. 07:19 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

제빵왕 김탁를 패러디한 안전왕 김탁호가 나왔습니다. 위험을 먼저 보는 안전생활 실천

스토리의 시리즈 1편으로 한국산업안전보건공단 (KOSHA)에서는 오토바이 배달 사고를

줄이고자 오토바이 배달 안전을 다룬 안전왕 김탁호를 제작하였습니다.


공단은 애니메이션 도입과 마지막 부분에 공단의 새로운 산재예방 슬로건인 '조심조심

코리아 (Watch out! KOREA!)'와 '위험을 보는 것이 안전의 시작입니다' 등을 적극적으로

홍보하기 위해 많은 노력을 하고 있습니다.


2분으로 구성된 애니메이션은 오토바이 배달 사고 유형 및 배달 안전수칙 등을 제시하여

관련 업종에 종사하는 근로자들이 쉽게 보고 오토바이 배달 교통사고를 줄일 수 있을 것이라

생각됩니다. 실천하지 않으면 안전해 질 수 없다는 생각으로 애니메이션을 보시고

실천에 옯겼으면 합니다.



오토바이 배달 안전수칙

  • 안전모 등의 보호구 착용
  • 적당한 높이로 배달 물품 적재
  • 한 손 운전 금지
  • 교통신호 및 안전속도 준수


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Winter Slipping Prevention Leaflets

Safety | 2010. 12. 30. 17:32 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

최근 겨울철 폭설·한파로 인해 실외 작업이 많은 거리청소, 배달, 경비와 같은

서비스업 근로자의 재해가 급증하고 있는 실정입니다.

이에 서비스업 근로자의 넘어짐 사고사례 및 예방대책을 첨부와 같이 안내하니

겨울철 근로자의 넘어짐 사고를 예방하는데 적극 활용하시기 바랍니다.

※ 경비, 청소, 급식시설, 과일배달, 신문배달, 주류배달, 음식배달, 주유소,

공공근로, 환경미화 등 업종별로 구분해 만들어진 자료입니다.

한국산업안전보건공단 (KOSHA)



이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.
