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21 Things That Will Be Obsolete by 2020

Education | 2011. 5. 7. 21:10 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Inspired by Sandy Speicher’s vision of the designed school day of the future, reader Shelly Blake-Plock shared his own predictions of that ideal day. How close are we to this? The post was written in December 2009, and Blake-Plock says he’s seeing some of these already beginning to come to fruition.

The 21st century does not fit neatly into rows. Neither should your students. Allow the network-based concepts of flow, collaboration, and dynamism help you rearrange your room for authentic 21st century learning.

Foreign language acquisition is only a smartphone away. Get rid of those clunky desktops and monitors and do something fun with that room.
Ok, so this is a trick answer. More precisely this one should read: ‘Our concept of what a computer is’. Because computing is going mobile and over the next decade we’re going to see the full fury of individualized computing via handhelds come to the fore. Can’t wait.
The 21st century is a 24/7 environment. And the next decade is going to see the traditional temporal boundaries between home and school disappear. And despite whatever Secretary Duncan might say, we don’t need kids to ‘go to school’ more; we need them to ‘learn’ more. And this will be done 24/7 and on the move.

The AP Exam is on its last legs. The SAT isn’t far behind. Over the next ten years, we will see Digital Portfolios replace test scores as the #1 factor in college admissions.
The 21st century is customizable. In ten years, the teacher who hasn’t yet figured out how to use tech to personalize learning will be the teacher out of a job. Differentiation won’t make you ‘distinguished’; it’ll just be a natural part of your work.
Wikipedia is the greatest democratizing force in the world right now. If you are afraid of letting your students peruse it, it’s time you get over yourself.
Books were nice. In ten years’ time, all reading will be via digital means. And yes, I know, you like the ‘feel’ of paper. Well, in ten years’ time you’ll hardly tell the difference as ‘paper’ itself becomes digitized.

Bio scans. ‘Nuff said.
A coat-check, maybe.
Ok, so this is another trick answer. More subtly put: IT Departments as we currently know them. Cloud computing and a decade’s worth of increased wifi and satellite access will make some of the traditional roles of IT — software, security, and connectivity — a thing of the past. What will IT professionals do with all their free time? Innovate. Look to tech departments to instigate real change in the function of schools over the next twenty years.
School buildings are going to become ‘homebases’ of learning, not the institutions where all learning happens. Buildings will get smaller and greener, student and teacher schedules will change to allow less people on campus at any one time, and more teachers and students will be going out into their communities to engage in experiential learning.
Education over the next ten years will become more individualized, leaving the bulk of grade-based learning in the past. Students will form peer groups by interest and these interest groups will petition for specialized learning. The structure of K-12 will be fundamentally altered.
This is actually one that could occur over the next five years. Education Schools have to realize that if they are to remain relevant, they are going to have to demand that 21st century tech integration be modeled by the very professors who are supposed to be preparing our teachers.
No one knows your school as well as you. With the power of a PLN (professional learing networks) in their back pockets, teachers will rise up to replace peripatetic professional development gurus as the source of schoolwide professional development programs. This is already happening.
There is no reason why every student needs to take however many credits in the same course of study as every other student. The root of curricular change will be the shift in middle schools to a role as foundational content providers and high schools as places for specialized learning.
Ongoing parent-teacher relations in virtual reality will make parent-teacher conference nights seem quaint. Over the next ten years, parents and teachers will become closer than ever as a result of virtual communication opportunities. And parents will drive schools to become ever more tech integrated.
Nutrition information + handhelds + cost comparison = the end of $3.00 bowls of microwaved mac and cheese. At least, I so hope so.

You need a website/brochure/promo/etc.? Well, for goodness sake just let your kids do it. By the end of the decade — in the best of schools — they will be.
Within the decade, it will either become the norm to teach this course in middle school or we’ll have finally woken up to the fact that there’s no reason to give algebra weight over statistics and I.T. in high school for non-math majors (and they will have all taken it in middle school anyway).
In ten years’ time, schools will decrease their paper consumption by no less than 90%. And the printing industry and the copier industry and the paper industry itself will either adjust or perish.


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The world is your classroom

Education | 2011. 5. 6. 23:32 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

This article is from Dr. Steve Wheeler's Blog.

I want to inspire you to reach farther. Most teachers are limited to their classroom, or to the environment within which they and their students can interact. Some may be fortunate enough to escape from the classroom to lead outdoor education trips, or work within a forest school, spending class time exploring and learning from their surroundings. Some teachers are even lucky enough to conduct a comparative studies trip in a foreign country. Most teachers though, usually find themselves trapped within the four walls of the classroom or lecture hall for much of their working week. And yet with the new social media tools, we can all be worldwide educators. All we need is something important to say, and a tool such as this blog as a vehicle to say it with.  It never ceased to amaze me how many students contact me to say how much they enjoy reading this blog. Some have told me how much it has inspired them to learn more, explore, take risks, and reach further.

world education.jpg

This kind of positive affrirmation is very important to me and to other edubloggers. Personally, it's one of the main reasons I continue to blog and invest my time in it. Knowing that what I'm writing, and the richness of the subsequent dialogue are having a such positive impact on someone, is one of the main reasons I blog so regularly.  This morning I happened to stumble upon an interesting Twitter stream hashtag - #qaz11 - which I quickly realised was being generated by a group of students in the care of my old friend Jose Luis Garcia (well worth following him on Twitter: @JL3001, over at the University of Cantabria in Spain. Although the tweets were in Spanish, I was able to translate them using Tweetdeck, and I followed for a little while. The students were discussing the merits of the 10 Teaching with Twitter activities I posted on this blog. It was interesting to see them analyse and evaluate the potential of each of the activities within their own professional context as trainee teachers. Without me actually being there, my thoughts were having an impact on the students' learning - my ideas were helping them to frame their thinking, promote discussion and engage critically with the topic.  The same is happening all over the world, every hour, every day as teachers begin to share their ideas and advice, best practice and top tips across a global platform - the blog. We have become a new breed of teacher Quite literally, we are worldwide educators, with students in every country of the world, who read our blogs, think, argue, learn and then go off to try out some ideas. We don't always see them, and we may never meet them, but they are there, and they are learning.   So don't limit yourself to seeing the four walls of your classroom as the full extent of your world. Reach further - and become a worldwide educator. You have the technology.  Multi-media brought the world into your classroom. Social media will take your classroom into the world.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


9 reasons to replace traditional online courses with games for learning

Education | 2011. 4. 19. 01:21 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

1. Games give lots of choices to learners.


Games are doing a really good job for providing learning with a lot of choices.


2. It is what would do if they had your job.


Games customize your environments based on your profile or levels you are on a game.


It is just like the customization of in which you are provided with customized information about books and other products you are interested in based on your profile or your purchasing experiences.

3. There are no next buttons


There are 2 reasons that learners hate next buttons. The first reason is that it forces learners to be linear for thinking. It is like do this and this and this. Secondly, next buttons overuse context with too many materials for learners to read and do.


4. Cognitive psychologists dig it


The best instruction hovers at the boundary of a learner's competency (by Andy Disessa at Berkley graduate school of education).


<Zone of Proximal Development>

5. Sometimes it is good to fail


If you want to succeed, double your failure rate (by Thomas Watson, the founder of IBM).


6. Games immerse learners in context


For example, games do this. With this kind of games, learners know what to do and how to make it complete.


7. Get rid of learners once and for all


8. Games make data sexy




9. Nobody ever wanted to stay up until 2AM just to take your CBT one more time before going to bed.


Games are more fun and have surprises, collaboration, and most importantly mastery. If you master something, you would feel fun.

In other words, with games, 'Learning is the drug.' (by Raph Koster 'Theory of fun)


In short, there is no learning objective that can't be made into a great game.

But traditional online courses, there is no learning objective that can't be ruined by turning it into a 'nexter'.


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

'Education' 카테고리의 다른 글

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2011 NMC Summer Conference in June

Education | 2011. 4. 4. 14:28 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

It's time to start thinking about Summer Conference! Registration starts April 5th and we're excited to see you ALL in Madison, Wisconsin June 15-18th. Make sure you LIKE the NMC Summer Conference Page on Facebook to get all of the updates (and it'll help get you hyped, too!)


Congratulations to Northwestern University for receiving one of the HP Catalyst Initiative grants for their work in mobile labs! They're helping schools use lab equipment remotely that wouldn't have access otherwise.
Have you caught up on your webinars? This week, we kicked off our Live with Lynda series in Connect@NMC with Lynda Weinman from She talked to Michael Wesch, Digital Anthropologist from Kansas State University about "Authentic Learning" and the changing role of teachers.

Check out Michael's YouTube channel at, and catch the full webinar at

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Augmentd Reality in Education and Training

Education | 2011. 3. 30. 05:11 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

2011 SITE Conference (Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education)


When: March 7th ~ 11th, 2011

Where: Sheraton Music City Hotel, Nashville Tennessee, US


My Presentation Title: Augmented Reality in Education and Training

This is the presentation material of 2011 SITE conference in Nashville Tennessee.
I had my presentation there about learning and training with augmented reality.



I had around 13 audiences listening to my presentation about augmented reality in education and training.

After my presentation for 30 minutes, 5 audiences came to me and shared with me about what they felt about my presentation and other questions they had.

So it was a pretty good experience for me. And some of them took my business card for further contact.


Here is my presentation file, so that you can download it and see what is inside my presentation.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Objectives about recreation and fun in Colorado

Education | 2011. 3. 26. 06:53 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

These are a few instructional objectives about recreation and fun in Colorado.


Objective #1 (Know; Selection)
   * Given the material of recreation in Colorado, students will have access to information on enjoyment in Colorado.
      * Students can get information about two cheapest ski resorts in Colorado within 30 minutes.
      * Students can find out the nearest camp ground from UNC within 20 minutes.

Objective #2 (Do; Organization)
   * Given the material of recreation in Colorado, students will be able to use the information for reservation and share it with other people.
      * Students can make a reservation for one of recreation sites by themselves.
      * Students can share the information with at least 2 friends of theirs.

Objective #3 (Feel; Integrate)
   * Given the material of recreation in Colorado, students will be able to share their feelings about information and places.
      * Students can make a post in a website about the information they have got or what they felt about the places they have been.
      * Students can rate the information in the website they have known about it.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

'Education' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Presentation Skills  (0) 2011.03.23

Futuristic learning and training with augmented reality

Education | 2011. 3. 18. 21:08 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

This was my proceedings paper for 2011 SITE conference.


You can download it from here.

And these are the presentation at 2011 SITE conference in Nashville Tennessee.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Learning and Training in Augmented Reality

Education | 2011. 3. 15. 00:43 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

I attended 2011 SITE conference held in Sheraton Music City Hotel in Nashville

Tennessee last week from March 7th to 11th.

I was one of authors presented a paper on 2011 SITE conference and did my

presentation about learning and training with augmented reality.


It was the first conference ever in my life, so I was kind of so nervous, but I practiced

a lot and did my presentation with 13 audiences.

My presentation was not that good, but my audiences were really interested in my

topic, 'Futuristic Learning and Training with Augmented Reality'.


After my session, 5 audiences came to me and said "It was a really good presentation"

"Your presentation was the best in this 2011 SITE conference.", "It is very informative."

"I have never known Augmented Reality before your presentation." etc.

I was so flattered after my presentation and was so happy.

Some of my audiences wanted to have my business card.


All in all, 2011 SITE conference ended up for me with a lot of inspirations for my

further study in Educational Technology. I will prepare for the next conference with

a different topic.


For those who couldn't or didn't my presentation about learning and training with

augmented reality in 2011 SITE conference, I recorded my presentation with slides and

voice. So enjoy my presentation and don't blame my poor English,

Let me know what you think of my topic and presentation.


Futuristic learning and training with augmented reality part 1



Futuristic learning and training with augmented reality part 2



Futuristic learning and training with augmented reality part 3



이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

'Education' 카테고리의 다른 글

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TechTrends journal

Education | 2011. 2. 19. 08:08 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

This is 'TechTrends' journal's paper submission site.

I recently submitted a research paper to TechTrends.

And I am looking forward to hearing from them with a good news.





This is the abstract of my paper 'Futuristic learning and training in Augmented Reality.


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

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Educational games

Education | 2011. 2. 17. 01:49 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

Teaching with Games

"Children learn best when the content is relevant to them and when they can connect new learning with old," says Marcia Baldanza, principal of Patrick Henry Elementary School in Alexandria, Virginia. “Finding the Velcro to make those connections can be challenging, but with games, it's easy." Baldanza, who feels that playing games has strengthened teacher-student and student-student relationships at her school, notes that students like games because they have fun and learn at the same time, and teachers like them because games help build students’ academic confidence, as well as social and problem-solving skills.

Learn More About Using Games in the Classroom

Education World has published a number of articles and lessons on using games to teach and motivate. They include:
Rock or Feather


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