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Mac OS X Lion installation methods

Creativity | 2011. 4. 27. 00:48 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Mostly DVD-ROM installation, possibly USB installation or Mac App Store installation.

The DVD may not be dead yet after all. It looks like Mac OS X 10.7 Lion may be offered on traditional DVD installation disks in addition to the more modern and fancy App Store download distribution and USB installer keys.

The possible leak comes from a German Amazon page (via CultOfMac) for the upcoming release of Mac OS X Lion, where mediatype is clearly specified as DVD-ROM (screenshot below):


It’s entirely possible that this placeholder is inaccurate or even a mistake, but Amazon does have a history of accidentally leaking release dates and software upgrades on their various worldwide online stores.

I should also point out that the idea of a USB key installation method is speculation based on the new MacBook Air Mac OS X install drive, and the distribution from the App Store is also speculated based upon the digital delivery of the Mac OS X Lion Developer Previews through the Mac App Store. It’s entirely possible that neither of these installation methods will appear and that we will only see a DVD installer, but with the MacBook Air and Mac Mini Server’s lacking DVD drives, those devices must be served with some form of installation method for Lion.

We’re almost certain to find out what exact installation methods we’ll get for Lion at WWDC 2011, which is just a few months away.


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


How to get a Mac Serial Number quickly

Creativity | 2011. 4. 26. 00:40 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

You can quickly retrieve any Macs serial number via the command line by using the following command string:

system_profiler |grep "r (system)"


The command results will look something like this:

$ system_profiler |grep "r (system)"
Serial Number (system): 739XXXX


If you just grep for “Serial Number” you’ll be presented with serial numbers to other hardware included in the Mac, which is why the “r (system)” qualifier is included.

Once you have a serial number, you can do things like check AppleCare warranty status and repair history.



이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


iPad vs iPad2 Speed Comparison

Creativity | 2011. 4. 26. 00:11 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Are you wondering how fast the iPad 2 is compared to an iPad in real world tests?


This video of side-by-side speed tests shows typical iPad usage, things like booting, launching various apps, and shutting down. You’ll see the iPad 2 excels in most areas but lags, oddly, in shutting down. If you don’t want to watch the video, here are the raw numbers and the tests:

iPad 2 vs iPad Real World Speed Tests


  • Booting: 25.3 vs 28.6
  • Launching Infinity Blade: 10.6 vs 26
  • Launching Google Earth: 17 vs 20.3
  • Launch Garage Band: 3 vs 6
  • Launching Angry Birds: 8 vs 10.5
  • Shutting Down: 26 vs 12


Obviously this test is nonscientific and there’s nothing too groundbreaking here, but it’s interesting to watch anyway. Sure there are improvements in general speed and functionality, but I think we have yet to really see apps that really take advantage of the improved iPad 2 hardware specs.


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Capster_Mac Application to show caps lock on/off

Creativity | 2011. 4. 23. 20:42 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

맥킨토시를 사용하시다가 잘못 눌러서 부지불식간에 Caps Lock이 켜져 있는 채로 작업을 한 경험이 있으실 것입니다.


유일하게 Caps Lock이 켜져 있는지 안켜져 있는지 알 수 있는 길은 키보드 자판의 Caps Lock에 초록색 불이 들어왔는지 안들어왔는지 확인하는 방법 밖에는 없는데요. 이제는 그런 고민 (?) 또는 불편한 없이 Mac 스크린에 Caps Lock의 On/Off 여부를 분명하게 보여주는 아주 유용한 애플리케이션이 있어서 소개하고자 합니다.


용량도 작고 설치 방법도 아주 간단합니다. 디자인이라고 할 것 도 없이 조그만 사각형 바가 스크린 오른쪽 위에 나타나면서 Caps Lock의 On/Off 여부를 시각적으로 보여주니 이보다 쉽고 편하게 애플리케이션을 사용할 수는 없을 것 같습니다.

Capster 1.6.5 (Capster Developer Page)

Original Download1

Mirrored Download2


Original Post (English)

CAPS Warn is a menu-bar utility that displays a bright-red icon and sounds an alert whenever caps lock is enabled. But if you’re already using the excellent Growl notification system, a simpler—but just as effective—option is Capster (download link).

Launch Capster—it can run invisibly as a background-only application—and if you press the caps-lock key, intentionally or not, Capster pops up a Growl notification letting you know. Disable caps lock, and you get a Growl confirmation of that, too.

Because it uses Growl, you can customize Capster’s alerts using Growl’s System Preferences pane. For example, you can choose a different Growl display style and onscreen position for your Capster alerts than for other Growl notifications. You can also choose separate notification options (display style, priority, and alert sound) for when you enable caps lock and when you disable it—on my Mac, the caps-lock-on alert uses High priority (which means it pulses red) and an audible alert, while the caps-lock-off alert uses Normal priority and doesn’t make a sound.

Capster’s only other settings let you choose whether or not the utility displays a systemwide menu; and, if not, which keyboard shortcut you need to press to access these settings. If you choose to display the menu, you get several options for its menu-bar icon; whichever one you choose, the menu icon works much like CAPS Warn, changing its appearance whenever caps lock is enabled.

Because it relies on Growl for notifications, Capster doesn’t have some of the unique options of CAPS Warn, such as the capability to warn you whenever you’ve typed more than a set number of capital letters in a row—say, if you typed them using the Shift key instead of caps lock. (These days, CAPS Warn can also notify you when other modifier keys are pressed.) I also found what appears to be a minor bug in Capster: If caps lock is enabled, pressing Shift produces the Caps Lock On alert. But Capster works well, and if you’re already using Growl, Capster is a simple and easy way to get a convenient and popular feature.


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


How to prevent iOS 4.x from tracking your location

Creativity | 2011. 4. 22. 22:01 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

최근에 아이폰 사용자들 사이에서 가장 이슈가 되고 있는 것이 iOS4.x의 아이폰 트래킹 (iPhone tracking)인 것 같습니다.

특정 기간을 설정하면 아이폰 사용자의 행적을 지도 상에서 그래픽으로 볼 수가 있는 것인데요. 사생활 보호 측면에서 애플에서도 고민을 하고 있는 것 같습니다.


그런데, 보안 관련 한 전문가가 위와 같은 아이폰 위치 추적을 방지하는 애플리케이션을 시디아 (Cydia)에 올렸습니다.

그래서 그것을 다운로드 받아서 설치하시면 아이폰 위치 추적을 방지할 수 있습니다.


사용 방법은 간단합니다. 일단 시디아 (Cydia)를 사용하기 위해서는 가장 먼저 탈옥 (Jailbreak)가 돼 있어야 합니다.

그 다음에는 시디아를 실행하셔서 검색 탭에 가셔서 'Untrackerd'로 검색하시면 되겠습니다. 설치는 그냥 인스톨 눌러주시면 됩니다.


다음은 원본 내용입니다.

iPhone and iPad on iOS 4.x.x secretly tracks you location (all your moves). Security researchers made new discovery that Apple’s iOS for iPhone, iPad tracks device’s longitude and latitude. That location information is then stored on your computer’s hard drive once it’s synchronized with the device and can later be accessed by anyone with right computer skills/softwares.

In the light of this secretly location tracking discovery, Ryan Petrich has released a Cydia tweak “Untrackerd” to prevent iOS from tracking your location and saving it to consolidated.db.

  • Continuously clean up location’s history data in the background.
  • This package installs a daemon (process that can run in the background) to clean the consolidated.db file.
  • No new icons are added to your homescreen. There are no options to configure.

Your device must be jailbroken to install untrackerd. You can jailbreak your device using the guides linked below:

How to:Jailbreak iOS 4.3.2
How to:Jailbreak iOS 4.3.1
How to:Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1

  1. Now open Cydia from your homescreen;
  2. Go to Search tab and search for Untrackerd;
  3. and install it.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Instant word completion in Mac OS X with esc or F5

Creativity | 2011. 4. 22. 00:09 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

In many Mac OS X apps, you can activate word completion by starting to type a word and then hitting either the F5 key or the Escape key. This will bring up a large menu of every word starting with the letter prefix you entered:


Word completion seems to only work in Apple crafted cocoa apps, so you’ll be able to use the feature in Safari, Pages, Keynote, TextEdit, iCal, etc, but in a browser like Chrome you’re out of luck.

This is really useful when you’re trying to remember how to spell a word, or if you’re trying to think of words that start with a particular prefix or letter (scrabble anyone?). If you’re wondering where the word list is coming from, it’s tied to your Mac OS X dictionary, which is also readily available via a keyboard shortcut.

Unfortunately, this function is for only English, not for other languages.


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


How to make your Windows7 look like Mac OS X 10.7 Lion

Creativity | 2011. 4. 21. 02:17 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Mac OS X Lion 테마를 윈도우7에서 맛볼 수 있는 테마 팩이 있어서 소개하고자 합니다.


일단 먼저 받으시고 설치하면 됩니다. 다운로드는 2가지로 링크를 걸어놨습니다. 원본 링크와 하나는 제가 만든 링크입니다.

원본 링크:

링크 2:



스크린 샷을 보시면 아시겠지만 거의 똑같습니다. 윈도우7에서 맥 라이언 분위기를 제대로 느낄 수 있습니다.


<시작 메뉴>






<바탕화면 보기>



이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


iPhone 5 will be shipped in September 2011

Creativity | 2011. 4. 20. 14:18 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Apple’s next generation iPhone, presumably iPhone 5, will start shipping in September of this year, according to Reuters. No other information was provided, only that the new iPhone will begin production in July for a release some time in September.


Here is the tweet that Reuters sent out:

FLASH: Apple suppliers to start production of next-gen iPhone in July, Aug; begin shipping in Sept – sources

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Self-Publishing is the future (EPUB)

Creativity | 2011. 4. 20. 02:53 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Technology and Internet have changed things upside down in a lot of verticals. Smartphones, tablet PCs, ebook readers etc. are spreading the culture of reading ebooks like wildfire. Internet is by far the cheap yet efficient distribution system with a global reach for digital goods.
For long, blogs have been the beacons of self publishing. But for reading content worthy of a book, there is no alternative than a book. Ebooks have the advantage of a tiny footprint and instant delivery. Thanks to Kindle and iPad, reading ebooks has become cool.
So what do you need to get yourself published these days? First up, you need quality content. Without that, even with God as your publisher, you won’t be able to sell more than a couple of copies. Other than that, there aren’t a lot of specialized tools or technology gimmicks one has to possess to get self published.

Ebooks today are primarily circulated in two major formats – PDF and EPUB.

Everyone knows the PDF format. It’s the ubiquitous document format that everyone uses and has the software to read it. Since Adobe Reader is installed in almost all computers, PDFs are the choice of popular demand. PDF ebooks are easy to create too. You don’t need the ridiculously costly Adobe Acrobat to create a PDF file, just compose in a Word document and use free or open source tools to covert the file to PDF. You got yourself an ebook!

EPUB is a free and open standard developed exclusively for making awesome ebooks. It is designed for reflowable text – text that adjusts itself to the size of the screen, based on the font being used among other parameters. EPUB files are ideal to read on mobile devices and for delivering content to devices with multiple screen sizes.

What goes against both these formats is that they are rigid in their own right. You might be creative as hell, but there is just no way you can make the content pop (like some proprietary formats do) with these formats.
As mentioned earlier, composing and formatting using a word processor and then converting to PDF is the simplest and economical way of creating ebooks in the PDF format.


Nitro Reader

Nitro Reader sports the familiar Microsoft Office style Ribbon interface. The app helps you create PDF files, comment and review, save PDF forms, extract text and images, type text directly onto the page and more. With so many features and an intuitive interface, this free app has everything you need to create a PDF ebook.

calibre can convert from a huge number of formats to a huge number of formats. But it is a popular app used to create EPUB files.The conversion engine holds so much power it can rescale all font sizes, ensuring that the output e-book is readable no matter what font sizes the input document uses. The app can automatically detect/create book structure (like chapters and Table of Contents) too. On top of all these, the app can be used to create and edit book metadata too.
Now that the content is all formatted and packaged to your satisfaction, the next logical step is to find an online publisher. Fret not, these publishers are pretty polite and WILL accept you ebook no matter what.


Lulu is one of the pioneers of the self publishing concept. Before getting into their ebook distribution system, I will have let you guys know about its brilliant book publishing system. For those still in love with seeing your name in print, Lulu is a Godsend. From creating a cover to getting the right binding for the book, everything can be done with the help of its online tools.
Lulu’s ebook creation wizard is a masterpiece. From getting an ISBN number to submitting to Apple’s iBookstore, you can do all the work from a single place. If you are not planning to sell it in iBookstore, you can list the book on Lulu for sale instead. It has a captive audience and a bustling marketplace that should be not missed. Lulu takes a 20% cut from the sales.


Ebookling is getting a lot of positive buzz lately and has a certain Web 2.0 charm to it. As the founders of the site say, they are focused to help authors become authorpreneurs ie. helping them earn a decent living by selling their work. At 50%, the commission rate is very steep though. But the good thing is, even in case of sales through an affiliate, you get to keep your 50% and Ebookling pays them from their cut.
Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

If it wasn’t for the Kindle ebook reader, the era of ebooks would not have dawned. Amazon has sold millions of these devices and the platform has enough critical mass to become a viable self publishing platform. Getting your book in isn’t very hard either. You give your book a name, upload the PDF and then choose the pricing. Voila!
With KDP, you can self-publish books in English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian and specify pricing in US Dollars and Pounds Sterling. Depending on the slabs your book price falls into, Amazon takes a 70% or 30% cut.

Have an influential blog or a site with a huge traffic? Not interested in paying for the middle man? E-Junkie is what you are looking for. E-Junkie is not a online bookstore or publisher. They offer shopping carts, rather awesome ones for the matter. Once the ebook is ready, upload it to E-Junkie and add the shopping cart code and buttons to your web page.
When a user a clicks on the Buy Now button, E-Junkie processes the payment and mails them the ebook. Your job is to promote the book and count the money that comes in. They have got plans that start from $5 per month and the pricing is based on the file size and the number of files. All plans come with unlimited bandwidth and unlimited sales. They have a flawless reputation and ebook publishers like Rockable use their service.


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Convert and ync edia across devices with Kwik Media Manager

Creativity | 2011. 4. 20. 01:22 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Nero, a software company known for its media suites, is launching a free app-based system on Tuesday that organizes and syncs media between multiple devices. Its Kwik Media Manager joins a host of other products that are aiming to free digital media from a particular device.

The manager provides a library for your music, video, photos and data that looks a lot like iTunes or Windows Media Manager at first glance. But unlike iTunes, which makes transferring files to multiple devices a pain, it makes transferring an iTunes library onto an Android device a matter of drag and drop between folders. The same goes for transferring video from a camera to an iPad or photos from multiple cameras to one photo library.


Kwik Media Manager also comes with basic editing tools like automatic red eye reduction, an easy slideshow editor, a video clipper and a disc burner that is free for a limited time.

Nero’s new system rivals products like Libox, Unifi and MediaRover that similarly transfer media between devices. But Nero is trying to do so on top of a basic editing and organizational structure. For the casual user, it could replace very basic photo and video editing programs, a slideshow creator and a library in one swift and free download.



One major way that Nero’s strategy is different from others is its app approach. While the basic software download is free, an app store that will eventually open to third-party developers sells additional features to more advanced users. For now, it’s filled with Nero’s best tricks. For $0.99, users can add a face-recognition app that searches photos based on who is in them. A Blu-ray player app costs $29.99. And the “move it” app, at $4.99, will automatically optimize files for the devices to which they are being transferred. This avoids a flash video being loaded onto an apple product or a tiny video being loaded to a larger device.

While Nero has previously powered a similar media manager solution for Dell and sells a MediaHome product for $40, Kwik Media Manager is a huge departure from the way that it usually does its business. And a smart one. Not only do users have an option to buy Nero’s full-priced multimedia suites within the app store, but they have options to spend what they want on the features that they’ll use.


Unfortuantely, Kwik Media Manager is right now only for Windows PCs, not for Macintosh.


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

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