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Elements of objectives_학습목표

Education | 2011. 4. 12. 10:10 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

These pictures explain how objectives consist of and how to write good objectives.

Objectives have 4 elements, A, B, C, and D.


What are ABCE for?

A is for Audience and does learner analysis. Typically who are the learners for educational interventions.


B stands for Behavior and is the same as learners' behaviors expected after instructions.


C is the abbreviation of Condition, Context, or Catalyst and is the most important thing of an instruction.

In C part, learners experience an actual learning and get information they may need by interacting with real content.


D is for the degree of achievement and is the same as evaluation or assessment of how learners have taken an instruction and how they apply information or instruction from an educational environment they experienced.



These are what I did in Instructional Design class. And I can draw a big picture of my group project about job-aid or instruction on 'Hiking at the Poudre River Trail'


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Instructional design about Augmented Reality instruction

Education | 2011. 3. 22. 00:34 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

An instruction about Augmented Reality


I am hired as an instructional designer from a business training company ' Busitco'.
Busitco has struggled with new business ideas using swift changing technologies,
but nothing crucial has been brought on the table yet.
I am aware that there are many potentials for learning and training in augmented reality,
but most people in my company have no ideas about augmented reality.
So as an instructional designer in Busitco, the first project I have is to create
a self-guided instruction about augmented reality and its application to learning and training
in order for my colleagues to grasp some ideas about augmented reality and come up with
some applicable thoughts in learning and training.

Learners (A): employers and employees in Busitco. Their educations are diverse from high school and Ph. D.

1. Given the instruction about augmented reality, people in Busitco will know about augmented reality and its applications.
     The learners will understand the definition of augmented reality and can explain it to others.
     The learners will comprehend the needs for augmented reality in business training.

2. Given the instruction about augmented reality, people in Busitco will apply the idea of augmented reality to their businesses or fields.
     The learners will come up with some applicable ideas to their businesses by employing augmented reality techniques.
     The learners will use augmented reality in their real life at least once.

3. Given the instruction about augmented reality, people in Busitco will be confident in adopting new technologies and ideas to their businesses and lives.
     The learners will keep thinking of new business ideas by using new technologies.


To be continued...

Condition (C) and Degree of learning (D)

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Introduction to Instructional Design

Education | 2011. 1. 18. 04:14 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

   * The development and delivery of information and activities that are

      created to facilitate attainment of intended, specific learning goals.

Related terms
   * Education: All experiences in which people learn.
   * Training: Instruction focused toward acquiring specific skills that will

      be used immediately.
   * Teaching: Education/Instruction delivered by a person

Three phases of ID process
   * Analysis: Learning contexts, learners, and learning task
   * Strategy development: organizational strategies, delivery strategies,

      and management strategies
   * Evaluation: conduct formative evaluation and revise instruction
Theoretically, ID process is a linear type, but in real practice,

every steps are connected with one another.

Systematic Instructional Design's advantages
   * Provide learner advocacy
   * Promote effective, efficient, and appealing instruction
   * Assist coordination
   * Facilitates dissemination
   * Supports development of alternative delivery
   * Has congruence among objectives, activities, and assessment

Systematic ID's limitations
   * Requires identification of outcomes
   * Requires lead time
   * Is not applicable to non-instructional problems

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Reflection papers of instructional design and technology

Education | 2010. 12. 18. 03:28 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

This is my reflection papers of introduction to instructional design and technology

with a book 'Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology'

I divided this book into 5 units. Each unit has several chapters in it and

consists of like below.

Unit 1: Section 1 – Defining the Field (Chapters 1-3)
Unit 2: Section 2 – Theories and Models of Learning and Instruction (Chapters 4-9)
Unit 3: Section 3 – Evaluating, Implementing, and Managing Instructional Programs

and Projects and Section 4 – Human Performance Technology (Chapters 10-17)
Unit 4: Section 5 – Trends and Issues in Various Settings and Section 6

Getting an IDT Position and Success At It (Chapters 18-27)
Unit 5: Section 7 – New Directions in Instructional Design and Technology

(Chapters 28-32)

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.
