
Laptop (노트북) & Smartphone (스마트폰) 올바른 사용법

스마트 안전보건 2011. 10. 15. 02:17

요즘은 IT 산업과 스마트 모바일 기술이 발달하면서 예전처럼 커다란 노트북과 휴대폰을 들고 다니는 시대는 지나 갔고 크기와 무게는 작아지고 성능은 훨씬 더 좋아진 개인 휴대 단말기들이 많아지고 있습니다. 이러한 현상을 반대로 생각하면 이런 컴팩트하고 스마트한 기기들을 사용함으로써 발생할 수 있는 신체적이고 정신적인 문제들이 전보다 많이 제기될 수 있다는 것입니다.


이와 관련하여 Laptop (노트북), Tablet (태블릿), Smartphone (스마트폰) 사용시 발생할 수 있는 인간공학 (Ergonomics) 적인 문제점들을 발견, 올바른 사용 방법을 보여주는 괜찮은 애니메이션 동영상이 있어서 소개를 하고자 합니다.


동영상은 노트북 사용 관련 애니메이션과 스마트폰의 안전한 사용관련 비디오로 되어 있습니다. 그리고 아래에 있는 내용은 원문을 그대로 옮긴 것임을 알려드립니다. 추가로 위와 관련된 동영상과 포스팅을 링크하도록 하겠습니다.

1. How to use Laptop safely

Ergonomic use of Laptop or Computer devices for recreation or work at home, office or school can bring you great benefits, including your children or kids, if you adopt healthy habits by using them as a correct posture, regular breaks and a proper adjustment of equipment. Awareness of these Ergonomics basic safety tips and suggestions can help prevent or relive occupational work, classroom or home stresses or disorders such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Back / Neck Pain or vision care when using laptop devices


Follow these basic Laptop safety tips to improve your experience:
√ If you use your laptop on the couch :
• Make more frequent breaks because it is the best posture for the back.
• Try to have your back straight and supported on a cushion.

√ To relieve muscle tension in the neck :
• Use a chair that allows you to have your back straight at 90 degrees thighs.
• Relax your neck and keep it aligned with your back.
• Place the top of the screen at eye level.

√ To relieve muscle tension in arms :
• Use a separate keyboard and mouse.
• Keep arms and forearms at 90 degrees.

√ To relieve stress at the hearing :
• Target your job so you are not reflections or glare.
• Blink frequently to keep the eyes hydrated.

√ Children / Kids use of laptop / computers at home :
• Try to have your back straight and supported on a cushion.
• Try to us a cushion to have the screen at eye level.
• Use a separate keyboard and mouse.
• In some cases, use a box as a foot rest.
• Limit time of computer use each day to 30 minutes.
• Ensure your child spends more time exercising then computer time.

by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration:
• Modifications to Existing Furniture
• Attention to Ergonomics
• Frequent Movement
• Frequent Breaks
• Varied Seating
• Body Posture
• Stretching
Leads to a healthy laptop work place, classroom or home healthy habits 

• Fitness 
• Work Style
• Vision Care
• Ergonomics
• Regeneration
• Somatic Awareness
• Stress Management


2. How to use smart phones safety

Ergonomic and Safe use of mobile or smart phones devices for recreation or work can bring you great benefits if you adopt healthy habits by using them as while Driving, Traveling or on the Move. Awareness of local laws, correct posture, regular breaks and a proper adjustment of equipment can help prevent or relive occupational work stresses or disorders such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Back / Neck Pain or vision care when using Smartphones.



Follow these basic Smartphone safety tips to improve your experience:
√ To help prevent accidents:
• Do not use the phone at the wheel without handsfree, and use this only when safe.
• Turn off the phone or silence these when you are driving.
• When walking pay attention to your surroundings.

√ To relieve muscle tension in the neck:
• Avoid holding the phone between the face and shoulder.
• Use a headset microphone and auxiliary to avoid awkward postures.
• Put the phone up to your chest to get the neck in line with back.

√ To relieve muscle tension of the fingers:
• Alternate between thumbs and other fingers to type.
• Keep wrists straight and relaxed to hold and use the device.

√ To relieve stress at the hearing:
• Adjust the brightness and size of fonts.

√ Take breaks between 2 and 3 minutes every 15 minutes and enjoy your
free time silencing your mobile device.
by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration:
• Modifications to Existing Furniture
• Attention to Ergonomics
• Frequent Movement
• Frequent Breaks
• Varied Seating
• Body Posture
• Stretching
Leads to a healthy laptop work place, classroom or home healthy habits

• Fitness 
• Work Style
• Vision Care
• Ergonomics
• Regeneration
• Somatic Awareness
• Stress Management


3. Other links

KOSHA와 함께하는 10분 스트레칭 (Stretching) part 1

KOSHA와 함께하는 10분 스트레칭 (Stretching) part 2

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (손목 터널 증후군)