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VDT (video display terminals) 안전작업

Safety | 2011. 4. 28. 05:45 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

사무 자동화를 통해 영상표시단말기(Video Display Terminals, VDT) 가 대량 보급되면서 각종 업무에서 이를 활용하기 시작하였고, 점차적으로 사용 자들이 급증함은 물론 사용 기간이 늘어남에 따라 VDT 작업자들에게 나타나는 근골격계의 건강장해, 안과적인 장해, 전자파 장해, 기타 스트레스성 질환 등을 포함한 VDT증후군(VDT Syndrome)이 발생하고 있습니다.


이와 같은 많은 건강장해들 중에는 의학적인 인과관계에 있어 이미 작업 관 련성이 입증된 것도 있지만 아직 명확하게 그 원인관계가 밝혀지지 않은 것들도 있습니다. 컴퓨터를 이용한 반복적인 자료입력을 하는 경우 주로 목, 어깨, 손가 락 및 손목 등의 만성적인 동통과 감각 이상을 초래하는 누적외상성질환 (CTDs)은 그 중 가장 대표적인 건강장해 중의 하나이며, 이미 국내에서도 업무상 질병으로 인정되어 치료를 받았습니다.


영상표시단말기 작업

1. 용어정리 2. 주요관리대상 3. 위험요인 정보 4. 건강장해 정보 5. 점검을 위한 체크리스트 6. 건강장해 예방을 위한 관리지침

7. VDT 작업자를 위한 스트레칭 체조 8. 관리계획 세우기 9. 관련 법규 10. 참고문헌



본 자료를 비 상업적 목적으로 사용하는 것은 권장하지만, 상업적 용도로 복사, 복제, 전재 및 배포하는 것은 금지되어 있습니다.


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Rotate MacBook Screen Orientation

Creativity | 2011. 3. 31. 07:03 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

As people can rotate their screens in Windows with another application, people can rotate displays of Macintosh as well.

But for Macintosh, there is not any software needed to rotate the screen orientation.


<A normal screen shot of MacBook>


<A normal screen shot of Display pane in Preference of MacBook>


All you need is to press two more buttons than usual.

Here is how you can manage to rotate your MacBook display orientation.

  • Launch System Preferences (quit it if it’s already open)
  • Hold down the Command+Option keys and click on “Display”
  • Look for ‘Rotation’ on the right side of the Display window and take your pick

After the display has been rotated, the resolutions adjust from width x height to height x width.

Here’s a screenshot taken with the display on a MacBook Air set at 90° rotation.

You can see one more content, when you hold down the Command+Option and click on "Display". That is 'Rotate (회전)'.


<A rotate screen shot of Display pane in Preference of MacBook>



<A rotate screen shot of MacBook>

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.


Best Christmas Decoration Houses

Life & more | 2010. 12. 21. 22:20 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

There are top 5 best christmas decoration houses in Fort Collins, CO.

Last night, I drove around those houses, looking and taking pictures.

These photos are from those decorated houses I stopped by.

Some of them are just mediocre, but two of houses are so good.

I could not help taking a video clip for those houses.

So, enjoy photos I took yesterday.

Locations of best christmas decoration houses in Fort Collins


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

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Designing effective instructions (CDT)

Education | 2010. 12. 15. 05:55 | Posted by 스마트 안전보건

I read a book about designing effective instructions by David Merrill.

This is about how you organize and prepare for your presentation or instruction in from of

public. These are the summary of it.


Component Display Theory by David Merrill


David Merrill has developed a system of instructional design that is called component display theory (CDT) (1983, 1994). There are parts of CDT that are beyond the purview of this book and most FLEs. However, Merrill’s discussion of primary presentation forms can provide a very useful guide in the development of short presentations, extended training, and publications—any form of FLE (Family Life Educator).

A common way to begin would be to share a principle with the learners. Merrill calls this an expository generality (EG), which simply means that the teacher tells (called “expository” mode) some general idea, principle, concept, truth, or process (a generality).


In order to help learners understand just what the principle means, the teacher may next choose to provide examples (Eeg or expository instances) that illustrate the major points.

In fact, it seemed clear that the child ran out of interest in the food long before the food ran out. The parent continued to shovel the food into an increasingly unhappy child. That is a good example of nonsensitivity.

Even in such situations, the same general principle presides: When parents are sensitive to their children and their needs, the children are more likely to grow into socially competent people.

Each of the subparts of a principle can be taught in the same way. The principle as stated above has at least three major subparts dealing with the importance of sensitivity, commitment, and relationship.

Merrill’s first principle (2001) states that “learning is facilitated when the learner is engaged in solving a real-world problem” (p. 461).

Merrill’s second principle is that learning is facilitated when existing knowledge is activated as a foundation for new knowledge.

Merrill’s (2000) third principle states that learning is facilitated when new knowledge is demonstrated to the learner. “learning is facilitated when new knowledge is demonstrated to the learner” (Merrill, 2000, p. 2). Many demonstrations over many sessions may be necessary for effective learning.

Merrill’s (2001) fourth principle states that “learning is facilitated when the learner is required to use his or her new knowledge to solve problems” (p. 463). Merrill (2000): “Most learners learn from the errors

they make, especially when they are shown how to recognize the error, how to recover from the error, and how to avoid the error in the future” (p. 8).

Merrill’s (2000) fifth and final point is that “learning is facilitated when new knowledge is integrated into the learner’s world” (p. 2). There is nothing quite like teaching to force us to understand a principle and how it works. Your participants might be invited to give a mini lesson to the class, to teach a group at work or in their faith community.

Merrill (2000) observes that there is no satisfaction quite like moving from student to teacher or mentor.

“The real motivation for learners is learning. When learners are able to demonstrate improvement in skill, they are motivated to perform even better” (p. 8). The combination of integrating the skills into everyday life and sharing them with others cements the lessons.

When instruction—whether oral or written—is designed according to established principles of instructional design, the message is more likely to be effective. In addition, the instruction is more likely to be enjoyable for both the educator and the participant.

이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

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