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'Mind'에 해당되는 글 2

  1. 2011.03.16 'SpicyNodes' interactive communication tool
  2. 2010.12.11 5 Ways to Raise a Grateful Child

'SpicyNodes' interactive communication tool

Creativity | 2011. 3. 16. 00:08 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건


SpicyNodes is a way to visualize online information that mimics that way that

people look for things in the real world. Bits of information — such as text, links,

photos, and other media — are placed into "nodes," which are then linked together

in an appealing interface that invites exploration. SpicyNodes can be used for

everything from mind maps and content portals to organizational charts and

lesson plans. Visit our FAQ for more information.





Should you pay for SpicyNodes? It depends... SpicyNodes has been made freely

available by IDEA as a public service to encourage and support online communication

and educational efforts. Free members get a great way to share, and we want you

to use SpicyNodes. Paid memberships are designed for when you need more control.

Read why you should pay.



  • Story. SpicyNodes was developed out of a passionate belief that traditional ways

    of finding information aren’t always useful or applicable to information published

    on the Web, and that finding new information should be a fun, exploratory journey

    rather than a cumbersome chore. SpicyNodes also arose out of a core principle

    to enhance scientific, artistic, and cultural literacy by improving how people find

    and interact with online information, as well as to contribute to the information

    infrastructure of the Internet. Learn more about our story.

  • One idea. From one cool place. SpicyNodes was born at the Institute for

    Dynamic Educational Advancement (IDEA). Founded in 2002, this nonprofit

    organization recognizes the Internet’s potential to transform the learning process

    by making information accessible and engaging. IDEA is dedicated to identifying

    unique challenges that prevent the Web from reaching its educational potential,

    and developing creative, innovative approaches and technologies to solve those

    problems. You can support IDEA’s ongoing research by joining IDEA or becoming

    a SpicyNodes Organization or Enterprise member. Learn more about IDEA.

  • Who came up with SpicyNodes? A team of programmers, scientists, visionaries,

    and other creative people knew there was a better way to view information.

    They put their heads together and created the recipe for SpicyNodes.

    Learn more about the team.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


5 Ways to Raise a Grateful Child

Education | 2010. 12. 11. 02:27 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

I read a great article about raising a thankful child, So I will share with you.

This article is by Patty Onderko at

"I was 7 years old when I received a tiny Christmas present -- about the size of an

eraser -- awkwardly wrapped and covered in tape. My sister's boyfriend, Jeff, was

visiting and had considerately brought gifts for his girlfriend's three younger siblings.

Mine, though, was by far the smallest. I remember opening it up to reveal a miniature

ceramic dog -- a cold, hard nothing that fit in the palm of my hand -- and thinking

how unlucky I was. I gave Jeff my best cold shoulder the rest of the day.

And I've felt guilty about it ever since. Partly because, in hindsight, Jeff's gift was

very thoughtful: I'd been obsessed with my dollhouse, and he had managed to find

one accessory my dream home did not yet have -- a pet. Still, I couldn't look past

the size of the gift to be grateful for the amount of care that had gone into choosing it.
In this, experts say, I wasn't an unusual kid: For distractible, still-developing children

(and that's pretty much all of them), gratitude can be hard-won. While many can be

trained to say "please" and "thank you" beginning at about 18 months, true

appreciativeness and generosity take time to seed and blossom.

"There's a difference between encouraging thankfulness in your kids and actually

expecting it," says Claire Lerner, a child-development specialist at Zero to Three,

a nonprofit organization dedicated to the healthy development of kids and families.

"Raising a grateful child is an ongoing process."
Vicki Hoefle, director of Parenting on Track, a parent-education program based in

East Middlebury, VT (and the mother of five teenagers), concurs: "As nice as it is to

think about having a five-year-old who appreciates and shows gratitude for everything,

the truth is, parents can feel successful if they raise a thirty-five-year-old who

embodies that grateful spirit."

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

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